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Teacher III

Title Page i
Table of Contents ii
Introduction 1
Guide Card 2
Pre-Test 3
Answer key for Pre-Test 5
Activity 1 8
Activity 2 19
Activity Card 3 32
Post Test 39
Answer key for Post Test 41
References 43

This Instructional Material is
entitled “The Matchmaker”. It aims to
enhance learners understanding on
Medelian’s Law on Genetics specifically
about the Law of Dominance, Law of
Independent Assortment, Law of
Segregation and Monohybrid/Dihybrid
The baseline data used is the 2017-
2018 fourth quarter test wherein the
computed mean of the questions about
Mendelian genetics was one among the
least mastered competencies. The
evaluation used was the test item analysis.
Furthermore, Mendelian genetics is one of
the identified critical content in science 8.
The time allotment given for the IM is five
days to finish the activities and exercises.
In this Material there is one activity
on each topic that the students can
complete independently, in pairs or small
groups. A multiple choice will be given to
assess the learners. Furthermore, an
enrichment activity is prepared for the
students to complete. And lastly, a
reference card was attached to give
additional content not found in their text.

Hi! Welcome to another
world of fun in Science.
Today, we will be taking
Mendelian genetics. So
stay focus as we go and

This Instructional material

is designed to give you a broad
understanding on the different
concepts related to Mendelian
Genetics. Upon finishing the IM
you are expected to:
• Define the different
important terms in
Mendelian genetics.
• Identify the different
dominant & recessive traits
of garden pea plant studied
by Gregor Mendel.
• Apply the Mendelian
Principles/laws in test
• Test Cross Monohybrid and
Dihybrid using the Punnett
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of
the best answer.
1. The ___________ gene is also known as
the stronger gene and is being
expressed in the offspring.
a. dominant c. homozygous
b. recessive d. heterozygous
2. The individual with only one kind of
factor is called ______________.
a. dominant c. recessive
b. heterozygous d. homozygous
3. If you are going to cross two purebred
tall pea or sitsaro plant, the offspring would
all be _________.
a. hybrid tall c. hybrid short
b. purebred tall d. purebred short
4. The ________ gene is also known as the
weaker gene and is being masked by the
dominant gene.
a. dominant c. homozygous
b. recessive d. heterozygous
5. The genotypic ratio resulting from the
cross of Rr x Rr is __________.
a. 1 RR : 2 Rr : 1 rr c. 2 RR : 2 Rr
b. 2 Rr : 2 rr d. 3Rr : 1rr

6. He is known as the father of genetics
because of his contributions in the study of
a. Aristotle c. Isaac Newton
b. Albert Einstein d. Gregor Johann Mendel
7. A homozygous individual is said to be a
a. hybrid c. dominant
b. purebred d. recessive
8. The tool that can be used to determine the
possible gene combinations in a test cross is
called _____________.
a. dihybrid c. Punnett Square
b. monohybrid d. none of the choices
9. A garden pea or sitsaro plant is said to
have a homozygous axial flower position.
Which of the following is the possible
genotype of the garden pea or sitsaro plant?
a. AA b. Aa c. aa d. A
10. Which of the following Mendelian Laws
states that the pair of genes separate from
each other during gene formation.
a. Law of Dominance
b. Law of Segregation
c. Law of Independent Assortment
d. none of the choices

Let’s Answer (Pre-Test)
1. The ___________ gene is also known as
the stronger gene and is being
expressed in the offspring.
a. dominant
2. The individual with only one kind of
factor is called ______________.
d. homozygous
3. If you are going to cross two purebred
tall pea or sitsaro plant, the offspring would
all be _________.
b. purebred tall
4. The ________ gene is also known as the
weaker gene and is being masked by the
dominant gene.
b. recessive
5. The genotypic ratio resulting from the
cross of Rr x Rr is __________.
a. 1 RR : 2 Rr : 1 rr

6. He is known as the father of genetics
because of his contributions in the study of
d. Gregor Johann Mendel
7. A homozygous individual is said to be a
b. purebred
8. The tool that can be used to determine the
possible gene combinations in a test cross is
called _____________.
c. Punnett Square
9. A garden pea or sitsaro plant is said to
have a homozygous axial flower position.
Which of the following is the possible
genotype of the garden pea or sitsaro plant?
a. AA
10. Which of the following Mendelian Laws
states that the pair of genes separate from
each other during gene formation.
b. Law of Segregation


Image: Gregor Mendel, Mendel's Principles of Heredity: A Defense by Bateson,

William; Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Gregor Mendel- an Austrian Monk

who first laid the foundations of
genetic inheritance.
 By performing several
crossbreeding experiments using
pea plants or sitsaro, he was able to
reason out that traits are carried by
heritable units which he referred to
as “factors” of heredity.

