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What is a Semicolon?

a punctuation mark (;) indicating a pause,

typically between two main clauses, that is more
pronounced than that indicated by a comma.
How to Use a Semicolon correctly?
The common use of the semicolon is to join two
independent clauses without using a conjunction like “and”.

Do you use a capital letter after a semicolon? The general

answer is no. A semicolon should be followed by a small
letter if the word is a proper noun or an acronym.
We can go to the museum to do some research; Mondays are pretty quiet
1. Semicolons Connect Related Independent Clauses
You can use a semicolon to join two closely related
independent clauses. The group of words that comes
before the semicolon should form a complete sentence,
the group of words that comes after the semicolon should
form a complete sentence, and the two sentences should
share a close, logical connection:
Martha has gone to the library; Andrew has gone to play soccer.
2. Delete the Conjunction when you use a Semicolon

A semicolon isn’t the only thing that can link two independent
clauses. Conjunctions(that’s your ands, buts and ors)can do that
too. But you shouldn’t use a semicolon and a conjunction. That
means when you use a semicolon, you use it instead of ands, buts
and ors; you don’t need both. Hint: if you used a comma and an
“and” to link two related ideas, think of the period(you know, the
top part of the semicolon)as a replacement “and”.

I saw a magnificent albatross; it was eating a mouse.
3. Use Semicolons in a Serial List

You can use semicolons to divide the items of a list if the items are long or
contain internal punctuation. In these cases, the semicolon helps readers
keep track of the divisions between the items.

I need the weather statistics for the following cities: London, England,
Ontario; Paris, France; Paris, Ontario; Perth, Scotland; Perth, Ontario.
4. Use Semicolons with Conjunctive Adverbs

When you have a conjunctive adverb linking two independent clauses, you
should use a semicolon. Some common conjunctive adverbs include
moreover, nevertheless, however, otherwise, therefore, then, finally, likewise,
and consequently.

I needed to go for a walk and get some fresh air; also, I needed to buy milk.
5. Use a Semicolon to Give a Wily Wink

Emoticons will never replace a solid knowledge of the English language. But
they can sure spice it up from time to time. The semicolon is a good
punctuation mark to have in your back pocket. Or on top of your
parenthetical smile. So whatever you’re using to whip up a good complex
sentence or to give someone a wink, now you how to do it right.

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