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Resolution: GA6-

Submitted by: SWEDEN-passed
Clause: 8a
Proposed Amendment:
8.Strongly encourages countries to take measures against money laundering through
cryptocurrency transactions and provide better cooperation and coordination between
member states, the United Nations, and organizations regarding elimination of illegal
acts in ways such as, but not limited to:
a. establishing annual week-long conferences in major cities consisting of member states’
delegates in North America and Europe for purposes such as but not limited to:
Submitted by: COTE D’IVOIRE-passed
Clause: 10
Proposed Amendment:
10. U​rges the creation of a reporting system which would:
a. be created by member states that employ measures in this resolution
b. include content such as but not limited to:
i. written reflections regarding the effectiveness of adapted measures,
ii. statistics regarding white collar crime rates after measures in the resolution have
been adapted,
iii. reviews by the UNCAC and UNODC that serves to monitor and sustain the
process of cracking down white collar crimes
Submitted by: ARMENIA-passed
Clause: 1bii
Proposed Amendment:
b.increasing the effectiveness of penalization strategies for white collar crimes by:
i. placing an emphasis on persecuting individuals, not corporations as a whole whenever
applicable instead of deferred prosecution,​
ii. shifting the focus away from fines at the minimum of 1,000,000 US dollars and toward
imprisonment for at least 10 years for the individuals involved,
Resolution: GA6-
Submitted by: Poland-Failed
Clause: 3
Proposed Amendment:
1. Urges member states to support The United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) which can provide
funds to support un-democratic member states’ transition into democracy, considering that a
the resolution has been passed, in ways such as but not limited to:
a. Facilitating the means on which states can pass democratic legislation,
b. Creating a means in which member states can use funds only for this purpose and this
purpose alone, and therefore serving as a barrier against corruption or embezzlement of
c. must have a 15% less support to the majority party within the nation’s election
d. must abide by national and international law
e. must provide a report of where the funds have led to within their campaigning;
Submitted by: Equatorial Guinea-Passed
Clause: 1
Proposed Amendment:

d. Requesting yearly reports from all Eastern European nations of the progress made
upon sub clause a about such as but not limited to:

i. Nation’s record regarding human rights

ii. Any shift in government power
iii. Economic spending and distribution
Submitted by: Sweden -Passed
Clause: 1
Proposed Amendment: ​(Amendment to the Second Degree)

iv. cooperating with third-party organizations such as Transparency International,

other non-governmental organizations and the Special Rapporteur from the UN
mentioned in Operative Clause 4 to help gather statistics, review the
aforementioned reports and suggest policy changes;
Resolution: GA6-
Submitted by: Equatorial Guinea-passed
Clause: 8
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

Strike clause 8
Submitted by: Sweden - passed
Clause: 7e,7f
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

7e. Discuss issues of election interference or undue foreign influence over social media advertising with
representatives and experts of all General Assembly member states,

7f. Prepare annual reports for the General Assembly summarizing findings and proposing policy solutions or
courses of action to combat foreign electoral influence,
Submitted by: Poland-passed
Clause: 9
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

9. Urges member states to duly identify and set up solutions against corporations or organizations that might ‘harvest’ social
media accounts for their own use to influence elections(i.e. as in the way of Cambridge Analytica) in methods such as but not
limited to:
a. Create a web net where suspicious cases of ‘academic research’ or any survey/poll collecting social media accounts be
placed under governmental scrutiny,
b. Set regulations for social media companies to collect information from users, and recommends countries set laws which
the information of the users collected by even the company is limited,
c. Severely enforce punishments for privacy violations relating to social media,
d. Set up methods such as Bayesian filtering to detect privacy violations,
Submitted by: Singapore-Failed
Clause: 1
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

1. Calls upon all member states to require social media platforms to implement sufficient countermeasures
deemed malicious by the state including or not limited to:
a. establishing frameworks designed to address the spread of malicious content on social media including
but not limited to:
i. the removal, blocking and filtering of malicious content and/or accounts of perpetrators
ii. the reporting system of malicious use of social media
iii. ensuring perpetrators are not permitted to use such platforms again through tracking down the
phone number or email, anything of the perpetrator that can be used to make a new account
iv. automatic algorithms made by professionals of social media or technology, to automatically
delete the content similar to ones that have been constantly reported on
b. advising social media users to report the malicious use of social media to the respective platforms;
Resolution: GA6-
Submitted by: Bangladesh - failed
Clause: 5
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