1A. Where do I
At the end of this activity, you should be
able to:
1. define the different important terms in
Mendelian Genetics.
2. identify genotype, phenotype of an offspring
and dominant and recessive genes.
3. differentiate homozygous and heterozygous.
Activity Notebook

1. Wait for the teacher to group the class into
four (4) groups. Each group should have a

2. Individually, study the traits of sitsaro or
garden pea plant studied by Gregor Mendel.
Take note of the dominant and recessive

3. Write the following under their corresponding

GG/gg Axial Short AA/Aa/aa

AA/Aa tt

Round Yellow
Rr RR/rr

Wrinkled PP/Pp/pp Inflated


dominant recessive genotype phenotype homozygous heterozygous

4. If you are done shout the word “DARNA”.

1B. Text Twist

1. Arrange the letters of the given

word to get the correct answer.

egen Section of DNA that codes

for a particular trait or

lealle A different form of a gene that

codes for a different version
of characteristic.

pegetyno A description of the pair of

alleles present for a

notyphepe The physical expression

of the alleles.

1B. Text Twist

zymogousho Pair of alleles that produce a

characteristic that are the
same, e.g. AA.

zyherotegous Pair of alleles that produce a

characteristic that are
different, e.g. Aa.
donantmi An allele that will always be
expressed even when there is
only one of these alleles
present, represented by a
capital letter.
cessivere An allele that will only be
expressed when both alleles
are of this type, represented by
a lower case letter.

Answer Key for Activity 1
1A. Where do I Belong?

GG/gg Axial Short AA/Aa/aa

AA/Aa tt

Round Yellow
Rr RR/rr

Wrinkled PP/Pp/pp Inflated


dominant recessive genotype phenotype homozygous heterozygous

Axial Wrinkled PP/Pp/ Yellow GG/gg Rr
AA/Aa rr pp

Round Short AA/Aa/ Inflated RR/rr Aa

RR/Rr tt aa

1B. Text Twist

1. Arrange the letters of the given

word to get the correct answer.

egen Section of DNA that codes

gene for a particular trait or

lealle A different form of a gene that

allele codes for a different version
of characteristic.

pegetyno A description of the pair of

genotype alleles present for a

notyphepe The physical expression

phenotype of the alleles.

1B. Text Twist

zymogousho Pair of alleles that produce a

characteristic that are the
same, e.g. AA.

zyherotegous Pair of alleles that produce a

heterozygous characteristic that are
different, e.g. Aa.
donantmi An allele that will always be
dominant expressed even when there is
only one of these alleles
present, represented by a
capital letter.
cessivere An allele that will only be
expressed when both alleles
are of this type, represented by
a lower case letter.

How did you find the
activity? Did you enjoy
performing it?

well.. I enjoyed
doing the activity
and I’ve learned….
Law of Dominance
The dominant trait
dominates or prevents the
expression of the recessive
trait. This means that the
dominant trait is the one being
expressed and the recessive
trait is the one being hidden.

Law of Segregation
The pair of genes
segregate or separate from
each other during the gamete
formation. That is to say that
each gamete contains the
hereditary factor for each

TT X tt
(dominant) (recessive)

(Gamete Formation)

T T t t

gametes gametes

All heterozygous or hybrid Tt Tt Tt Tt First filial

(F1) generation
 All Tt = all tall

genotype phenotype
(genetic make-up) (physical appearance)

Law Of Dominance And Law Of Segregation in Monohybrid Cross:
Match Me!

1. At the end of this activity, you should be able to
predict the phenotype and genotype of an

 Pen
 Paper

1. Take a look at the illustration below. It is a cross
between a sitsaro plant with yellow seed and a
sitsaro plant with green seed.

sitsaro plant with yellow seed X sitsaro plant with green seed

2. Using the Punnett square in Table 1, determine the
possible genotype and phenotype of the offspring. The
first one is done for you.
Legend: GG- Yellow seed
gg- Green seed
Parent GG X gg Parent

G g

G Gg
s yellow)


What is the result?

