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Material Balance Equation

We can apply this method only after some production. The most
common range of compressibilities are:
Formation Rock: 3-10 x 10-6 psi-1
Water : 2-4 x 10-6 psi-1
Unsaturated oil:5-100 x 10-6 psi-1
Gas at 1000 psi:900-1300 x 10-6 psi-1
Gas at 5000 psi:50-200 x 10-6 psi-1
For calculation of volumetric of the reservoir, the following
production, reservoir, and laboratory data are involved:
The initial reservoir pressure and the average reservoir pressure at
successive intervals after the start of production.
Stock tank barrels of oil produced measured at 1 atm and 60ᵒF at any
time during the production interval.
The total scf of gas produced when the gas is injected into the reservoir
then this will be the difference between the total gas produced and
that returned to the reservoir.
Oil and Gas formation volume factors (Bo, Bg) and solution gas oil ratio
(Rs) are to be calculated.
The quantity of the water that is produced.
The quantity of the water that has been encroached into the reservoir.
Terms used for MBE

N – Initial reservoir oil, STB

Boi – Initial oil formation volume factor, RB/STB
Np – Cumulative oil produced, STB
G – Initial reservoir gas, SCF
Bgi – Initial gas formation volume factor, BBL/SCF
Gf– Amount of free gas in the reservoir, SCF
Rsoi – Initial solution gas-oil ratio, SCF/STB
Bg– Gas formation volume factor, BBL/SCF
W – Initial reservoir water, RB
Wp – Cumulative produces water, STB
Bw – Water formation volume factor, BBL/STB
We – Water influx into the reservoir
Cw – Water compressibility (isothermal), psi-1
ΔP –Change in average reservoir pressure, psia
Swi – Initial water saturation
Cf – Formation isothemal compressibility, psi-1
Derivation of MBE

Change in oil volume:

Initial reservoir oil volume = NBoi
Oil volume at time ‘t’ and pressure ‘p’ = (N-Np)Bo
Change in oil volume = NBoi - (N-Np)Bo----------------------------------(1)
Change in free gas volume:

Initial free gas volume = GBgi = NmBoi

[SCF free gas at t] = [SCF initial gas free + dissolved] – [SCF gas
produced] – [SCF gas remaining]
Gf = [ + N Rsoi] – [NpRp] – [(N - Np)Rso]
Reservoir free gas volume at t = {[ + N Rsoi] – [NpRp] – [(N - Np)Rso]}
[Change in free gas volume] = NmBoi- {[ + N Rsoi] – [NpRp] – [(N -
Np)Rso]} Bg---------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------- (2)

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