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The Importance of Hydration

Katie DeTreux & Tylar Smith

● Auditory: As a pair we spoke clearly so all

Learning Styles students were able to understand what we

were stating throughout the course of our
● Visual: We presented a PowerPoint
presentation in which the students were
able to view the slides and we also
included videos, and pictures.
● Spatial: Students had to create four water
droplets with four different facts on what
they learned throughout the lesson. The
students were also asked to incorporate
key vocabulary words in their answers.
● Social and Verbal: The students came up
with their own sentences on each water
droplet using the key vocabulary words
and had to share what they wrote as an
example with a shoulder partner and then
the whole class.
Language Objectives:

1. Students will be able to define and know key

Objectives vocabulary terms when they are asked to use the
terms on their water droplets.
2. Students will be able to summarize what they
learned throughout the course of the PowerPoint
presentation on their KWL charts and on the water
droplets that will be provided to them.

Content Objectives:

1. Students will be able to summarize what they

learned about the benefits of drinking water and
staying hydrated.
2. Students will be able to recognize the benefits of
drinking water.
3. Students will be able to prove understanding by
writing facts on the importance of hydration that they
learned though the PowerPoint presentation, either
on their KWL chart or the water droplets
1. KWL Chart: Initiates a discussion with students regarding

Three Learning
the content that is going to be discussed to determine
background knowledge. Also a good way to see the growth

of what students have learned.

1. Think-Pair-Share: This activity increases classroom

participation. It prevents the eager students from shouting
out the answers and it provides the wait time that some
ELL students may need to think about their answer. During
“pair,” students are allowed to discuss their answers with a
partner without the fear of being ridiculed in front of their
classmates. While discussing in pairs students elaborate
on their answer or think of new ideas. Everyone is engaged
and held accountable. When students are brought back to a
whole group they are prepared to engage in a discussion.

1. Stand and Share: Used as a good review strategy for what

all of the students in the classroom have learned.
● Each table will be given a poster board
KWL Chart and the students will be asked to create
a KWL chart.
● On the chart please include what you
know about the importance of hydration
and what you want to learn.
● Once the lesson has concluded you and
your group can go back and finish the
last section of the chart which is what
you have learned.
● After each group is finished one student
from each group can bring their chart up
to the board so the two instructors can
go over it with all the students.
Be sure to follow along the PowerPoint
presentation on the worksheet we provided for

The notes you take can be used for the

activities you will be completing once the
lesson has concluded.
● 1.) Dehydration
5 Key
● 2.) Health

● 3.) Hydrate

● 4.) Hydration

● 5.) Water
Key Vocabulary
● is a condition that can occur when
the loss of body fluids, mostly
water, exceeds the amount that is
1. Dehydration: taken in.

● more water is moving out of

individual cells and then out of the
body than the amount of water that
is taken in through drinking.
Dehydration ● Dehydration can have causes
that aren't due to underlying
Symptoms: disease.

● Examples include heat,

excessive activity, insufficient
fluid consumption, excessive
sweating, or medication side

● Stomach Virus
Key Vocabulary ● A physical, mental, and social well-
Words being, and as a resource for living
a full life.

2.) Health: ● Refers to the absence of disease

and the ability to recover and
bounce back from illness and other
● Drinking water helps to maintain
How Drinking the balance of body fluids.
Water Affects
● The functions of these bodily
fluids include digestion,
absorption, circulation, creation
of saliva, transportation of
nutrients, and maintenance of
body temperature.
Key Vocabulary ● A compound, typically a
crystalline one, in which water
Words molecules are chemically bound
to another compound or element.

3.) Hydrate:
● Cause to absorb water.
What Does It ● Drinking fluids.

Mean To Be -for example drinking water

“Hydrated” not coffee.

● Drinking certain fluids is

crucial to staying healthy and
maintaining the function of
every system in your body,
including your heart, brain, and
muscles. Fluids carry nutrients
to your cells, flush bacteria
from your bladder.
● The process of causing something
Key Vocabulary to absorb water.

● The process of combining a

substance chemically with water
4.) Hydration: molecules.
● Water helps prevent dry mouth.

The Benefits of
● Water promotes cardiovascular
Hydration health.

● Water keeps your body cool.

● Water helps muscles and joints

work better.

● Water keeps skin supple.

● Water helps cleanse your body —

inside and out.
● Water is a transparent, tasteless,
Key Vocabulary odorless, and nearly colorless
Words chemical substance, which is the
main constituent of Earth's
hydrosphere, and the fluids of most
living organisms.
5.) Water:
● It is vital for all known forms of
life, even though it provides no
calories or organic nutrients.
Functions of
Functions of Water The body is composed of about 60%
water. The functions of water in the
in the Human Body body includes:

● Digestion
● Absorption
● Circulation
● Creation of Saliva
● Transportation of nutrients
● Maintenance of body temperature
How Much Water ● 8 - eight ounce glasses

Should You Receive =

In One Day? ● 2 liters

● ½ gallon

**we should be drinking 8 glasses of

water a day**

**note that depending on the activities

you perform throughout the day you
might need to drink more than 8**
Water Hydrates the ● Cells that don’t maintain a
balance of fluids and electrolytes
Muscles... will shrivel.
○ Can result in muscle fatigue
● Drinking water is especially
important for the muscles during
○ The American college of
Sports Medicine guidelines
recommend 17 ounces of
fluid two hours prior to a
Drinking Water ● Blood is 90% water.
● Blood carries oxygen to different
Delivers Oxygen parts of the body.
Throughout the
Without drinking water, blood in the
Body... body will not be able to properly
complete its function.
Hydration is ● Dehydration can affect the brain
Necessary for the structure and function.
Brain, Spinal Cord,
and Other Sensitive
● Dehydration can lead to problems
with thinking and reasoning.
Drinking Water ● Water that is stored in the middle
layers of skin rises to the surface
Helps Regulate as sweat.
Body ○ As sweat evaporates it cools
Temperature... the body down.
● When there is too little water in
the body, heat storage increases
and the individual is less able to
tolerate heat strain.
○ Heat strain: The physical
response to heat strain;
related to getting rid of
excess heat in the body.
The Digestive ● Bowels need water to function
System Depends On
Water Intake...
● Dehydration can lead to digestive
problems, bowel problems, and
overly acidic stomach.
○ This increases the risk for
heartburn and stomach
Aids Nutrients ● Drinking enough water is
important for the breakdown of
Absorption… food in the body.

● Enough water in the body also

ensures vitamins, minerals, and
other nutrients to dissolve
○ It then delivers vitamins
components to the rest of the
Hydration ● Being aware of water intake
throughout the day has a large
Promotes Better impact on the quality of sleep you
Sleep... recieve.

● Dehydration results in making one

sluggish and irritable.
Tips to Help You ● Add flavor to your water!
● Use an app to track your fluid
Drink More! intake!
● Carry a reusable water bottle with
you everywhere!
● Consume water-rich foods!
● Everytime you finish your bottle,
refill it!
● Set a deadline for every ounce!
● Reward yourself for achieving
your goals!
What Would
Happen If You
Didn’t Drink

Things to Consider:

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