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Development Plan

2011 - 2012
Character and Ethos
C4 Castlemorton- embedded in practice
Care, commitment, cooperation, confidence

 Maintaining good, striving for outstanding.

 Curriculum drivers underpin ethos:

Environment and Forest School
Community and global partnership
PSHE and sport
Enterprise and ICT
 Pupil attainment- 75-90:40 profile for reading, writing and
mathematics in each year group.
What we are doing to make the difference:
Writing- focus on spelling.
Reading- focus on intervention programmes, home support and
reading comprehension.
Mathematics- focus on calculations approaches and reasoning and

 Pupils’ learning and progress- All children to make 2 whole levels

plus a sub level across a key stage.
What are we doing to make a difference:
Comprehensive data tracking used to indentify specific
groups/individuals for intervention/extension and support.
Provision in curriculum motivates and inspires successful learning.
To maintain record for there to be no significant difference for SEN children
with regard to attainment and progress.
Extra time for parents- SENco chats, more time at parents’ evening, positive
links with outside agencies, engaging with parents.
Intervention programmes well managed.
Accurate and comprehensive IEPS, reports and data tracking.

 Pupils’ achievement and extent to which they enjoy learning

Children express a love of learning- curriculum design allows children to be
directly involved in learning choices that develop understanding and enable
them to practise skills exceptionally well.
Personalised approaches to learning enable all pupils to succeed
Concentration levels are good or better and children are rarely off task.
Pupils develop resilience when tackling challenging activities in a range of
 Pupils feel safe
Children contribute to class contracts.
Children take responsibility seriously and know that the rules in
school are there to keep them safe.
Children know who to turn to for help and advice.
Parents concerns are considered

 Pupils learning behaviour

Pupils improve independent skills and parents support this
Pupil attitude is respectful
Practise into policy- whole school consistency
 Healthy Lifestyles- PSHE driver woven into curriculum choice.
Whole school events- let’s be more healthy week…

 Contribution to school and wider community- Responsibility

groups linked to drivers in curriculum. Community projects woven
into topic/project choice. Whole school events- Three counties
Garden, Gambia link, sports projects.

 Attendance- Target 96%

 Pupils’ develop workplace and other skills that will contribute

to their future economic wellbeing – Enterprise to be included as
a driver underpinning topic/project choice.
Pupils and parents are punctual and support school times, uniform
expectations and homework.
 Quality of Teaching
Striving for outstanding- each teacher takes responsibility for
improving their practice – inspiring pupils, exceptional progress,
excellent subject knowledge, understanding pupils.
Other adults are used effectively to support learning.
Resources have make a marked contribution to the quality of

 Assessment
Assessment- accurate assessments are made that inform planning
and ensure that learning is matched accurately to pupils next steps.
 Curriculum
School maintains position as forefront of successful innovative
curriculum design- PEP
High quality learning, wider personal development and well being.
Highly coherent and relevant curriculum- developing understanding
and skills.

 Care, guidance and support

All Safeguarding procedures are in place to a high standard
Well targeted support is effectively monitored
Parental engagement- clarity about sphere of influence
Leadership and Management
 Teaching and Learning:
Strong sense of shared purpose- striving for outstanding,
commitment to consistent approaches and whole school initiatives.
Rigorous and extensive monitoring- peer checking
Sharing best practice- taking responsibility to improve

 Governors
Succession Planning – clear and well focused plans in place
Governors engage well with pupils, parents and the staff as a whole
and are knowledgeable of work of the school through monitoring.
They use these views to inform strategic priorities for development.
Leadership and Management
 Engagement with Parents
Maintain effective communication
Consider sphere of influence and work hard on those things that
relate to outcomes for pupils
Provide consistency across school

 Effectiveness of partnerships in promoting learning and well being

Continue to develop partnerships across pyramid, with others schools locally,
nationally and internationally- strengthen national links, maintain Gambia link.
 Equal Opportunities- sophisticated systems in place for monitoring and evaluating
practice- policy updated
 Safeguarding- All procedures are of a high standard. Risk assessments are
reviewed. Health and Safety Audit completed and actioned where necessary.
 Community Cohesion- School plays a key role in the community and beyond. The
sense of school community grows and strengthens- links with friends, events and
visits. Community embedded as curriculum driver.
 Value for Money- Good financial systems are in place- New role of cluster business
Early Years
Pre-school and Reception
 Outcomes
Children make significant gains in learning
The children show high levels of independence, curiosity, imagination and
concentration – parents support the development of these skills
Children are caring, cooperative, committed and confident.

 Provision
Questioning skills continue to develop thinking and understanding.
New initiatives for early years profile are embedded into practice
ECERS recommendations are implemented and the assessment tools
continue to support outcomes for pupils.
Environment is highly stimulating and reflects children’s backgrounds and wider community.
Assessments are based on FS1 and FS2.

 Leadership and Management

Continuity and progression across the foundation stage in monitored and evaluated
Risk assessments are reviewed
Planning significantly enhances outcomes for pupils.

 Overall Effectiveness
All aspects are good with at least one outstanding.
Overall Effectiveness
 Striving for Outstanding

Everyone involved,
everyone responsible

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