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Text as Connected

 “discursus”
 In linguistics, it refers to continuous stretch of
(especially spoken) language larger than a
 Generally, it is a set of utterances which constitute
any recognizable speech event like conversation, a
sermon, a joke, an interview, etc.
 The use of words to exchange thoughts or ideas
Purpose of Discourse
 To Inform
 A discourse that aims to inform provides a descriptive and
comprehensive discussion on the topic.
 It points out what one should know about the topic.
 To Persuade
 A discourse that aims to persuade tries to convince the readers that
the proposed claim or solution is better than any other proposal.
 To Entertain
 A discourse that aims to amuse provides a source of entertainment
for its readers.

 A piece of writing or speech or the main body of a printed or

written matter on a page
A representation of discourse
Written or transcribed version of any utterance or body of
Result of the process of speech production in graphic form
Indirect (processed) speech
No personal contacts between agents
One agent
 The method, either written or verbal, by which an idea is
communicated in an orderly, understandable fashion
 A stretch of language perceived to be meaningful,
unified, and purposive; language in use
 It is correlated or linked to pragmatics in which the focus
is on the meaningfulness of spoken or written language.
Whether storytelling, explaining, instructing, etc., as
speaker has intended purpose for communicating.
Qualities of a Text (Jorgensen and Phillips)
 Cohesion. The parts are connected.
 Coherence. The overall text has meaning.
 Intentionality. The writer’s attitude and purpose can be discerned.
 Acceptability. The text is organized.
 Informativity. There is a quantity of new or expected information.
 Situationality. The text’s topic is situationally and culturally

 Intertextuality. The text can be linked to preceeding discourse.

In writing or reading, why is it
greatly important to identify the
main idea or the controlling
message of the text?
In the activity, how significant
are the supporting details in
helping you surmise the

A group of related sentences that

develops one main idea
Often five to 12 sentences long
Each support a paragraph is an
idea unit
Identifying the Main Idea,
Topic Sentence, Supporting
Sentences, and the
 Central controlling thought
 Point or thought being expressed
 Dictates or controls which details are relevant to
the topic
 Answers two main important questions:
 Who or what have I just read about?
 Whatwas the main point or points the author
made about this topic?
 General point the writer expressed about the topic
(Houghton Mifflin Reading Series Book One)
 Is what the writer wants to prove or explain(Houghton
Mifflin Reading Series Book One)
 Also called “central idea” or “thesis” (Reading and
Writing with Confidence)
 It is the one idea that all the other ideas in a paragraph
or longer piece of writing support (Reading and Writing
with Confidence)
Types of Main Idea
 Explicit Main Idea
 Expressed or stated in a paragraph
 The first sentence often explains the subject being
discussed and also found in the concluding sentences of
a paragraph
 Implicit Main Idea
 Not stated in the text by the author
 More difficult
 Can be implied through other words in the paragraph
Explicit Main Idea
The movie Apollo 13 was a Sci-fi blockbuster. It is an
exciting story about space exploration. In the movie, the
astronauts get in trouble while they are trying to return to
Earth. People in the audience are on the edge of their
seats waiting to see what happens. What makes it even
more exciting is that it is a true story.