1. What are the possible genotypes of the offsprings?

2. What are the possible phenotypes of the offsprings?

3. How many pea plants with yellow seed coat?

4. Is there a possibility of having an offspring with green seed


Key Answer for Activity 2!
2. Using the Punnett square in Table 1, determine the
possible genotype and phenotype of the offspring. The
first one is done for you.
Legend: GG- Yellow seed
gg- Green seed
Parent GG X gg Parent

G G g g

g g

G Gg Gg
s yellow)

G Gg Gg

Key Answer for the Guide Questions:
1. Gg
2. All
3. 4
4. none

What about a cross
between the offspring?
What will be the
genotypic ratio and
phenotypic ratio?

That’s a very good

question! Move on to the
next page and I will show
you how.

23 how to get the
genotypic and phenotypic
ratio. Read and analyze
then go to the next page
and try example 1.

Phenotypic Ratio indicates how many

dominant organisms are there to
recessive organisms.
Genotypic Ratio indicates how many
dominant genes are there to recessive
genes 24
In sitsaro plant height, tall is said to be dominant
over a short. You have a cross between two
heterozygous tall sitsaro plants. Use the
Punnett square.
a. What will be the genotype of all the offspring?
b. What will the phenotype of the offspring be?
TT- tall
tt- short

How will I do it

By using the Punnett square!

Punnett Square is a method
of diagramming a cross, it
consist of the male gamete
listed along one side of a
square and female gamete
listed along another side.

Like this!

After showing you how
to test cross Now…. It’s
your turn to do example
No. 2.
I know you can do it!

Example 2
In sitsaro plant, having an axial
position of flower on stem is dominant
over the terminal position. A
heterozygous/hybrid axial flower
position sitsaro plant is allowed to
pollinate a sitsaro plant with terminal
flower position. Determine the
genotype, phenotype and the genotypic
and phenotypic ratio of the offspring
using the Punnett square.
AA- axial
aa- terminal
What is the genotype of
the parents?

The genotype of the parent

having a heterozygous
axial flower position is Aa
because it is hybrid and
the genotype of the parent
having a homozygous
terminal position is aa
because it is purebred.

That’s right!
Hybrid/heterozygous trait
consist of a dominant gene and
a recessive gene while
purebred/homozygous trait
consists of two dominant traits
or two recessive traits.
Move on to the next page to see
if you got the correct answer.

Cross: Aa x aa

a a

A Aa Aa

a aa aa

Genotype Phenotype
2 Aa ------------- 2 axial
2 aa ------------- 2 terminal

Genotypic Ratio: Phenotypic Ratio:

2:2 2:2

It is very easy right?

Okay, I think you’re
ready now for the
dihybrid cross and
Assortment. Go to the
next page now…
The distribution or
assortment of one pair of
factors is independent of the
distribution of the other pair.
Thus, traits are inherited
independent of each other.

This independent assortment
is can be seen in a dihybrid
cross or two factor cross, a
genetic cross which involves
two sets of traits.


Take a look at the pairs
of genes as they are
being distributed
independently. And see
how to put them in a
Punnett Square.

Activity 3
At the end of this activity, you should be able to
solve problems in dihybrid cross.
Piece of paper
1. Cross a purebred/homozygous sitsaro plant having
purple flower and round seed shape with sitsaro plant
having white flower and wrinkled seed shape.
2. Use the following information to solve the above

•PP- for purple flower

•pp- for white flower
•RR- for round seed shape
•rr- wrinkled seed shape

3. The gene for purple is dominant over white flower.

4. The gene for round seed shape is dominant
5. Write the phenotypes of the parents involved in the test
6. Determine the possible gametes that the parents can
7. Construct your Punnett square then place the gametes
on the top and at the side.
8. Show the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the
What is the result?

1. What are the genotype of the parents?

2. What are the possible genotypes of the offspring?

3. How many offspring will have a white flower?

4. Is there a possibility of an offspring to have a white flower and

wrinkled seed?

Answer Key for Activity 3
PP RR x pp rr
Gametes PR PR PR PR pr pr pr pr

pr pr pr pr
PR PpRr PpRr PpRr PpRr
PR PpRr PpRr PpRr PpRr
PR PpRr PpRr PpRr PpRr
PR PpRr PpRr PpRr PpRr

Key Answer to Guide Questions:

1. PPRR and pprr
2. All PpRr
3. None
4. None

Oh! I got it. If one parent
is homozygous dominant
and the other parent is
recessive in a certain
trait the offspring will all
be heterogeneous.