Strike clause 5
Submitted by: Angola - passed
Clause: 2d,2e
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

Add 2d
d. educating employees in the workplace on serious drawbacks and
risks of white-collar crimes and how they can damage a large group of
people and corporations as a whole,
e. educating employees on what constitutes a white-collar crime and
how to identify and report instances of white-collar crimes
Submitted by: Sweden - passed
Clause: 2d
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

2nd degree

d. implementing corporate training programs for employees taught by experts from relevant
NGOs and the UNODC through methods such as but not limited to:
i. discussing strategies to avoid white-collar crimes and increasing transparency in the
workplace through ways such as making sure the company’s financial systems are not placed within
the reins of a single entity but multiple parties,
ii. clarifying federal sentencing guidelines and the severe risks that come with white collar
crimes to every single member,
iii. inviting former criminal offenders to encourage moral and ethical behavior by sharing their
personal experiences and thoroughly explaining the consequences of their previous actions;
Submitted by: Cote d’Ivoire - passed
Clause: 5c
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

c. increasing effectiveness of penalization of white collar crimes through

ways such as:
i. actively prosecuting individuals in companies that committing bribery
ii. cracking down Ponzi schemes through reaching out to victims working at
the bottom of Ponzi schemes
iii. increasing transparency in workplace through implementing systems that
publicize records within financial systems
iv. encouraging internal reviews which actively centralize workers together
to discuss flaws with the company policies.
Resolution: GA6-
Submitted by: Poland-failed
Clause: 6
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify
6. Expresses its hope that governments would communicate its actions publicly to the populace and keep governmental
transparency so that the citizens would easily be informed of the government's actions in ways such as but not limited to:
a. Setting up a new news network by the government and to be monitored by the UN to ensure that information is
clearly devoid of bias that would televise to the citizens information such as:
i. Televised sessions of the meeting of any national governing body (if applicable),
ii. Accurate and honest election results,
iii. Any legislative updates(i.e. Law changes),
iv. The country’s current foreign policy,
v. The country’s stance on various world affairs,
b. The creation of a new website to be accessed easily as its own link or from the governmental website that would
display the same information discussed above, but in written/diagram form,
c. The distribution of a new printed newspaper, to again be proofread by the United Nations that would consist of
information similar to the website but would include other information, mostly current events that should be
communicated clearly to the citizen,
d. The establishment of a new website to hold petitions submitted by the citizens, as in the case of South Korea, so that
the government is able to listen to the citizens of the country and make reforms based on it;
Submitted by: Sweden-failed
Clause: 2
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

2. Calls for a conference between the Economist Intelligence Unit and the United
Nations to review and adopt the Democracy Index for use in other clauses of this
resolution, through methods such as but not limited to:
a. consolidating the resources the United Nations has, including databases,
with the parties with the Economist Intelligence Unit such as the Bazian
group and Clearstate,
b. increasing the transparency and accountability of the process by
revealing the experts who are in charge of scoring the democratic
intentions of these nations as well as their nationalities and affiliations;
Resolution: GA6-
Submitted by: Cote d’ivoire-passed
Clause: 8
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

8. Urges member states to support a variety of news organizations to increase

sources in which citizens receive their information through ways such as but not
limited to:
a. subsidizing local news organizations
b. promoting international or local informative platforms that were not used often
in member states
Submitted by: Bangladesh-passed
Clause: 3
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

Strike clause 3a
Submitted by: Poland
Clause: 9
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

9. Urges governments to set parameters for ‘malicious’ use for social media and
set the difference between malicious social media usage and political advertising,
determining this based on information this contains such as but not limited to:
a. Factually incorrect information,
b. Information containing bias,
c. Any information contradicting what is already set,
d. Advertisements that could be considered to contain propaganda;
Submitted by: Ghana-passed
Clause: 6
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify

6. Strongly suggests member states to implement an educational program

improving media literacy in regards to digital information, practical skills in
browsing and evaluating content on social media by means such as, but not
limited to:
a. Implementing mandatory programs for all citizens within public community
centers, school curriculums and workplaces that:
i. Inform citizens how social media can be used maliciously,
ii. Preventing from arbitrary use of social media such as sharing stories,
tweeting or retweeting an unknown source,
iii. Teaching ways to detect fake news and websites,
iv. Advise citizens to report the malicious use of social media to the
respective platform,
Submitted by: Ghana-passed
Clause: 6
Proposed Amendment: Add/Strike/Modify(to the 2nd degree)

Remove “mandatory”

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