 Apollo 13 was a Sci-fi blockbuster movie

Explicit Main Idea
To many parents, the infant’s crying may be mainly an
irritation, especially if it continues for long periods. But
crying serves important functions for the child as for
the parents. For the child, crying helps improve lung
capacity and the respiratory system. Perhaps more
important, the cry serves as signal of distress. When
babies cry, they indicate that they are hungry or in
pain, and this is important information for parents.
 Crying serves important functions for the child as for the
Explicit Main Idea
The most obvious people affected by juvenile
delinquency are the victims. Whether the crime
involves theft, vandalism, or violence, the victim
always suffers loss. The victim may incur expenses
related to lost wages, health care, or psychological
care in addition to the cost of replacing damaged or
destroyed items.
 Victims are the most affected people by juvenile
Implicit Main Idea
Topic sentence: _________________________________
 Some are caused by careless people tossing
matches out of car.
 A few started when lightning strikes a tree.
 Some result from campers who fail to douse cooking
 The majority of forest fires are deliberately set by
A statement that represents the main idea to
be developed in the paragraph
 Often a single sentence
 Embodies the main idea
 Mothersentence from which all other
sentences in the paragraph are born out
 Can be the first sentence, middle sentence,
or concluding sentence
 Itsubstantiates or supports an essay’s thesis
 Itunifies the content of a paragraph and
directs the order of the sentences; and
 It advises the reader of the subject to be
discussed and how the paragraph will discuss
Whales are among the most intelligent of the mammals.
Scientists rank whale intelligence with that of higher
primates because of whale’s sophisticated group
behavior. These impressive mammals have been seen
comrades, engaging in elaborate courtship rituals, and
playing indefinite games like patterns. They are able to
coordinate such complex activities through their highly
effective communication system of sonar clicks and pings.
This remarkable social organization appears to have
coordinated toward one another.
Some people fall asleep easily. They drop off as soon as
their heads hit pillows. Others aren’t so lucky. They toss
and turn well into the night. Fortunately, there are solutions
to sleeplessness. In many cases, one can avoid sleep
problems by following a few simple guidelines. First
sleepless people should refrain from drinking alcoholic
beverages or drinks with caffeine before bedtime. Next,
they should mot exercise within three hours of bedtime.
Finally, they need plan a sleep routine. Every day, they
should go to bed at the same time and get up at the
same time.
Do you know what to do if you have trouble sleeping?
In many cases, one can avoid sleep problems by
following a few simple guidelines. First, don’t drink
alcoholic beverages or drinks with caffeine before
bedtime. Next. Do not exercise within three hours of
bedtime. Finally, plan a sleep routine. Every day, go to
bed at the same time and get up the same time.
At the End
To avoid sleep problems, you should not drink
alcoholic beverages or drinks with caffeine before
bedtime. Another way to avoid sleep problem is to
not exercise within three hours of bedtime. A final way
to prevent sleep problem is to plan a sleep routine.
Every day, go to bed at the same time and get up at
the same time. As can be seen, sleep problem can be
avoided by following the above simple guidelines.
Let’s Practice!
Paragraph 1
A low fat diet may prevent major illnesses, including
cancer and heart disease. Because of this, doctors
and nutritionists have suggested many ways for
people to lower the fat in their diets. They recommend
using non-fat milk instead of whole milk. Also, they
suggest that people eat little or no meat. For people
who eat meat, poultry is recommended. It has less fat
than beef or pork. People should also cut down on the
number of eggs they eat. Additionally, eating non-fat
yogurt for dessert instead of ice cream is also
Paragraph 2
Mrs. Clark, who teaches math, is explaining an
essential aspect of the subject. She notices that Fred is
staring at her with unblinking eyes, his body taut and
erect, his feet flat on the floor. She discerns no motion
whatever from Fred. Do you think that Fred is listening
to the lecture, evaluating what Mrs. Clark is saying? If
you think he is interested, you are wrong. A young
teacher unaccustomed to this posture might fall for it,
but a more experienced educator would not. Fred
has turned his teacher off and is using a cover-up
technique to convince her that he is “all ears.”
Paragraph 3
People who attend religious services more
than once a week live seven years longer
than people who never attend religious
services. Spiritual people also recover more
quickly from surgery. Regular church-goers are
less likely to have heart disease or high blood
pressure. They have lower rates of depression
and anxiety, too. Obviously, being faithful has
positive health benefits.
Supporting Sentences
 Come after the topic sentence
 Explain the main idea of the topic sentence
 Supply evidence to convince the reader of the
soundness of the claim, assertion, or opinion
 Minimum is generally 3 or 4
 A concluding sentence
 May provide the bridge or pointer to the
content of the next paragraph
 Often begins with a transition word to signal the
reader (e.g. indeed, after all, finally, therefore,
 Has two purposes:
 To reiterate the main point (opinion and reason)
 Tosignal the reader that this is the end of the
Economic recession is a global phenomenon.
No economy can claim immunity from the
adverse effects of economic down turn.
Indeed, world economies must learn the hard
way to tightening their belts.
Achieving Unity,
Coherence, and Emphasis
 Characterized by the “oneness” of all your details
which must evolve around your paragraph’s main
idea– expressed or implied
 when your main idea is expressed, unity of thought is
achieved when all your subordinating sentences
support the development of the main idea
 if your main idea is implied, unity of thought is achieved
when there is “interrelatedness” of all the details in all
sentences of the paragraph
Vague Topic Sentence with
Weak Supporting Sentences
Humor affects people’s actions. Major
advertisers often use cartoon commercials to
tickle consumers’ funny bones. Many major
companies also use satires of Filipino culture
to convince consumers that they need
particular products.
Specific Topic Sentence with Strong
Supporting Sentences

