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Aims of Education in Idealism:

 To discover and develop each individual’s abilities and

full moral excellence in order to better serve society.
 The curricular emphasis is subject matter of mind:
literature, history, philosophy, and religion.
Aims of Education in Realism:
 To give to the pupil a complete knowledge and
understanding of human society, human nature,
motives, and institutions.
 Education must explain to the pupil how he is related
to the world of man and to the world of nature.
Aims of Education in Pragmatism:
 More education.
 Harmonious development of an individual.
 Continuous reconstruction of experiences.
 Social efficiency.
 Continuous growth.
 Personal and social adjustment.
Role of Teachers in Idealism:
 To be a skillful questioner who encourages students to
think and ask more questions in an environment that
is suitable for learning.
 The teacher is the central controller in the idealist
pattern of education.
 The teacher is the key to the educative process than
any other element comprising it.
Role of Teachers in Realism:
 To identify the needs of the learner and to serve as a
resource person. Idealism holds that ideas are the only
true reality.
 Realism holds that reality exists independent of the
human mind; matter in the universe is real and
independent of man’s ideas. Its emphasis is on recent
needs and readiness to be a successful citizen.
Role of Teachers in Pragmatism:
 Teach inductive and deductive reasoning, the scientific
method, and the powers of observation and practice.
 Facilitator/dynamic.
 Good classroom manager.
 Result and process-oriented.
Role of Students in Idealism:
 Students answer the asked questions.
 Teacher provides the feedback and students improve
themselves according to the teacher’s feedback.
Role of Students in Realism:
 To find out and discover new things.
 To be a person of good character.
 To learn by doing through self-experience.
 To obtain real knowledge of the world.
 To have moral values of truth, beauty and goodness.
Role of Students in Pragmatism:
 Should apply their knowledge to real situations
through experimental inquiry.
 Students should learn the process of problem solving.
 They are expected to do researches and apply them to
do the solution of the problem.
Curriculum in Idealism:
 Comprises of physical, intellectual and spiritual
activities which enable the child to develop fully.
Curriculum in Realism:
 Emphasizes the subject matter of the physical world,
particularly science and mathematics.
 The teacher organizes and presents content
systematically within a discipline, demonstrating use
of criteria in making decisions.
Curriculum in Pragmatism:
Framed according to the following principles:
 Principles of dynamism and flexibility.
 Principle of utility – subjects like language, literature,
physical education, hygiene, history, geography, civics,
sociology, psychology, etc. Priority is given to social
science to make students good, cooperative and useful
citizens. Natural sciences come next.
Curriculum in Pragmatism:
Framed according to the following principles:
 Principles of activity and experience, agriculture, wood
craft and industrial sciences.
 Principles of integration.

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