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ADHD Treatment in Dubai

Brain scientists have found that deficiencies in specific neurotransmitters

underlie many common disorders, including anxiety, mood disorders, anger-
control problems, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. ADHD is an acronym
for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder .At
advice regarding ADHD treatment in Dubai can be obtained easily.
Dr. Arun kumar Sharma

Dr. Arun Sharma, Dizziness treatment in Dubai may involve repositioning of

inner ear crystals by Epleymanoeuvre ,demonstration of certain rebalancing
or vestibular rehabilitation. Dizziness is what happens when there is a
deficit in any of these three senses or the brain centers that tie them all
Back and Neck Pain Doctor in Dubai:
Dr. Arun Sharma

Back and Neck Pain Doctor in Dubai: Dr. Arun Kumar Sharma
What is back and neck pain. Back pain can range from a mild, dull, annoying ache, to
persistent, severe, disabling pain. Pain in your back can limit your ability to move. It can
interfere with normal functioning and quality of life. Always talk with your healthcare provider
if you have persistent pain.
Besides the vestibular organ ( the balance transmitter of the body, that is part of the
inner ear lying closely juxtaposed to the hearing organ) dysfunction there are many
other causes of dizziness which are not related to the function of the inner ear. If the
brain is not able to coordinate the inputs from the three parts of the balance system,
there is central dizziness. Central dizziness may be caused by migraines, tumors,
infections and degenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis. Visual dizziness can occur if
the eye muscles are imbalanced or there are errors of refraction.
Best Neurologist Dubai, Conrad
Tower, 18th floor, Sheikh Zayed Road,
Dubai - UAE
Tel:+97143728877+971 4 3728877

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