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7 C’s of Effective Communication

1. Completeness
• In a complete message, the audience has everything they need to be
informed and, if applicable, take action.

• Does your message include a "call to action," so that your audience

clearly knows what you want them to do?

• Have you included all relevant information – contact names, dates,

times, locations, and so on?

• Provide all necessary information

• Answer all questions asked
-----Answering the 5 W’s help make messages clear: who,
what, when, where and why
• Give something extra, when desirable
A business communication
has to be complete.
Incomplete letters keep the
receiver guessing, or making
wrong choices, or taking
wrong decisions. The letters
should have the quality of
completeness. A complete
message will bring the
expected result or desired
response from the receiver.
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to inform you all about the

meeting we're having tomorrow!

See you then,


This message is not complete, for obvious reasons. What meeting?

When is it? Where? Chris has left his team without necessary
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to remind you about tomorrow's

meeting on the new telecommunication
policies. The meeting will be at 10:00 a.m. in
the second-level conference room. Please let
me know if you can't attend.

See you then,

Key Points

Provide All necessary Information.

Answer All Questions asked.

Give Something extra, when desirable.

2. Conciseness
• It is saying what you have to say in fewest possible words
• Eliminate wordy expressions
– Use single word instead of phrases
– Examples:
– Wordy: At this time = Now
– Wordy: Due to the fact that = Because
– Wordy: It was known by Mr. Smith that we must reduce
inventory = Mr. Smith knew we must reduce inventory
Wordy phrase Concise Phrases

• At the present time • Now

• By means of • By
• For the purpose of • For
• In a timely manner • On time
• In spite of the fact that • Despite
• Over the duration of • During
• Take into consideration • consider
2. Conciseness
• Include only relevant material
– Stick to the purpose of the message
– Delete irrelevant words and confusing sentences
– Omit information obvious to the receiver
– Get to the important part tactfully and concisely
2. Conciseness
• Avoid unnecessary repetition
– Use shorter name after you have mentioned the
long one once. Instead of ‘North Central
Company’ use ‘North Central’
– Use pronouns or initials rather than repeating long
– Cut out all needless repetition of phrases and
2. Conciseness
– Example:

– Wordy: we hereby wish to let you know that our

company is pleased with the confidence you have
shown on us = We appreciate your confidence
2. Conciseness
• Unnecessary repetition leads to dullness

 Example:
Wordy: We are happy to inform you that IDBL bank is a
completely professional investment organization as you will find a
competent team of qualified and trained investment advisors who
are waiting to guide and fulfill your investment needs.

Concise: At IDBL bank a team of qualified investment advisors is

waiting to guide and fulfill your investment needs.
2. Conciseness
• Example:

• Wordy: The hybrid car, that was parked on the

street, close to the barber shop is the kind of
car that I have always wanted to own.

• Concise: I always wanted a hybrid car like the

one parked near the barber shop.
Key Points

Eliminate Wordy Expressions.

Include Only Relevant Material.

Avoid Unnecessary Repetitions.

3. Consideration
• Preparing every message with the message
receivers in mind; try to put your self in their
• Focus on ‘you’ instead of ‘I’ and ‘we’
– Using ‘you’ does help project a you attitude. But over
use can lead to negative reaction
– Example:
– We attitude: I am delighted to announce that we will
be extending our hours to make shopping more
– You attitude: you will be able to shop in the evenings with
the extended hours
3. Consideration
• Show audience benefit or interest in the receiver
– Readers may react positively when benefits are shown
• Emphasize positive and pleasant facts
– Because of past connections with words, reader will
react positively or negatively to certain words
– Example:
– Negative- unpleasant: it is impossible to open an
account for you today
– Positive- pleasant: As soon as your signature card
reaches us, we will gladly open an account for you
Key Points

Focus on “YOU” instead of “I” & “we”.

Show audience benefit or interest in the


Emphasize Positive, Pleasant facts.

4. Concreteness
• Being specific, definite, and vivid rather than
vague and general
• Use specific facts & figures
– It is desirable to be precise and concrete in both
written and oral communication
– Example:
– Vague, General: Sara is a very brilliant and intelligent
– Concrete and precise: Sara have increased her
percentage from 86% in S.S.C to 90% in H.S.C.
4. Concreteness
• Put action in your words
– Use the active voice
– When the subject acts, there is more life
• Choose vivid image-building words
Consider this advertising copy:

The Lunchbox Services will save your time every


A statement like this probably won’t sell many of these

products. There’s no passion, no vivid detail, nothing that create
emotion, and nothing that tells people in the audience why they
should care. This message isn’t concrete enough to make a
Hence this is a bad example.
Good Example:

How much time do you spend every day packing

your kids' lunches? A lot of time! Just take a
complete Lunchbox services from us. Each day
give your kids a healthy lunch and because of
this lunch services now you can spend more
time with your kids.
5. Clarity
• Getting the meaning from your head into the head of your receiver-
• Choose precise, concrete and familiar words
– Use more familiar words; audience will understand them better
– Example:
– Unfamiliar: After our perusal of pertinent data, the conclusion is that a
lucrative market exists for the subject property.
– Familiar: The data we studied show that your property is profitable and
in high demand.
• Construct effective sentences and paragraphs
– Unity & Coherence: Insert no more than one main idea into a sentence
5. Clarity
To achieve clarity, keep in mind the following

• Use common and simple language.

• Construct effective sentences and short
• Use concrete words instead of abstract words.
• Avoid unnecessary information.
6. Courtesy
• Being aware of not only of the perspective of others, but also
their feelings. It involves ‘you attitude’
• Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative
• Use expressions that show respect
• Choose nondiscriminatory expressions. This means being aware of
gender, race, age, color, etc
– Example:
– Questionable: You guys should all be concerned about the issue
– More Desirable: Both men and women, all of you should be
concerned about the issue
6. Courtesy
• Being courteous is of profound importance in
a corporate setting. Individuals who work
together are not necessarily friends and
therefore, to maintain a healthy working
relationship, being courteous is a necessity.
Hidden insults
and aggressive
tones will only
cause trouble
individuals and
result in reduced
morale and
I wanted to let you know that I don't appreciate
how your team always monopolizes the
discussion at our weekly meetings. I have a lot of
projects, and I really need time to get my team's
progress discussed as well. So far, thanks to your
department, I haven't been able to do that. Can
you make sure they make time for me and my
team next week?

Hi Jeff,
I wanted to write you a quick note to ask a favor.
During our weekly meetings, your team does an
excellent job of highlighting their progress. But
this uses some of the time available for my team
to highlight theirs. I'd really appreciate it if you
could give my team a little extra time each week
to fully cover their progress reports.
Thanks so much, and please let me know if there's
anything I can do for you!

6. Courtesy
• To achieve courtesy, keep in mind the following

• Be sincere.
• Use expressions that show respect.
• Be thoughtful and appreciative of the receiver’s
point of view.
• Avoid humor.
• Avoid discriminatory language i.e., race, color,
gender, creed etc.
7. Correctness
• Proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling
• Use the right level of language
• Check accuracy of the figures, facts and
• When your communication is correct, it fits
your audience. And correct communication is
also error-free communication.
• Checked your writing for grammatical errors?
Remember, spell checkers won't catch

• Checked that all names and titles spelled

Key Points

Use the right level of language.

Check accuracy of figures, facts, &


Maintain acceptable Writing

1. Completeness brings the desired response

2. Conciseness saves time

3. Consideration means understanding of human nature

4. Concreteness reinforces confidence

5. Clarity makes comprehension easier

6. Courtesy strengthen relations

7. Correctness in message helps in building confidence

Thank you

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