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Thalita Asriandina (1308617034)

What is the Blood

The circuit of blood through the body, from the
heart through the arteries, arterioles,
capillaries, venules, and veins and back to the
The blood circulatory system (cardiovascular
system) delivers nutrients and oxygen to
all cells in the body.
Giraffes have such
long necks and legs
and how the heart
sends blood all the
way up to its head
and brain through the
long neck and down
its legs when it
stands tall up to 5
meters high.

The giraffe’s heart is one of
the most powerful of that of
all the mammals.
With giraffes having such long
necks, their heart has to work
its very best to pump blood up
the neck to the brain. One of
the most powerful hearts of
any mammal is the giraffes
weighing around 24 pounds
and measuring 2 feet long!
This makes their blood
pressure double the amount of
most mammals and makes
their heart have to work that
much faster.
High blood pressure
The blood that is pumped towards the brain at high
pressure possibly may lead to brain damage. But
the harder pumping to get all the blood so far uphill
results in high blood pressure. Therefore, the blood
pressure of giraffe is exceptionally high, when
compared to other animals. According to zoologists,
the blood pressure of an adult giraffe’s heart can
reach roughly twice as that of a human being. But in
their heads, the blood pressure remains the same
as a human’s.

Sinuses that function like check valves to lower
pressure to head when bending down
In their brain, there are blood vessels that connect to the
convoluted valves or blood sponge in the large neck
veins. They are meant specifically to reduce the blood
pressure before it enters the brain. Their function is to
stop the blood from flowing backward when it dips its
head. It is called the Rete mirabile. This amazing organ
collects the blood at the skull base and regulates the
blood quantity released into the brain. It prevents the
head from swelling when it bends over. And it works in
reverse as well. When the giraffe quickly lifts its head, the
organ stops blood from draining out the brain quickly,
saving the animal from fainting. If humans tried that trick,
they would pass out.

The giraffe’s legs
How the heart maintains the blood
circulation in the giraffe’s legs was
a constant? The muscle and skin
around the legs fit tightly, increasing
the pressure of the blood in the lower
body, stopping it draining down. The
layer of tight skin on its legs not only
maintains pressure but also prevents
the vessels from bursting.
Furthermore, if the giraffe were to get
cuts, this thick skin and inner fascia
would prevent blood pooling and
excessive bleeding.


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