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Nouns –

Plural nouns
A. Countable nouns:
- singular: a/an
an heir, an honor, an hour
- plural:
1. N + “s”
2. N + “es” ( after: ch, sh, s, ss, x)
Beaches Foxes
3. N (y  i) + “es” (before y is a
consonant) consonant
Puppy - Puppies
4. N (y) + “s” vowel
(before y is a vowel)
Day - Days
5. N (f/fe  v) + “es”
Leaf - Leaves
6. N (f/fe) + “s”
Roof - Roofs
7. N (o) + “es”
Tomato - Tomatoes
8. N (o) + “s” (Foreign or abbreviated
Piano - Pianos
9. Special nouns (changing vowels)
Child - Children
10. Nouns of Greek/ Latin origin
Medium - Media

11. Nouns with the same singular &
plural form
Sheep - Sheep
12. Some nouns are always plural and
take plural verbs
Clothes Surroundings Police
13. Two- part nouns (clothes, tools,
equipment) ends in –s & are always
14. Collective nouns
Family Class Staff
15. Nouns with different forms
(masculine / feminine)
Nephew - Niece
A. Countable nouns:
- singular: a/an
an heir, an honor, an hour
- plural:

B. Uncountable nouns:
- some/ any/ (a) little...
Food meat, cheese, bread, butter,
fruit, fish, etc.

Liquids milk, water, wine, beer, coffee,

tea, etc.
Material glass, wood, iron, paper, steel,
gold, etc.
Natural weather, heat, snow, lightning,
phenomena wind, rain, thunder, etc.

Languages English, French, Greek,

Japanese, Italian, etc.
Disease measles, chickenpox, cancel,
Sciences & Mathematics, Physics,
School Chemistry, Economics,
Subjects Literature, etc.
Games baseball, chess, billiards,
darts, football, golf, soccer,
poker, tennis, etc.
Abstract beauty, freedom, love,
nouns honesty, justice,
information, knowledge,
news, accommodation,
Some baggage, furniture,
concrete money, luggage, traffic,
nouns business, etc.
B. Uncountable nouns:
- some/ any/ (a) little...
liquid / food / material / language /
disease / phenomena / ......
- Some nouns ending in –s but are
uncountable & take a singular verb
Mathematics is difficult
- The quantity of uncountable nouns is
defined by words in front of them
A cup of coffee is not expensive
- Some nouns can be either countable or
uncountable, but with different meanings

Uncountable Countable
There’s a lot of Please, turn on the
light in this lights.
A. Countable nouns:
- singular: a/an
an heir, an honor, an hour
- plural:
B. Uncountable nouns:
- some/ any/ (a) little...
C. Compound nouns:
Noun + Noun Plural nouns
-ing + Noun Dining rooms
Adjective + Noun Greenhouses
Noun + Sisters-in-law
Preposition +
Noun + Passers-by
No noun (Eg. Verb Take-offs
+ Preposition)
Let’s work with
your handout!
s es ies ves
s f / fees v+es ?ies s
ies ves series es
ies means s ves
Chefs -tomatoes
ves es s
special case? dwarfs/dwarves
s Y ies? s
s es ies ves
s children cactuses/cacti ies
sheep ies theses /ˈθiːsiːz/
s s s geese
ves s s es
s s es
men-/men/ s ves ies
s ves ies scarfs/scarves

mice s cod oxen

ies princess s teeth
feet people s s
1. desk desks 9. witch witches
2. class classes 10. box boxes
3. comb combs 11. key keys
4. mug mugs 12. city cities
5. bus 13.
buses butterfly butterflies
6. basket baskets 14. monkey monkeys
7. peach peaches 15. fly flies
8. belt belts
16. toy toys 24. kangaroos
17. baby babies 25. rhino rhinos
18. party 26. radio radio
19. 27. hippo hippos
chimney chimneys
20. lady ladies 28. zoo zoos
21. video videos 29. mouse mice
22. piano pianos 30. photo photos
23. mango mangoes
1B 1. tape recorders 1a
2C 2. tea / leaves 2b
3A 3. three-year-old/ twins 3c
4D 4. glasses / light 4b
5C 5. runners-up 5a
6A 6. mice 6c
7B 7. dictionaries 7a
8D 8. criteria
9C 9. staff
10C 10. information
VI 11.geese 22.grapes
1.buses 12.deer 23.eggs
2.people 24.potatoes
3.students 14.mice 25.thieves
4.keys 15.sheep
5.glasses 16.butterflies 27.women
6.objects 17.donkeys 28.thieves
7.animals 18.birds 29.apples
8.insects 19.foxes 30.cherries
9.monkeys 20.wolves 31.trees
10.cows 21.tomatoes 32.toast
22.grapes 32.toast
23.eggs 33. tea
24.potatoes 34. bread
25.thieves 35. milk 36. churches
27.women 37. children
28.thieves 38. days
29.apples 39. kisses
30.cherries 40. cheeks
1. media
2. trousers/pair of shorts
3. these
4. jury
5. audience/ refreshment is
6. belongings
7. travel
8. supplies
9. foundation
10. has
1. These cherries are very sweet.
2. I’ve lost my keys.
3. The leaves are turning yellow.
4. The roofs have been damaged.
5. Which videos do you like best?
6. These are John’s pet mice.
7. These teeth are giving me trouble.
8. Can you see those geese?
9. Postmen are busy all the time.
10. We’re going to sell those sheep.

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