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The Director’s Inaugural Lecture

Peter Mortimore, Institute of Education

University Of London

Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan PTK

Dosen Pengampu :
IRWAN 18193022
Prof. Dr. Jalius Jama, M.Ed Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana
Prof. Dr. Suparno, M. Pd Program Doktoral UNP 2019
• what do we mean by effective schools?
• what has been the impact of school effectiveness work?
• what is the future potensial of work on school effectiveness
and schoolimprovementdoes the education system help or
hinder effectiveness?
• what should be the role of a university?
• we have had to find a way to describe an effective school, defenition
is “a school in which students progress further than might be expected
froma consideration of its intake (mortimore,1991a:9)
• the term effectiveness, defined in this way, rather than by the simpler
adjectives good or successful, does not imply that all students from
disadvantaged backgrounds are likely to do badly in examinations.
Profesional Leadership firm and purposeful , A participative approach,
the leading profesional

Shared vision and goals unity of purpose ,consistency of practice,

collegiality and collaboration

A learning environment an orderly atmosphere, an attractive working

Concentration on teaching and learning maximisation of learning time
academic emphasis, focus on achievment

Purposeful Teaching efficient organisastion, clarity of purpose,

structured lesson, adaptive practice
Hight expectation High expectations all round, communicating
expectations, providing intellectual challenge

Positive reinforcement clear and fair discipline, feedback

Monitoring progress monitoring pupil peformance, evaluating school

Pupil right and responsibilities raising pupil self esteem, positions of

responsibility, control of work

Home school partnership parental involvement

A Learning Organisation school based staff development

• Seven comment Mortimore on the usefulness of this field of
study :
• Social background theories
• Individual psychological theories of learning
• Institutional effect
• Teaching as an optimistic activity
• The methodology of studying complex social effects
• Experiments in school improvement
• Theoretical basis
In this models Scheerens endeavour
link inputs to school and outputs
from it with processes drawn from
both clasroom and school levels
within a specified context
• in terms of increasing our knowledge of how best to help and support
schools to improve, we now need research on the efficacy of :
• different models of intervention( ranging from the sympathetic
outsider seeking to increase insight, through the provision of
feedback, to the education association which will assume the
statutory powers of the governing body and headteacher).
• different strategies of action (focusing immediately on the
classroom learning and teaching or approaching this,
indirectly,through the governing body and the management
• different ways to ensure the optimum match of the intervention
strategy to the circumstances and context of the school. we now
need to test these actions in carefully evaluated projects
• the system of today is very different to that of 10 years
ago. in some ways it ought to be more supporrtive of school
improvement, local management has enhanced the power
of headteachers and governing bodies to contro their own style inspection will be more regular and will
provide more accurate feedback. there is a new energy
and dynamism among some school staff. i believe that
many of these changes were needed.
• one of roles of a university is to create a knowledge of
first principles and relation rather than of mere fact's as
John Henry Newman wrote in 1852
• A central role of this institute is the promotion of new
ideas in policy and profesional practice grounded in its
reasearch and teaching expertise.
• this institute too has played its parts in generating ideas
for educational change
• interpretation of development in education over the last 20
and so years is that both goverments and universities must
share the blame. (Peter Mortimore)
• Goverments have become impatient
• the goverments changed its policy on testing model but such
haste made no sense, was a poor use of resources and stored
up trouble for the future.
• Goverments have become over idelogical
• Thinking that one always know best
• Goverments focus on the short term
• Universities have been the failure of academic to engage sufficiently
with the real life problems of schooling
• their inability to work to time scales which correspond more closely
with policy needs
• and the tendency to engage in what seem to the outside world to be
rather esoteric debates.
• in the light of such changes, we should be able to create a more
effective system which better serves our society needs and which is
likely to help more school to improve.
• Universities playing a fuller part in the promotion of new ideas,
formulating policies and calculating their espective advantages
• in turn academic must be prepared engage more in the world of
• The Comment of Ernest Barker , a former Principal of King’s Collage, may still be
echoed by future generations of school pupils educated in effective schools.
“ My school..tought me to work, to read, and to think. It gave me
great friendships. It filled me entirely and utterly for nearly the
space of seven years. Outside the cottage, I had nothing but my
school, but having my school I had everythink” (Barker, 1953)

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