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A Journey to Remember

NSTP Evaluation, Synthesis, and Closing Ritual

Opening Prayer
Loving God, in your love you created
me in your image and likeness, and that
means so much to me. I know that you
didn’t just carelessly or thoughtlessly
throw me together. You made me so
wonderfully complex! It is amazing to
think about. Your workmanship is
marvelous – and well I know it.
Opening Prayer
Because I am your workmanship, your handicraft,
made for good works, I ask you to help me to view
myself from your perspective. Help me to realize
my strengths. Open my eyes to the strengths,
abilities, and talents that you have placed inside of
me. Give me grace to find the good that is in me.
Help me to be appreciative of who I am, instead
of critical who I am not.
Opening Prayer
Although the world places
importance of physical
appearance, Father, I know that
you judge a person’s heart. You are
interested in a pure heart and a
humble spirit. I know that I very
valuable to You.
Opening Prayer
Knowing that I am chosen makes
me feel special. Thank you for
choosing me before the
foundation of the world. I
acknowledge you, God, as my
Father, and thank you that I am
your child.
Opening Prayer
Help me set my attentions on things above
rather than on things of the world. Help me to
mature in my relationship with you and to
develop into the happy, joyful, strong person
that I have the potential to be.

1.Designed an artistic symbolic representation of their newly
discovered self or identity – their perceived sum total of who they
have become with the context of their five-month journey
2.Made an act of self-surrender to the Lord by offering the symbolic
expression of their newly discovered self or identity
3.Expressed their promise and resolve to nurture their new selves with
sustained openness and willingness to journey further toward deeper
4.Named their discovery, learning or realization from their five-month
journey in AdDU and ASF.
Course Evaluation

Catholic Social Teachings

Good governance and
engaged citizenship
Integrity of creation
4 rotational sessions
Development/management Resource Mobilization
Draw a journey map,
with symbols and
objects that represents
you journey in the
entire semester.
Describe briefly your
journey map at the
bottom or at the back
of your paper.
I feel…

Complete the
following statement
Closing Ritual
My Prayer of Commitment


The Lord’s
Prayer for
Our Father…who always stands with the weak, the powerless, the
poor, the abandoned, the sick, the aged, the very young, the unborn, and
those who, by victim of circumstance, bear the heat of the day.
Who art in heaven…where everything will be reversed, where the
first will be last and last will be first, but where all will be well and every
manner of being will be well.
Hallowed be Thy Name…may we always acknowledge your holiness, respecting
that your ways are not our ways, your standards are not our standards. May the reverence
we give your name pull us out of the selfishness that prevents us from seeing the pain of
our neighbors.
Your kingdom come…help us to create a world where beyond our
own needs and hurts, we will do justice, love tenderly, and walk humbly with
you and each other.
Your will be done…open our freedom to let you in or that the complete mutuality
that characterizes your life might flow through our veins and thus the life that we help
generate may radiate your equal love for all and your special love for the poor
On earth as in heaven…may the work of our hands, the temples and
structures we build in this world, reflect the temple and structure of your glory so that
the joy, graciousness, tenderness, and justice of heaven will show forth within all of
our structures on earth.
Give…life and love to us and help us to see always everything as gift. Help us to
know that nothing comes to us by right and we must give to the poor, not because they
need it, but because our own health depends upon our giving to them.
Us…the truly plural us. Give not just to our own but to everyone,
including those who are very different than the narrow us. Give your gift to
all of us equally.
This day…not tomorrow. Do not let us push things off into some
indefinite future so that we can continue to live justified lives in the face of
injustice because we can make good excuse in our inactivity
Our daily bread…so that each person in the world may have enough food,
enough clean water, enough clean air, adequate health care, and sufficient access to education
so as to have the sustenance for a healthy life. Teach us to give form our sustenance and not
just from our surplus.
And forgive us our trespasses…forgive us, our blindness toward our
neighbor, our self-preoccupation, our racism, our sexism, and our incurable propensity
to worry only about ourselves and our own. Forgive us our capacity to watch the
evening news and do nothing about it.
As we forgive those who trespass against us…help us to
forgive those who victimize us. Help us to mellow out in spirit, to not grow bitter with
age, to forgive the imperfect parents and systems that wounded, cursed, and ignored
And lead is not into temptation…do not judge us only by whether we have fed the
hungry, clothed the naked, visited the sick, or tried to mend the systems that victimizes the poor.
Spare us this test for none of us can stand before your gospel scrutiny. Give us, instead, more days to
mend our ways, our selfishness, and our systems.
But deliver us from evil…that is, from the blindness that let us
continue to participate in anonymous systems within which we need not to
see who gets less as we get more. Amen
Let us pray…
Lord, we lift up our hearts in a song of gratitude for
the blessings we all have received. Holy guide of
pilgrims and travelers, you have been companion,
our personal escort.
May you sustain the fire of love that is in our hearts,
may we not only move towards a faith that does
charity but a faith that truly does justice as we
continue to strive to become men and women for
others. May all that we do will be for your greater
honor and glory. Amen

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