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Mr. Steiner
1.2 The mole concept
● The mole is a fixed number of particles and refers to the
amount, n, of substance.
● Masses of atoms are compared on a scale relative to 12C
and are expressed as relative atomic mass (Ar) and relative
formula/molecular mass (Mr).
● Molar mass (M) has the units g mol-1.
● The empirical formula and molecular formula of a
compound give the simplest ratio and the actual number of
atoms present in a molecule respectively.
● Define the mole, relative atomic mass and relative
formula/molecular mass.
1.2 The mole concept
Applications and skills:
● Calculation of the molar masses of atoms, ions, molecules
and formula units.
● Solution of problems involving the relationships between
the number of particles, the amount of substance in moles
and the mass in grams.
● Interconversion of the percentage composition by mass
and the empirical formula.
● Determination of the molecular formula of a compound from
its empirical formula and molar mass.
● Obtaining and using experimental data for deriving
empirical formulas from reactions involving mass changes.
Is Chemistry Hard??
Maybe! --- but you will
develop skills that are
valuable for the rest of
your life!

In chemistry a mole is not an
1 mole (mol) is Avogadro’s Number of
anything = 6.02 x 1023

A useful conversion factor is

1 mol_____________

6.02 x 10 23 of whatever you are counting

In chemistry we count
“representative particles (rp’s)”

The name of the rp’s in a substance depends on the type of

bonding present. There are 3 types we will deal with.
RP’s in metallic bonding

In metallic bonding, the

rp’s are atoms. i.e., in 1
mole of solid
aluminum there are
6.02 x 1023 aluminum
RP’s in a covalent compound

In a covalent compound
the rp’s are molecules.
In 1 mole of ethanol
(CH3CH2OH) there are
6.02 x 1023 molecules.
RP’s in an ionic compound

In an ionic compound the

rp is called a formula
unit = the lowest whole
number ratio of atoms
in a compound e.g.
The Mass of a Mole
Consider and compare these samples:
1 mole of C atoms
1 mole of H2O molecules
1 mole of NaCl formula units

● How are they the same?

● How are they different?
Do the samples have
the same mass?
Does 1 dozen bunnies weigh the same as 1 dozen
No, you have 12 of each but the bunnies weigh less
than the elephants.
So how much does a mole of something weigh???
It all goes back to the mass standard…What was it?
12C is the mass standard
● 1 amu = 1/12th the mass of a C-12 atom

● 1 mole of carbon atoms in 12g of pure carbon-12 is

experimentally determined to be 6.02 x 1023 atoms.
Molar mass
● Because all masses in the PT are made relative to
12C, a whole world of conversion factors exists!

1 mole of any element

its atomic mass expressed in grams

1 mol of He atoms
4.003 g He

1 mole of Na
22.99 g of Na
What is atomic mass? Mass number? Atomic number?
Putting it all together using the
Percentage Composition
by Mass
● The percentage of the mass contributed by each
● Calculate the percentage composition of water.

% H = Ar(H) x 100% = 2(1.01) x 100% = 11.2% H

Mr(H2O) 18.02

% O = Ar(O) x 100% = (16.00) x 100% = 88.8% O

Mr(H2O) 18.02
Percentage Composition
by Mass
● Calculate the percentage composition of methane,

% H = Ar(C) x 100% = (12.01) x 100% = 74.8% C

Mr(CH4) 16.05

% O = Ar(H) x 100% = 4(1.01) x 100% = 25.2% H

Mr(CH4) 16.05
Empirical Formula
● Use the percentage composition to determine the ratio of
Relative amount = % composition
of substance Ar mass
n(C) = 74.8 = 6.23 n(H) = 25.2 = 25.0
12.01 1.01

● Use the smallest quotient to determine the lowest whole

number ratio

C = 6.23 = 1.00 H = 25.0 = 4.01 ~ 4 CH4

6.23 6.23
Fractional Ratios
● If the ratio does not come out even, multiply by the
denominator of the fraction.

● 1:1.25 Note that 0.25 = ¼, so multiply each side by 4.

