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Chanel Green
Edu 214
■ Text-to-speech (TTS) is a very popular assistive technology in which a computer or
tablet reads the words on the screen out loud to the user. This technology is popular
among students who have difficulties with reading, especially those who struggle
with decoding.
How it’s used in the Classroom
■ The technology works by scanning and then reading the words to the student in a
synthesized voice, using a large number of speech sounds that make up words in any
given context. With the advances in speech synthesis, TTS technology is more accurate
and lifelike than ever.
■ Voice recognition software allows students to speak into their computers, which turn
their oral language into text. With the advances of voice recognition technology, students
with learning disabilities are now able to become more independent as writers, readers,
and learners.
■ Students can instruct speech synthesis programs to read only selected words, whole
lines, or an entire text selection. The immediate speech feedback allows students to
correct their reading errors by clicking on a word they do not know in order to hear the
correct pronunciation of the word. Text-to-speech programs reduce the frustration of
inaccurate decoding for students with learning disabilities and allow for more complete
comprehension of the text
Pros and Cons

■ training the program to recognize students' voices can be difficult and time consuming
■ Students must learn the special commands needed to operate the program successfully, and some of the
commands can be difficult to remember
■ Students who used discrete speech recognition software did not show the same improvements in their
working memory scores.
■ disadvantage of organizational software is that students may spend more time playing with the graphics than
on organizing and writing
■ students with learning disabilities can use voice recognition software to significantly improve their writing
■ Studies have shown that using visual organizers (e.g., semantic maps, webs, and outlines) to plan the writing
process significantly improves the quality of writing for students with learning disabilities.
■ Studies have also found this type of technology to have remedial benefits.
YouTube: Text to Speech

Reference / Citation

■ Forgrave, Karen E. “Assistive Technology: Empowering Students with Learning

Disabilities.” The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and
Ideas, vol. 75, no. 3, 2002, pp. 122–126., doi:10.1080/00098650209599250.

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