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Responsibility and the Engineering


Global environment Responsibility
(Society and Nature)
Engineering Development
Profession Career

Law, Government, Client or

And Public/private Consumers
Agencies (public or private)
Responsibility and the Engineering Profession

• As a Human engineer, not a machine, you

must be responsible for what you are doing.
• Responsibility is understood in Islam within
the concept of khalifah.
• Though every Muslim is khalif on earth and
therefore responsible, however, professionals
like engineers have more responsibility than
the layman.
• Engineering responsibilities include the well-
being of the society.
Engineering Ethics and Whistle Blowing

• Literally;
• To produce a clear musical sound by forcing
air through the teeth or through an aperture
formed by pursing the lips.

• To produce a clear and sharp musical sound

by blowing on or through a device.
Engineering Ethics and Whistle Blowing

• Whistle-Blowing is an act of revealing
wrongdoing within an organization to the public
or to those in positions of authority.

• It is the action of attracting the attention of

either the internal or external public and private

• It refers to an act by an employee of informing

the public or the higher authority of unethical
or illegal behaviors done by: an employer,
supervisor, colleagues, co-worker.
Engineering Ethics and Whistle Blowing

When Whistle Blowing occurs

• Whistle Blowing occurs when a particular person
informs the public (media, government, insiders or
outsiders of the company) mistakes of a particular
person or the danger of certain activities to the
• This could be intentional or unintentional.
• Whistle Blowing occurs because someone is not
happy with others’ unethical or illegal actions, such
as: corruption and bribery, dishonesty and other
managerial issues.
Types of Whistle Blowing
There are four types of Whistle Blowing
1. Internal whistle blowing,
2. external whistle blowing,
3. acknowledged whistle blowing
4. unknown whistle blowing.
Types of Whistle Blowing
• Internal Whistle Blowing.
It occurs when an employee goes over the head of
an immediate superior or supervisor to report a
• External Whistle Blowing
External Whistle Blowing occurs when an employee
goes out of the company reporting the particular
problem to outside public. This could happen in the
press, printed and electronic media, law
enforcement authority, anti-corruption agencies or
an influential person.
Types of Whistle Blowing
Acknowledged Whistle blowing
• Acknowledged whistle blowing occurs when
the identity of the whistle blower is known
and published to the public, by issuing or
submitting a written and signed document.

• It is more effective, because the problem can

be easily traced.
Types of Whistle Blowing
Unknown Whistle Blowing
• Unknown Whistle blowing happen when the
whistle blower does not reveal or mention
his/her identity and do not want to be known
by any possibility.
• It is not effective, because the identity of the
Whistle blower is hidden, therefore, the
problem cannot be traced.
When the Whistle can be Blown
• Generally whistle Blowing is Allowed when the
immediate authority is not taking the proper action
towards solving such wrongdoings.
• Therefore certain conditions must be there before
attempt to blow the whistle:
1. Necessity. There must be a need and necessity,
particularly when the public safety is at risk and no
any other alternative. It must be done with:
-Ikhlas, care, intention of betterment and
When the Whistle can be Blown
Proximity or Closeness. Whistle Blower must make
sure that it is an appropriate situation to win the
case without damaging your current occupation.
- win-win situation, approximate to solve

3. Capability. The Whistle Blower should have the

ability or power to solve the wrongdoing.

4. Last Resort. Considered only as the last choice,

because there are no other way to do.
How to Prevent Whistle Blowing
1. A strong cooperate ethical culture among
the employees and workers in the work
2. Clear line of Communication.
3. Meaningful accesses to the higher level
4. Willingness on the part of the management
to promote health.
Positive and negative Whistle blowing

Positive. Whistle Blowing is seen as positive if

it is done on the basis of:
1. The Intention of Islah or reforming and
2. With the conditions of being: Necessity,
Sincerity and Ability.
Negative: Whistle Blowing would be negative
if it creates Fitnah among the co-workers or
between employers and employees.

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