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An Instrument for
Local Governance and
What is the Executive and
Legislative Agenda (ELA)?

A document that
contains the
governance program of
a province, city or
municipality for a given
period, usually 3 years,
corresponding to the
term of office of elected
What is the Executive and
Legislative Agenda (ELA)?

A participatory process that

promotes partnership
between local executive and
legislative and the
involvement of multi-
stakeholders in the
identification & programming
of 3-year LGU development
What is the Executive and
Legislative Agenda (ELA)?

An implementation
instrument that
strengthens utilization of
LGU information, other
plans & stakeholder
agenda; & that builds in
the resources &
capacities required to
carry out the priorities.
Important uses of an ELA:
Lead the executive and the
legislative branches towards
a unified vision, mission,
goals and objectives.

Enable the executive and

legislative branches to agree
on priority problems and

Help the LGU focus on a set

of interventions towards the
attainment of a common set
of objectives and goals.
Important uses of an ELA:
Increase the chances for
implementation of
priority programs of the
executive department, if
the legislative branch
formulates ordinances in
support of the LCE
program of government.

Speed up the
implementation of
priority projects.
Relationship of ELA to Other LGU Plans
Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Framework Plan

Zoning Plan/
Medium-Term Comprehensive Barangay Developments
Framework Plan Development Plan & Other Sectoral Plans

Instruments Executive - Legislative Agenda

Local Development Regulatory Measures

Investment Program

Annual Investment Plan

Qualities of a Good ELA
1.Objective – must be grounded
on an objective research and a
good analysis of the local
2.Integrated – must be a product
of a thorough review and
validation of existing LGU
plans, and consolidation of
insights shared by
Qualities of a Good ELA
3. Needs-based – must be
anchored on the real needs of
the local community by using
the minimum basic needs
(MBN) surveys.
4. Focused – it should channel
LGU efforts and resources
towards interventions that are
anticipated to contribute to
the realization of long-term
development goals while
bringing immediate benefits
to its constituency.
Qualities of a Good ELA
5.Widely-shared and
Participatory – must be
widely-shared, crossing
party lines and sectors.
6.Time-bound – must be
implemented by elected
officials during their
term of office.
Qualities of a Good ELA
7. Implementable – must be
owned and used by key
decision-makers such as
the LCEs and the legislative
leaders as they make policy
and program decisions.
8. Enjoys Top Management
Support – it must enjoy
strong support and
commitment from LGU
officials, particularly the
Sample Format of an ELA
Provisional ELA Report Outline
Message from the LCE
Sanggunian Resolution Adopting the ELA
I. Vision and Mission
II. Brief Profile of the LGU
III. Development Strategies by Sector
A. Sector Situation
B. Development Goals & Objectives
C. Programs, Projects, Activities
IV. Capacity Development Needs & Interventions
V. Priority Legislative Requirements
VI. Resource Mobilization Strategies
VII. Plan Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
The Executive-Legislative
Agenda Cycle

ELA Preparation

LGU Vision,
Mission, Goals and

ELA Performance ELA Implementation

Steps Managing and Sustaining
12 ELA Implementation
in the 11 Popularizing the ELA
ELA process 10 Moving the ELA to Action
9 Securing Endorsement and Approval
8 Building Commitment

7 Determining Legislative Requirements

6 Identifying and Prioritizing Programs and Projects

5 Formulating Goals and Objectives

4 Defining the LGU Vision and Mission

3 Consulting with Multi-stakeholders

2 Prioritizing Issues

1 Planning to Plan

The 12 Steps in ELA Formulation © 2004 LGL INSTITUTE

Benefits of the ELA for LGUs
1. A planning and
budgeting tool
2. A transparency and
accountability tool
3. A performance
measurement tool
4. A communication tool
Success Factors of an Effective ELA
Effective Local Governance is a continuing challenge to local government
units. Good governance does not happen overnight. It is a result of thorough
and systematic planning and efficient and effective execution of plans
involving various stakeholders in the locality.
Hence, the following should be considered in formulating an ELA:

1. Full support and commitment of the LCE, SB and the ELA Team.
2. A competent and dedicated Team to formulate and implement the ELA.
3. Adoption of appropriate planning and participatory tools and techniques
in the ELA formulation process.
4. Building on existing LGU plans and convergence of existing
sectoral/thematic plans into a single planning document.
5. Integrating the ELA process into the regular/mandated local structures
and systems for planning and investment programming and not as a
stand alone planning activity.
Success Factors of an Effective ELA
6. Involving the mandated planning
bodies, especially the LDC and the
SBs, in the various stages of the ELA
7. Meaningful consultation and validation
with various stakeholders.
8. Popularizing the ELA, or making the
ELA widely known, to the larger
9. Tapping the services of external
facilitators or coaches for appropriate
technical assistance.
10.Instituting two-way feedback
mechanisms on ELA implementation
on a sustained basis.

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