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Ancient science of

 Ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine is a system of
traditional medicine native to India and a form of
alternative medicine.
 The term is derived from Sanskrit words āyus,
meaning "longevity", and Veda, meaning "knowledge"
or "science”.
 The earliest literature on Indian medical practice
appeared during the Vedic period in India, i.e., in the
mid-second millennium BCE. The Suśruta Saṃhitā
and the Charaka Saṃhitā are encyclopedias of
medicine compiled from various sources from the
mid-first millennium BCE to about 500 CE. They are
among the foundational works of Ayurveda.
 The system of medicine was received by Dhanvantari
from Brahma, and Dhanvantari was deified as the god
of medicine.
 In later times his status was
gradually reduced, until he
was credited with having been
an earthly king named Divodasa.
 Other earlier works of ayurveda include the Charaka
Samhita, attributed to Charaka. The earliest surviving
excavated written material which contains references to the
works of Sushruta is the Bower Manuscript, dated to the
6th century AD. The Bower manuscript is of special interest
to historians due to the presence of Indian medicine and its
concepts in Central Asia.
 At an early period, Ayurveda adopted the physics of
the "five elements" (Pṛthvī (earth), Jala(water), Agni
(fire), Vāyu (air) and Ākāśa (Sky)) — that compose the
universe, including the human body.
 Chyle or plasma (called rasa dhātu), blood (rakta
dhātu), flesh (māṃsa dhātu), fat (medha dhātu), bone
(asthi dhātu), marrow (majja dhātu), and semen or
female reproductive tissue (śukra dhātu) are held to be
the seven primary constituent elements – saptadhātu
of the body. Ayurvedic literature deals elaborately with
measures of healthfulliving duringthe entire spanof
life and its variousphases.
 Ayurveda stresses a balance of three elemental
energies or humors: Vāyu vāta (air & space – "wind"),
pitta (fire & water – "bile") and kapha (water & earth –
"phlegm"). According to ayurvedic medical theory,
these three substances — doṣas (literally that which
deteriorates) — are important for health, because
when they exist in equal quantities, the body will be
healthy, and when they are not in equal amounts,the
body will be unhealthy in various ways.
One ayurvedic theory asserts that
each human possesses a unique
combination of doṣas that define
that person's temperament and
Another view, also present in the
ancient literature, asserts that
humoral equality is identical to
health, and that persons with
preponderances of humours are
proportionately unhealthy, and
that this is not their natural
 In ayurveda, there are 20 fundamental qualities, guṇa,
inherent in all substances. Surgery and surgical
instruments were employed from a very early period,
Ayurvedic theory asserts that building a healthy
metabolic system, attaining good digestion, and
proper excretion leads to vitality. Ayurveda also focuses
on exercise, yoga, and meditation
 In olden days, we use tumeric powder for different
 We hand mango leaves around whole house at time of

 Turmeric Contains Bioactive Compounds With
Powerful Medicinal Properties.
 Turmeric Dramatically Increases the Antioxidant
Capacity of the Body.
 Curcumin Boosts Brain-Derived Neurotrophic
Factor, Linked to Improved Brain Function and a
Lower Risk of Brain Diseases.
 Turmeric Can Help Prevent (And Perhaps Even
Treat) Cancer.
 These leaves releases more oxygen .
 Regulates Diabetes
 Lowers blood pressure
 Fights restlessness
 Treats gall and kidney stones
 Cures respiratory problems
 Treats dysentery
 Remedy for ear aches
 Heals burns
 Stops hiccups
 Good for your gut
Hatha yoga is a system of yoga introduced by Yogi Swatmarama, a Hindu sage of
15th century India, and compiler of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

The Sanskrit term haṭha refers to the use of persistence or force, and haṭhayoga
is translated by the Monier-Williams dictionary as "a kind of forced Yoga or
abstract meditation (forcing the mind to withdraw from external objects;
treated of in the Haṭha‐pradīpikā by Svātmārāma and performed with much
self‐torture, such as standing on one leg, holding up the arms, inhaling smoke
with the head inverted &c.).

" Swatmarama introduces his system as preparatory stage of physical

purification that the body practices for higher meditation or Yoga. It is based on
asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques, also known as
shatkarma). Hatha Yoga became popular in the west beginning in the second
half of the 20th century, and is often referred to simply as "Yoga" in the context
of healthand physical exercise.
 Hatha yoga consists of six limbs focused on attaining
samādhi. In this scheme, the six limbs of hatha yoga
are defined as asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana,
dhyana and samādhi.
 An important part of hatha practices is awakening of
Kundalini. The signs of success in hatha yoga are
slenderness of the body, cheerful face, hearing
mystical sound, bright eyes, sense of well-being,
control over the bindu, increase in gastric fire and
purification of the nadis.
 The words prana (life-force) and ayama (to lengthen or
regulate) make up pranayama. Pranayama seeks to
lengthen, control and regulate the breath. In one
variation, the rechak (exhaled air), poorak (inhalation)
and kumbhak (retention during normal inhaling and
exhaling) are the three parts of the breath that are
regulated. Pranayama is practiced to develop mental,
physical and spiritual strength.
 Yoga's combined focus on mindfulness, breathing and
physical movements brings health benefits with
regular participation. Yoga participants report better
sleep, increased energy levels and muscle tone, relief
from muscle pain and stiffness, improved circulation
and overall better general health. The breathing aspect
of yoga can benefit heartrate and blood pressure.
 The 2019 "Yoga in America" survey, conducted by Yoga
Journal, shows that the number of 55 million people
will definitely try yoga within the next year.

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