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Post Parturient

Parturient Haemoglobinuria
It is disease of high producing animals. It occurs after parturition and is characterized by
straining during defecation, red urine, hemoglobinurea, anemia; and death may occur in

The major cause of this disease is phosphorus deficiency. It is more common in buffalo as compared
to cattle.

Predisposing factors:
The diet deficient in phosphorus leads to post parturient
hemoglobin urea.
There is deficiency of phosphorus in plants like turnips,
brassica, reddish leaves and beat pulp.
• Usually animal in 3rd – 4th lactation are more prone to this
disease as compared to in first, second lactations.
• Deficiency of copper in soil. Copper is essential part of an
enzyme dismutase which is necessary for hemopoiesis.
• Animal in dry period have normal phosphorus. But lactating
animals have deficiency of phosphorus and calcium. So more
prone to it.
• It is more common 2-4 weeks after parturition. Incidence of
this disease is low but mortality upto 50 %. This disease does
not occur in beef cattle.
• Ingestion of cold water also leads to hemolysis.
• Rape, other cruciferous plants in diet
Clinical Findings
• Hemoglobinuria
• Red black, slightly turbid urine 1112
• Lack of appetite
• Weakness develop suddenly
• Severe depression of the milk yield
• Dehydration develops quickly
• Pale mucous membrane
• Temperature 103.5 oF
• Feaces dry and firm
• Low oxygen carrying capacity of RBCs will not fulfill the
requirement of oxygen; there will be increase heart rate and
respiration. So there will be difficult breathing and fast heart rate.
• In later stages there is jaundice
• Pica may be present
• Course of disease is 3-5 days
• Animal becomes stagger, weak and recombinant.
Clinical Pathology
RBCs, Hb greatly reduced
Heinz bodies in erythrocytes reported in Cu deficiency
induced disease

Serum P levels often normal, may be as low as 0.4-1.5

Low RBCs, Hb, PCV
Necropsy findings :
• Blood thin
• Carcase jaundiced
• Hemoglobinuria
• Diagnosis
Diagnosis is based on
• Clinical history
• Clinical sign
• Lab test
diagnosis D.F diagnosis D.F diagnosis D.F
Items Hematouria Hemoglobinur Myoglobinur
ia ia
Def. Presence of Presence of Presence of
intact RBCs Hb- in urine myoglobin in
in urine urine
Col. Bright red Brownish-red brown
Centrifug. Cell ppt. and No change
turbidity turbid Transparent
If presence of homogenous & transparent fluid
you may take serum sample & see its color
*if it is of pink color → Hb uria
*if it is of clear color → Myoglobin uria
**Hb uria (caused by )
1- Babesia → -tick infestation
-young age more susceptible
-profuse diarrhea (pipe steam diarrhea)
then constipation
-M.M → congested → pale → jundice
-blood film → parasite
Bacillary Hb
-sudden death (every 3 days)
-high fever
-sudden drop in milk yield
-blood stained feces
-necrosis in liver ( p.m)
- most common with liver fluke infestation
&during summer
-calves & lambs are more susceptible than
-pyrexia (41-42ºc) → abortion
-high mortality rate in calves & lambs
-bloody milk from all qurters
-the udder is soft & flappy
copper poisoning
-no fever -severe jaundice
-water intoxication
-history of ingestion of large amount of cold
• Sodium acid phosphate Na2H2PO4 60 g/300 ml water of
which is given through intravascularly or subcutaneously.
Repeat after 12 hours. Route of administration depends
upon the severity of disease. 100 g Na2H2PO4 orally can be
given for 5 days.
• CuSO4 (acidified) 1-2 g orally for 10-15 days. It helps in
• Best treatment is blood transfusion upto 5 litres.
• B-complex, dextrose (if dehydration)
• OR
FOSFAN injection(Toldimfos Sodium) as the dose rate of
• Cattle, Horse : 15~20mL / a dose
Calf, Foal, Sheep : 5mL / a dose
• Piglet, Dog : 2mL / a dose

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