You’re right! That is true to

monohybrid and dihybrid
Want more challenges? move
on to the next page.

A sitsaro plant with a heterozygous round yellow
seed is crossed to a homozygous wrinkled green seed.
Using the Punnett square write the genotype then draw
and color the appearance of the offspring. The first one
and the last one is done for you.

Legend: RR- round rr-wrinkled

GG-yellow gg-green

RrGg X rrgg

gametes -- RG Rg rG rg rg rg rg rg

rg rg rg rg

RrGg RrGg RrGg RrGg


Rrgg Rrgg Rrgg Rrgg


rrGg rrGg rrGg rrGg


rrgg rrgg rrgg rrgg


Now I know! That some
traits are dominant over
the other, that pairs of
genes should separate
during gamete
formation and that
gametes are distributed

I am very happy that you have

learned a lot. To refresh you
with the other terms proceed
to the next page.


DOMINANT GENE is the gene

that is being expressed in the
offspring. It is also known as the
stronger gene usually written in
big letters eg. AA.
RECESSIVE GENE is the gene
that is masked by the dominant
gene. It is also known as the
weaker gene usually written in
small letters eg. aa.
GENOTYPE refers to the genetic
make-up or constitution of an
individual, represented by
PHENOTYPE refers to the
physical appearance of an
HOMOZYGOUS refers to
individual with only one kind of
factor example AA or aa.
individual with two types of
factor eg. Aa.

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. When you are going to cross a homozygous tall
sitsaro plant with a short sitsaro plant, the offspring
would all be ____________.
a. hybrid tall c. purebred tall
b. hybrid short d. purebred short
2. The genotypic ratio resulting from the cross of AA x
Aa is ____________.
a. 1 AA : 2 Aa : 1aa c. 2 AA : 2 Aa
b. 2 aa : 2 Aa d. 3 Aa : 1 aa
3. The outward appearance of an organism caused by
genotype and environmental influences is known
a. homozygote c. phenotype
b. heterozygote d. genotype
4. The genetic make-up of any individual is called
a. phenotype c. recessive
b. dominant d. genotype
5. Who is the father of genetics?
a. Aristotle c. Isaac Newton
b. Albert Einstein d. Gregor Johann Mendel


6. Which of the following is the genotype of a

heterozygous tall sitsaro plant?
a. TT b. Tt c. tt d. T
7. What do you call the tool used in diagramming the
possible genotypes of offspring?
a. dihybrid c. Punnett Square
b. monohybrid d. none of the choices.
8. A heterozygous individual is also a ____________.
a. Hybrid c. recessive
b. dominant d. Purebred
9. Which of the following Mendelian Laws explains why
traits are inherited independent of each other?
a. Law of Dominance c. Law of Independent Assortment
Law of Segregation d. none of the choices .
10. A garden sitsaro plant is said to be recessive. Which
of the following is the possible genotype of the garden
sitsaro plant?
a. RR b. Rr c. rr d. R


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best

1. When you are going to cross a homozygous tall
sitsaro plant with a short sitsaro plant, the
offspring would all be ____________.
a. hybrid tall
2. The genotypic ratio resulting from the cross of
AA x Aa is ____________.
c. 2 AA : 2 Aa
3. The outward appearance of an organism
caused by genotype and environmental influences
is known as_____________.
c. phenotype
4. The genetic make-up of any individual is called
d. genotype
5. Who is the father of genetics?
d. Gregor Johann Mendel


6. Which of the following is the genotype of a

heterozygous tall sitsaro plant?
b. Tt
7. What do you call the tool used in diagramming the
possible genotypes of offspring?
c. Punnett Square
8. A heterozygous individual is also a ____________.
a. hybrid
9. Which of the following Mendelian Laws explains why
traits are inherited independent of each other?
c. Law of Independent Assortment
10. A garden sitsaro plant is said to be recessive. Which
of the following is the possible genotype of the garden
sitsaro plant?
c. rr


A. Book
Bernardo, Ma. Elena V. and Cruz, Vangie I. (2005).
Biology. Innovative Educational Materials, Inc. Manila
Capco, Carmelita M. and Yang, Gilbert C. (1996).
Biology. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. Quezon City,

B. Internet
Clipart retrieved on November 13, 2018 from


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