Humor in advertising, when used properly and

cleverly, can persuade people to prefer a specific
brand of product. Major advertisers often use
computer animated characters in commercials to
tickle consumers’ funny bones. For instance,
Jollibee’s employment of a computer animated
Jollibee mascot resulted not only to increased brand
recognition but also in an increased sale.
Specific Sentence with a
Limiting Idea
Chocolate does more than just taste good—it has
physiological effects. Chocolate contains caffeine,
which provides spurts of energy. It releases
endorphins, which create a sense of relaxation and
comfort. Chocolate also contains a chemical
substance which, when consumed in very large
quantities, can lead to altered states of
Let’s Practice!
Paragraph 1
Ceylon is an island of great natural wealth. Rice and
coconut palms thrive in the warmth of the coastal
plains. The island has a 325-mile coastline. In the hills,
large plantations yield an abundance of rubber. Tea
grows in profusion on the mountain slopes. Other
products of the island include quinine, cacao,
coffee, cinnamon, and citronella. Quinine, a
medicine used mostly in treating malaria, is made
from the bark of cinchona tree.
Paragraph 2
Cats are the world’s greatest hunters for they go
after any animal which they can catch and kill. They
move in complete silence and rely on stealth and
secrecy to catch their prey. They prefer to ambush
their victims and with a terrifying rush instead of
chasing them. Tigers and Lions, however, chase their
victims with greater agility and speed compared to
smaller animals. Cats have also keen sense of smell,
good hearing, and excellent sight especially at night.
They hunt by night for they have eyes especially
adapted for dark.
Achieving Coherence
 Refers to the sticking together of ideas
 An element of writing which requires that
sentences should be properly arranged so as to
achieve logical organization of ideas
 Sentences are put together in such a way as to
maintain a continuous progression of thought
 Logical bridge between words, sentences, and
General Ways of Achieving
A. By the order in which the
sentences are arranged
B. By structural devices
A. By the order in which the
sentences are arranged
1. Chronological Order
 This is the time order or the sequence in
which events occurred.
 It follows the natural order in which
something happens.
 Writers use chronological order to give
instructions, to explain how something
works, or to show how something
2. Space Order or Spatial Scheme
 Used when describing concrete objects
 Details are arranged by adopting one or a
combination of or the reverse of the
 From near to far
 From left to right
 From inside to outside
 From top to bottom
I was seeing the world with my eyes. Surely I was. I
stood on the crest of a hill overlooking the valleys for
miles around, and gazed upon the broad expanse
of land and sea about me. My eyes feasted on the
distant mountains, which at the moment were
purple and gold in the sunset haze. The lake out
yonder, crystal clear in its depths, was peaceful in its
twilight repose. At my feet were flowers that
nodded their heads at the passing breeze. Above
me, in a little while, the sky would blossom out with
tiny glittering diamonds.
3. Logical Order