● 4(1) = 4, 4(1.25) = 5⇒ 4:5

● 1:1.33 Note that 0.33 = ⅓ , so multiply each side by 3.

● 3(1) = 3, 3(1.33) = 4 ⇒ 3:4
Molecular Formula
● Determine the number of empirical formula units equal
the molecular mass.
molar mass
empirical formula
● A carbohydrate with the empirical formula CH2O has
a molar mass of 180 g mol-1.
● Determine the molecular formula.

180 = 6(CH2O) = C6H12O6

We Are Here
1.3 Reacting masses and volumes
Limiting & Excess Reactants / Yields
● Reactants can be either limiting or excess.
● The experimental yield can be different from the
theoretical yield.

Applications and skills:

● Solution of problems relating to reacting quantities,
limiting and excess reactants, theoretical,
experimental and percentage yields.
The Limiting Reactant
● In a reaction, we can describe reactants as being ‘limiting’
or in ‘excess’
● Limiting – this is the reactant that runs out
● Excess – the reaction will not run out of this

2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O

● For example, if you have 2.0 mol H2 and 2.0 mol O2

● H2 is the limiting reactant – it will run out
● O2 is present in excess – there is more than enough
The Limiting Reactant
● To determine this, divide the moles of each reactant by
its coefficient in the equation. The smallest number is the
limiting reactant:
2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O

● H2: 2.0 / 2 = 1.0 – smallest therefore limiting, O2: 2.0 / 1 = 2.0

● H2: 2.0 will need 1.0 mol of O2.
There is more than enough O2 so it is in excess,
making H2 limiting.
Theoretical, actual and
percentage yield
● Theoretical yield is the maximum amount of product you
would make if the limiting reactant was fully converted to
● Use the limiting reactants maths to work this out.
● Actual yield is the actual amount of product collected after a
● It is always less than the theoretical yield
● Percentage yield reflects how close you got to achieving the
theoretical yield:
Example: After the thermal decomposition of some calcium
carbonate, I collected 0.437 mol of calcium oxide, which was a
77.4% yield. How much calcium carbonate did I start with?

CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 Check for


Rearrange yield

theoretical yield
● = (0.437 / 77.4) x 100 Sub-in the
● = 0.565 mol
Limiting Reactants
Limiting Reactants
n(NH3) = 1.06 mol n(CuO) = 1.14 mol
● Divide by their coefficients in the equations
1.06/2 = 0.530 1.14/3 = 0.380
● The one with the smaller number is the L.R. and the other
is in excess. So CuO is the limiting reactant.
Molar Volumes of Gases
We Are Here
1.3 Reacting masses and volumes
Volumes of Gases
● Avogadro’s law enables the mole ratio of reacting
gases to be determined from volumes of the gases.
● The molar volume of an ideal gas is a constant at
specified temperature and pressure.

Applications and skills:

● Calculation of reacting volumes of gases using
Avogadro’s law.
In Calculations….
● What volume of H2 gas is produced when 0.0500 mol Li
reacts with excess acid at S.T.P.?
Check for
● 2 Li(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → 2 LiCl(aq) + H2(g) balanced

n(H2) = n(Li) x 1/2 = 0.0500 x 1/2 = 0.0250mol moles of

● V(H2) = 0.025mol x 22.7 dm3/mol = 0.568 dm3 volume
Time to practice
1. What is the minimum volume of H2 gas required to fully reduce 10.0 g
copper (II) oxide to copper?

CuO(s) + H2(g) → Cu(s) + H2O(l)

2. In a car airbag, sodium azide (NaN3) decomposes explosively to

make N2 gas. What is the minimum mass of sodium azide required to
fully inflate a 60.0 dm3 airbag, assuming STP?

2 NaN3(s) → 2 Na(s) + 3 N2(g)

3. 500 cm3 methane reacts with 600 cm3 oxygen to produce carbon
dioxide and water. What are the final volumes of each of the three
gases on completion of the reaction?

CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

We Are Here
1.3 Reacting masses and volumes
Ideal Gas Law
Applications and skills:
● Solution of problems and analysis of graphs involving
the relationship between temperature, pressure and
volume for a fixed mass of an ideal gas.
● Solution of problems relating to the ideal gas equation.
Get down on the Dance floor!
Imagine a large group of dancers on an enclosed dance
floor represents gas molecules bouncing around inside a
The dancers move back and forth across the floor, but not
off the floor.
Dance Floor Analogy
Decide which of the four variables,
volume, temperature, pressure or
number of molecules is most like each
of the following.

Explain your choices.

● The number of dancers
● The size of the room
● The beat of the music
● The number and force of collisions
among dancers
Dance Floor Analogy
● How does each of the following situations relate to kinetic
molecular theory of gases?

● The beat of the music and the number of dancers remain the same,
but the size of the dance floor increases

● The size of the dance floor and the number of dancers remain the
same, but the beat of the music becomes faster.

● The size of the dance floor and the beat of the music are kept the
same, but the number of dancers increases
Molar Volume of a Perfect Gas
● How can the molar volume of gases be the same for any gas?
● The distance between particles is much bigger than the size
of the particles….so particle size makes very little difference:
● The blue particle is twice the size of the red particle, but the
blue particles are not taking up twice the amount of space.



● In reality, the relative distance between the molecules is

much greater than this.
The Ideal Gas Equation
● The volume a gas takes up is determined by:
● Pressure
● Temperature
● Moles of gas
● This combines to form the ideal gas equation
PV = nRT
● Where:
● P = pressure in Pa
● V = volume in m3
● n = moles of gas (remember n = m/Mr)
● R = gas constant, 8.31 J K-1 mol-1
● T = temperature in K
Ideal Gas Assumptions
● Particles occupy no volume

● Particles have zero intermolecular forces

● These are not always valid, particularly at:

● Low temperature – when intermolecular forces become
● High pressure – when particle volume becomes
Study the equation and predict the lines you would
expect on these graphs (assuming the third factor is


Temperature Temperature

Example 1: 1.048 g of unknown gas A, occupies 846 cm3 at
500K and standard pressure. What is it’s molecular mass?
State ideal gas

Rearrange for
chosen subject

Sub in numbers
with unit

Molecular Mass = mass/moles Complete the


= 1.048g /0.0204 mol = 51.4g/mol

Example 2:
● The volume of an ideal gas at 54.0 °C is
increased from 3.00 dm3 to 6.00 dm3. At
what temperature, in °C, will the gas have
the original pressure? Where does this
come from?
● Use a modified version of the ideal
gas equation:

54.0 converted to
Kelvin by adding

3.00 / 327.0 = 6.00 / T2

T2 = (6.00 x 327.0 / 3.00) = 654 K
Key Points
● The Ideal Gas equation:
PV = nRT
● Also:

● Provided that:
● Molecules have zero volume
● Molecules experience no attraction to each other
We Are Here
1.3 Reacting masses and volumes
● The molar concentration of a solution is determined by
the amount of solute and the volume of solution.
● A standard solution is one of known concentration.
Solutions Basics
● Aqueous copper sulfate solution:

● This is the strength of a solution.

Most Concentrated Least

● The number of moles of a substance
dissolved in one litre of a solution.

concentrationx volume

Units: mol dm-3

● Units often abbreviated to ‘M’ (do not do this
in an exam!)
● Volume must be calculated in litres (dm3) not
ml or cm3.
Preparing a Standard Solution
● A standard solution is one whose
concentration is well known. The
mass of the solid is accurately
measured and transferred to a
volumetric flask. Distilled water
is then added to the mark.
● And usually a round number like
1.00 or 0.250 mol dm-3
Example 1:
● 25.0 cm3 of a solution of hydrochloric acid contains 0.100
mol HCl. What is its concentration?

● Answer:
● Concentration = moles / volume
= 0.100 mol/ 0.0250 dm3
= 4.00 mol dm-3

● Note: the volume was first divided by 1000 to convert to

Example 2:
● Water is added to 4.00 g NaOH to produce a 2.00 mol dm-3
solution. What volume should the solution be in cm3?

