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Photomicrographs often have magnification bars to allow
calculation of the actual size of specimens.

In this exercise you will calculate the
Magnification magnification and/or true size of the

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10
Before we begin:

 Note:
 Numbers written like this: 1.26 x 105 mean you
move the decimal point to the right. In this case
you move it 5 times:
 1.26 x 105 = 126000.0

1.2 6 0 0 0.0
Before we begin:

 Note:
 Numbers written like this: 1.26 x 10-5 mean you
move the decimal point to the left. In this case
you move it 5 times:
 1.26 x 10-5 = 0.0000126

0.0 0 0 0 1.2 6
Have a go at these:

 1.45 x 104 = 14500.0

 0.37 x 107 = 3700000.0

 86.41 x 10-3 = 0.08641

 2.65 x 10-2 = 0.0265

Figure 5.1 Paramecium caudatum

Figure 5.1 Paramecium caudatum

Measured length = 142mm

142 ÷ 600 = 0.237mm

0.237mm = 237μm

Figure 5.2 chloroplasts

Figure 5.2 chloroplasts

Mean measured length of the four

largest chloroplasts = 39.25mm

39.25 ÷ 9000 = 0.0044mm

0.0044mm = 4.4μm
Figure 5.3 a bacterium

Measured length = 128mm

128 ÷ 0.002mm = magnification

Magnification = x64000
Figure 5.4 seven week human embryo
Figure 5.4 seven week human embryo

Measure the actual length of the

scale bar and divide by the
length it represents

Magnification = 25 ÷ 10 = x2.5
Figure 5.5 head of a fruit fly
Figure 5.5 head of a fruit fly

Measure the actual length of the

scale bar and divide by the
length it represents

Magnification = 12.5 ÷ 0.2 = x62.5

Figure 5.6 pollen grain
Figure 5.6 pollen grain

(a) Measure the actual length of

the scale bar and divide by
the length it represents
Magnification = 25 ÷ 0.02 = x1250

(b) 47mm

(c) 47 ÷ 1250 = 0.0376mm

0.0376mm = 37.6μm
Figure 5.7 red blood cells in an arteriole
Figure 5.7 red blood cells in an arteriole

Measured length of scale bar = 30mm

Magnification = 30 ÷ 0.01 = x3000

Diameter = 25mm [approx]

Actual diameter = 25 ÷ 3000 = 0.0083mm

0.0083mm = 8.3μm
Figure 5.8 a mitochondrion
Figure 5.8 a mitochondrion

Measured length of scale bar = 30mm

Magnification = 30 ÷ 0.002 = x15000

Measured width = 34mm

Actual width = 34 ÷ 15000 = 0.0023mm

0.0023mm = 2.3μm
Figure 5.9 bacteriophage [a type of virus]
Figure 5.9 bacteriophage [a type of virus]

Measured length of phage = 29mm

Magnification = 29 ÷ 0.0002 = 145000

Magnification = 1.45 x 105

Figure 5.10 potato cells

starch grains
Figure 5.10 potato cells

Mean diameter of the cells = 38mm [approx]

Measured length of scale bar = 24mm

Magnification = 24 ÷ 0.1 = x240

Diameter of the cells = 38 ÷ 240 = 0.158mm

0.158mm = 158μm
 The resolving power of the unaided eye is approximately 0.1mm
 The maximum useful magnification of light microscope is around
 Plant and animal cells typically measure around 20µm
 Many organelles are as small as 25nm – beyond the resolving
power of the light microscope [wavelength of light is 500nm
 Wavelength of electron beam is 0.005nm
 Maximum resolving power of the electron microscope is 0.2nm
Question 11
Visible at
Structure Size Kind of structure
bacteriophage 0.2μm virus 

bacterium 2.0μm prokaryotic cell  (just)

mitochondrion 2.3μm eukaryotic organelle 

chloroplast 4.4μm eukaryotic organelle 

red blood cell 8.3μm eukaryotic cell 

pollen grain 38μm eukaryotic cell 

potato cell 158μm eukaryotic cell 

paramecium 237μm eukaryotic organism 

embryo 30mm eukaryotic organism 

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