 Sentences are arranged in order of their

 Can either be deductive or inductive order
Rome and China present two concepts of art. In
Rome, the statues hang mightily over the city like
titans, gigantic in form, heroic in bearing, awesome
in their marble stillness. And its paintings are no
different—giant canvasses laid out on huge walls.
Here, man dominates life, imposes his will over
nature, depicting the struggle and victory of man
over nature. On the contrary, China has nature in
full bloom—fish, birds, beasts frolic in their habitat.
The forest is set ablaze by the dying sun. And in an
obscure corner is the silhouette of man. Here, man is
embedded and overwhelmed by nature.
The cura parroco called the meeting of all the
young ladies to organize a benefit parish fair, with a
beauty contest, if you please, where chest
measurements were not even mentioned. He ran
the parish school and set quotas for contributions to
processions and other religious festivals. No fiesta or
get-together was likely to be held without his
presence. The parishioners consulted him on
whether they should learn English, or accept a job
in a new American firm, whether such and such a
young man from barbarian country side Ermita
would make a good husband. He seemed to have
a finger in every pie.
B. By structural devices such as
repetition of dominant ideas,
using connectives to bind ideas
together, and utilizing reference
words clearly
1. By using transitional devices
 To signal ADDITION
 Again, also, and, besides, equally important,
first (second, etc.), further, furthermore, in
addition, in the first place, moreover, next, too
 Although, and yet, at the same time, but,
despite, even though, however, in contrast, in
spite of, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the
other hand, still, though, yet
1. By using transitional devices
 To give EXAMPLES
 Forexample, for instance, in fact, specifically,
that is, to illustrate
 Also, in the same manner, likewise, similarly
 Above all, certainly, indeed, in fact, of course,
1. By using transitional devices
 To give AMPLIFY
 apparently., besides, equally important
 Significantly, interestingly, surprisingly
 To show RESULTS
 Thus, hence, therefore, accordingly,
thereupon, as a result, and so, as a
consequence, consequently, for this reason
1. By using transitional devices
 To show TIME
 After,afterward, as, as long as, as soon as, at
last, before, during, earlier, finally, formerly,
immediately, later, meanwhile, next, since,
shortly, subsequently, then, thereafter, until,
when, while
 Above, below, close, elsewhere, farther on,
here, nearby, opposite, to the left (north, etc.)
1. By using transitional devices

 All
in all, in conclusion, in other words, in short,
in summary, on the whole, that is, therefore,
to sum up, indeed, finally
Having been accepted by the University, I
started college. My grades had been satisfactory.
I was not prepared for the difficult period of
adjustment. I soon became discouraged with
myself and so dissatisfied with my studies. I was on
the point of quitting. My adviser must have sensed
this. He called me to the office and talked to me
about the duties of a student and the difficulties
of first-year college. That talk helped me
considerably. I realized that there was nothing
wrong with the school or me. I decided to stay.
Having been accepted by the University, I started
college. My grades had been satisfactory in high school,
but unfortunately, I was not prepared for the difficult
period of adjustment. As a result, I soon became
discouraged with myself and so dissatisfied with my
studies that I was on the point of quitting. My adviser
must have sensed this for he called me to the office and
talked to me about the duties of a student and the
difficulties of first-year college. That talk helped me
considerably. From then on, I realized that there was
nothing wrong with the school or me; hence, I decided
to stay.
2. By employing parallelism
 The use of similar constructions to express
similar thoughts
 Maybe found in the sentences comprising a
 Uniformityin the pattern of the grammatical
structures of words, phrases, and sentences
within a paragraph
1. Parallel Word Structure
Our body cells divide, reproduce, and replenish
Slowly but surely, firmly but gently, the labor leader
coaxed his followers to lay down their arms.
In all ages, woman has been the source of all that is
pure, unselfish, and heroic.
2. Parallel Phrase Structure
Bataan is the simple of all the frustrations, all the
defeats, all the ignominious surrenders of 400 years of
fighting for freedom.