● Calculate quantity of NaOH:

● n(NaoH) = mass / molar mass
= 4.00/40.0
= 0.100
● Calculate volume of solution:
● Volume = moles / concentration
= 0.100 / 2.00
= 0.0500 dm3
= 50.0 cm3
Titration Equipment
● To find the concentration of an unknown solution we may use
an example of volumetric analysis. A common technique is
called a titration.
● Pipette – Used to measure a known solution into a conical flask.
● Another solution is put in a burette. This solution is added to
the conical flask.
● The point at which the two solutions have completely reacted is
called the equivalence point.
● This is usually determined by an indicator.
Titration Example 1, method 1
● 35.0 cm3 of 2.00M NaOH was titrated with 2M H2SO4.
Calculate the volume of sulfuric acid used.
2NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O
Volume, dm3 35.0/1000 Va
Conc, M 2 2
Moles 35.0/1000 X 2 concentrationx volume

Since the ratio is 2:1, the moles of H2SO4 is

also 35.00/1000 mol
Now we can calculate the volume of sulfuric acid,
Volume = mol/conc = 35.0/1000
= 0.0175 dm3
Titration Example 1, method 2
● 35.0 ml of 2.00M NaOH was titrated with 2M H2SO4. Calculate
the volume of sulfuric acid used.

2NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O

Moles of NaOH = volume x concentration

35.0 ml X 1 L X 2.00M NaOH = 0.0700 mol NaOH

1000ml 1L
Volume of H2SO4 =

0.0700 mol NaOH X 1mol H2SO4 X 1L

2mol NaOH 2.00mol H2SO4

= 0.0175L
Titration Example 2, method 1
● 20.0 ml 1.00M NaOH was titrated with 10.0 ml HCl.
Determine the concentration of HCl.
● Concentration = mol/vol in L or dm3
NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O
Volume, L 20.0/1000 10.0/1000
Conc, M 1 Ma
concentrationx volume

Moles 20.0/1000 X 1
Since the ratio is 1:1, the moles of HCl is also 20.0/1000 X 1mol
Now we can calculate the concentration of HCl.
Conc = 20.0 /1000 X 1 mol = 2.00 mol/ dm3
10 .0 dm3
Titration Example 2, method 2
● 20.0 ml 1.00M NaOH was titrated with 10.0 ml HCl.
Determine the concentration of HCl.

NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O

● Moles of NaOH =
20.0 ml X 1 L X 1.00M NaOH = 0.0200 mol NaOH
1000ml 1L

● Concentration of HCl =

0.02 mol NaOH X 1mol HCl X 1000ml = 2.00M

10.0 ml HCl 1mol NaOH 1L
1. You have 75.0 cm3 of a 0.150 mol dm-3 solution of zinc sulphate
(ZnSO4). What mass of zinc sulphate crystals will be left behind
on evaporation of the water?
2. What volume of water should be added to 3.23g of copper (II)
chloride (CuCl2) to form a 0.100 mol dm-3 solution?
3. A 10.0 cm3 sample is removed from a vessel containing 1.50 dm3
of a reaction mixture. By titration, the sample is found to
contain 0.00530 mol H+. What is the concentration of H+ in the
main reaction vessel?

4. In a titration, 50.0 cm3 of an unknown solution of barium

hydroxide was fully neutralised by the addition of 12.2 cm3 of
0.200 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid solution. What concentration
is the barium hydroxide solution?
Ba(OH)2 + 2 HCl → BaCl2 + 2 H2O
Titration Example 3:
● It is found by titration that 25.0 cm3 of an unknown solution of
sulfuric acid is just neutralized by adding 11.3 cm3 of 1.00 mol
dm-3 sodium hydroxide. Calculate the concentration of sulfuric
acid in the sample?
H2SO4 + 2 NaOH → Na2SO4 + 2 H2O
● You can also use: C1V1/n1 = C2V2/n2 n = coefficient in
balanced equation
C = concentration
(C1 x 25.0 ml)/1 = (1.00M x11.3ml)/2 V = volume
‘1’ refers to H2SO4
‘2’ refers to NaOH
C1 = ((1.00 M x 11.3ml) / 2)/25.0ml) = 0.226 M
● In carrying out dilutions, by adding more solvent the
concentration changes but the number of moles stay the

