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Organizational behavior and HRD

Foundation of Group Behavior
Values, Attitudes & Job
Personality & Emotions & their
role in Effectiveness of
Define Group behavior? 3
A group can be defined as two or more interacting and interdependent individuals
who come together to achieve particular objectives. A group behavior can be stated as
a course of action a group takes as a family; for example (strike).

Types of groups
Formal Informal

Command Task Clique
group group

Committee group
Theories of Group Behavior 4

Propinquity Theory Of Group Behavior

(George Homes) (1950-60)
 Group behavior refers to activities, interaction, and
 Employees perform effectively in organization
Balance Theory
(Theodore Newcomb)
 Persons interaction towards similar attitudes and common
 Ensure effective functioning of the group
Characteristics Of Group Behavior 5

 Norms
 Status
 Cohesion
 Conformity
 Group think
 Group Cohesiveness
Values Of Organization 6

There are four core values that every

organization should have:
 Integrity and ethics
 Respect
 Innovation (Not limitation)
 Drive
Attitudes Of Organization 7

Components Of Attitudes
 Cognitive component
 Effective component
 Behavioral component
Types of Attitudes
 Job satisfaction
 Job involvement
 Organizational commitment
 Perceived organizational support
 Employee Engagement
Job satisfaction and Employee 8

 Satisfaction and productivity
 Satisfaction and Absenteeism
 Satisfaction and Turnover
 Satisfaction and OCB
 Satisfaction and customer satisfaction
What is personality? 9
Personality is the dynamic organization within the
individuals of those psychophysical systems that determine
is unique adjustments to his environments.
Role of personality in OB:
 How personality plays a key role in OB
Effects of personality in Organization
 Motivation
 Leadership
 Performance
 conflict
What are Emotions? 10
Emotions can be defined as a positive or negative experience that is
associated with a particular pattern or physiological activity.
Effects of Emotions in OB:
 Achievement
 Job Enrichment
 Higher Quality Social Context
 Fear
 Anger
 Stress
 Sadness
 Guilt
Dimensions Of Emotions 11

Pleasure Focus Direction

(positive) (internal) (attraction)
(negative) (External) (Repulsion)

Intensity Arousal
(low) (high) (low) (high)
OB Applications of Emotions 12

 Selection
 Decision Making
 Creativity
 Motivation
 Leadership
 Negotiation
 Customer services
 Job Attitudes
 Deviant Workplace behavior

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