To have a steady job, to have my own family, and to

have a secure future are my goals in life.
2. Parallel Clause Structure
a. Subordinate Clause Structure
Biological findings tell us why our body cells grow old and
how they can be rejuvenated.

b. Parallel Main Clause Structure

One hundred and fifty years is a long time in the
reckoning of a hill.
One hundred and fifty years is a week-end to an oak
One hundred and fifty years is a twinkle to a star.
3. By repeating dominant ideas
 Using slightly different words or using
“echo” words. An “echo” word is a
word written again to make clear the
relation of the ideas
Nobody owned any part of the land. Sotopo’s
father owned many cattle, and if the cows
continue to produce calves, he might as well
become the next chief. Old Grandmother owned
the beautifully tanned animal skins she used as
coverlets in winter. But the land belonged to the
spirits who governed life’ if existed forever, for
everyone, and was apportioned temporarily
according to the dictates of the tribal chief and
senior headman. Sotopo’s father occupied the
hillside for the time being, and when he died, the
older son could inherit the loan-land, but no person
or family ever acquired ownership.
Hold to optimistic ideals, and you will drive
out pessimism, the great breeder of disease
and failure and misery. Stand guard at the door
of your mind; keep out all the enemies of your
happiness and achievement, and you will be
astonished at your increased power and entire
changed life within a short time. Negative
thoughts are enervating, positive aren’t.
Looking at the brighter side of life can be
rewarding. One can only prove this is so.
4. By utilizing reference words
 Done by using pronouns and pronominal
adjectives and time signals correctly in
relation to their antecedents
The government and non-government
organizations will have to attend to the needs
of tens of thousands of lahar-stricken victims
who have lost practically everything: their
homes, the animals and tools used in their
trade, and the land they till. They will have to
be helped to start life anew. Most of them will
have to be resettled; they cannot return to their
houses and arid lands. They will have to be fed,
clothed, and their children be attended to by
doctors. (Editorial, Philippine Daily Inquirer)
Paragraph Emphasis
1. Emphasis by Position

 Place the important ideas in the beginning

or at the end or in both of the paragraph
2. Emphasis by Proportion

 Give more space to the relevant details

supporting the topic sentence instead of
restating the topic sentence twice or
several times
3. Emphasis by Repetition

 Whenever necessary, repeat the idea in

different words, or repeat the structure of
sentences in the paragraphs
True health and true success go together, for
they are inseparably intertwined in the thought
realm. As mental harmony produces bodily
health, so it also leads to a harmonious
sequence in the actual working out of one’s
plans. Order your thoughts, and you will order
your life. In other words, a well-organized
thinking is a preliminary to a well-organized
living. True enough, a positive thought
generates physical well-being and gainful
execution on one’s goal.
4. Emphasis by Climactic Order

 Arrange the details from less important to

the most significant
 Transitions: more important, most difficult,
still harder, by far the most impressive, even
more discouraging, worse yet
Consider the potential effect of just a small
increase in the earth’s atmospheric
temperature. A rise of only a few degrees could
melt the polar ice caps. Rainfall patterns would
change. Some deserts might bloom, but lands
now fertile might turn to desert, and many hot
climates could become uninhabitable. If the
sea level rose only a few feet, dozens of coastal
cities would be destroyed, and life as we know
it would be changed utterly.
It pains me to see other persons with handicaps
going through all the difficulties of living in a society
that was not built for us. With so many problems it
has to face, I am afraid that the government’s
attention is too far from us. More so, it hurts to see
society’s indifference to us, the handicapped.
That’s what makes the future look bleak for us. We
can’t have a future in a society that is indifferent to
the plight of its handicapped. We have no future
with a government that is more handicapped than
we are.
Activity (December 6, 2019)

 Many memes on the internet are actually

socially relevant.
 A long commute to schools has both
advantages and disadvantages.
 Buying items from tiangges means setting
for low quality materials.
 Language Use & Mechanics
 Freeof grammatical errors;
 Appropriate spelling;
 Proper use of punctuations and capitalization;

 Content
 Informative and sensible
 The ideas are well-organized;
 The supporting details concretely substantiate the main idea;
 There are no irrelevant ideas;
 The paragraph is coherent and cohesive;

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