● Moles of solute before dilution = moles of solute after


● So C1 V1 = C2V2
● Determine the final concentration of a 75 ml solution of
concentration 0.40M, which is diluted to a volume of

C1 = 0.40M, V1 = 75ml, V2 =

0.40M x 75ml = C2 x

C2 = 0.10M
● Describe how you would prepare 5.00 X 102 ml of 1.75 M
H2SO4 solution, starting with an 8.61M stock solution of

● C1 = 8.61M, M2 = 1.75M, V2 = 5.00 X 102 ml, V1 = x

C1V1 = C2V2

8.61 M X V1 =1.75M X 5.00 X 102 ml

V1 = 1.75M X 5.00 X 102 ml


= 102ml

Thus 102ml of the solution must be diluted with water to give

a final volume of 5.00 X 102 ml in a 500 ml volumetric flask.
The percentage by mass of CaCO3 in eggshell was determined
by adding excess HCl to ensure that all the CaCO3 had
reacted. The excess acid left was then titrated with aqueous

a) A student added 27.20 cm3 of 0.200M HCl to 0.188 g of

eggshell. Calculate the amount, in mol, of HCl added. (1)

b) The excess acid requires 23.80 cm3 of 0.100M NaOH for

neutralization. Calculate the amount, in mol, of acid that
is in excess. (1)

c) Determine the amount, in mol, of HCl that reacted with

the calcium carbonate in the eggshell. (1)

d) State the equation for the reaction of HCl with the calcium
carbonate in the eggshell. (2)
The percentage by mass of CaCO3 in eggshell was determined
by adding excess HCl to ensure that all the CaCO3 had reacted.
The excess acid left was then titrated with aqueous NaOH.

e. Determine the amount, in mol, of calcium carbonate in the

sample of the eggshell. (2)
f. Calculate the mass and the percentage by mass of calcium
carbonate in the eggshell sample. (3)
g. Deduce one assumption made in arriving at the
percentage of calcium carbonate in the eggshell sample.

Complete questions 1-3d, 5 on the Core Worksheet 2

Question 5
Back titration is a technique in which excess of a reagent is
added and the amount of reagent left over determined by
2.20 g of impure calcium carbonate was reacted with 50.0 cm3
of 2.00 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid (excess). The solid
impurities were filtered off and the remaining solution made
up to a total volume of 250.0 cm3 using distilled water.
25.00 cm3 of this solution was titrated against 0.240 mol dm-3
sodium hydroxide solution and required 24.10 cm3 for
Determine the percentage purity of the calcium carbonate.
Steps for Question 5
a. Calculate the moles of NaOH that reacted.
b. Determine the moles of HCl in 25.0 cm3 of reacted
c. Determine the moles of HCl in 250.0 cm3 of reacted
d. Calculate the moles of HCl in the original solution.
e. Write the equation for HCl and CaCO3.
f. Calculate the moles and mass of CaCO3.
g. Calculate the % purity of the sample used.
Answers for Question 5
a. Moles of NaOH =0.02410 dm3 × 0.240 = 5.784 × 10–3 mol
b. Moles of HCl in 25.00 cm3 = 5.78 × 10–3 mol
c. Moles of HCl in 250.0 cm3 = 5.78×10–3 ×10 = 5.78×10–2 mol
d. Moles of HCl in original solution = 0.0500 dm3 × 2.00 M = 0.100 mol

e. Moles of HCl that reacted with CaCO3 = 0.100 – 5.78 × 10–2 = 0.0422 mol

CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

a. Moles of CaCO3 = 0.0422/ 2 = 0.0211 mol

b. mass of CaCO3 = 0.0211mol × 100.09g/mol = 2.11 g

c. %purity= 2.11/2.20 ×100=95.9%


M1V1/n1 = M2V2/n2

For dilutions: M1V1 = M2V2


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