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Use of Social Media:

Boon or Bane for HR?

Social media and HR Processes



Way forward
Social media and HR some data
No, Yes, 40%
Marketing 35% 60%
48% 52%
Information… 17%

HR 14%
organization having a formal social
14% Use social media for marketing media policy.

Public… 13%

Sales 3% Yes, HR 43%

Information Technology 17%
1% 20% 11%
Customer… Management…
No, 9%
Legal 1% 80% 8%
Operations… 1% Public Relations 8%
Accounting/Finance 1%
Other 1% Use social media for internal Operations/Logistics 1%
communication Sales 1%
organization’s social media users Other 2%
responsibility for creating social
media policy
Survey by SHRM 500 companies

Marriot’s career page has 1.2 million likes,

four times more than Facebook’s career page

The company posts:

• engaging content at least twice a day
• highlights individual workers’ accomplishments
• what it’s like to work for the international company,
• happenings across the Marriot network
• personal feel - named employees answer questions on company’s profiles.
• career chats - to give advice to prospects on how to apply and get accepted to jobs in the company, and in the
hospitality industry in general.

The Takeaway:
• respond quickly and effectively to questions by prospective candidates.
• additional information can help job applicants get through the hiring process faster
Employee Acquisition

Taco Bell, a restaurant chain has approximately 150,000 likes on their career page on Facebook

Employees post selfies while they are in their Taco Bell

Job seekers can clearly see how it would be to work at
Taco Bell
employer profile is on display through multiple platforms.
Taco Bell is one of the few companies taking advantage
of unconventional social media platforms such as
Pinterest to get their career postings out there and
The Takeaway: Once your company has a strong social
recruiting brand, make sure that brand goes global by
extending it across different social networks and
platforms. The more creative your methods, the more
potential candidates your recruiters can reach.
Employee Development
An increasing number of organizations are now turning to social media for online training. For example, encouraging
employees to network with industry experts in order to upskill.
5 Benefits Of Using Social Media In Training
1. Improves Online Collaboration.
Geographically dispersed employees can interact with their colleagues in the real world through use of social
media They can post informative links, share tips, and work together on team projects.
2. Employees Have Access To Round-The-Clock Support
Employees need access to information 24/7, not just during office hours. Social media offers them the chance to
research topics and tasks whenever, wherever
3. Keeps Employees Up-To-Date
Social media keeps employees up-to-date with the latest online training and company news. Organizations can
post event reminders, new online training course notifications, and changes to company policy. They also have
the ability to share online resources, such as multimedia links to broaden employees' understanding.
4. Facilitates Ongoing Online Training Feedback
In addition to tips and valuable advice, co-workers also have the opportunity to give and receive feedback.
Employees are able to post their ideas or even upload online training projects for peer review.
Employee Relation – building team work and camaraderie - Employee engagement
McKinsey global institute study shows that :
• employee spend 61% time on email ,retrieving information and collaborating ,
• 36% of worker’s wasted time was trying to contact people , find information and schedule meeting
• Use of social media can improve productivity upto 20%

How L’Oréal uses social media to increase employee engagement

:two hashtags to get people talking about their working lives on Instagram.

#LifeatLoreal - to find out what

was going on in the various offices
across the US: What the fun The sales operations team
events were, what the culture was getting into the Haloween
like, and so on. spirit!!

The second
hashtag, #LorealCommunity, was all
A little bit of mud can’t stop the
about getting people to share how they team from Volunteering in
interact socially with colleagues both L’Oréal Community!!
inside and outside of work.
Social media actively used in brand building Speed of information/mis-
Traditional channels of brand promotion and attracting talent information sharing
recruitment and limited reach active search for qualified candidates fake profile
selection limited information on CV check candidates profile information reliability
visualize candidates network connection privacy concern
ask for third party assessment
interactivity , team building , follow-up after
teacher led/unilateral communication skill
training and training
development limited to working hour and geographic
Flexibility in timing information leakage
Wider audience for recognition and
Recognition and Limited opportunities appreciation
appreciation New avenues for appreciation
Sharing own achievements
work force monitoring
safety health limited to physical presence (dissatisfaction/problems ) overexposure
engagement limited to working hour Sharing failures /learning/best practices innapropriate content
cyber bulling
bureaucratic mobilizing power speed of information sharing
labour relation Ease in
time consuming communication,organization,engagement
hideyuki yokoyama
• Companies lack IT resource to monitor social media

• Legal aspects of social media use not yet clear

• privacy concern regarding social media

Recommendation/way forward
• Create formal policy or set of guidelines, even if social media is
not yet being used in any formal way. This policy should be
carefully vetted with relevant stakeholders, including legal and
human resources.
• Support changes in working styles that enable employees to
work more transparently and better leverage social networks.
• Ensure that alternatives exist for people who do not use social
networking sites in recruitment practice.
• Promote social media as a community-driven initiative, not a
top-down directive, with specific business benefits.
• Provide users a first line of support for usage questions,
technical support, reporting violations, and/or feature requests.
• Encourage top-level management to model desired behaviours
as active, passionate contributors and not spectator. Social
media has huge role in creating culture.
• Use of advanced tools like analytics etc to create value for firm
Social media policy
Issues to Consider in Drafting a Policy
• Determine how much personal use of social media during work time, if
any, is acceptable
• Require disclosure/approval of company-related content
• Reserve the right of the company to monitor employee use of social
media while at work or while using company electronic devices
• Include the right to hold employees accountable for use on their personal
devices and/or while on non-work time where the company's business
interest are implicated
• Specify uses of social media that violate company policy or legal
requirements. Company code of conduct should be foundation
• Emphasize the use of common sense and good judgment when using
social media in a way that affects the company, its customers or its
Monitoring and enforcement
• Decide what monitoring the employer will
do and by whom
• Training
• Active and consistent enforcement of your
• Future revisions
Thank you
Social media policy/guideline
Some pointers for social media policy Examples from corporate
• Differentiating Company sponsored and
individual sponsored
• Company code of conduct should be foundation
• Personal presentation
• Identify yourself
• Speak in first person
• Respect copyright and other law
• Information sharing
• Protect confidentiality
• Accurate information
• Accountability
• Desired practices
• Clearly Sets Expectations (Reduce Confusion)
• Protect Brand Reputation
• Protect clients, business partner and supplier
• Respect your audience and co workers
• Don’t start argument or fuel them
Social media features
• Collaboration: Increased use of online media and networking has brought a
sense of togetherness and bonding causing people to share ideas and also
use them in case of similar problems
• Engagement : People of similar interests share their ideas and thus it
benefits across businesses, where their areas of interests are similar, Social
networking sites promote participation among internet users and other
• Feedback: Social networking sites are the excellent media for fast
communication and two way open conversation
• Broadcast : Sharing of information, knowledge in open platforms such as
Wikipedia, YouTube is where general business information is shared and
also on the internal platforms within where data specific to the company
and confidential data is also shared
• Embracing new traits and behaviours will allow the enterprise to thrive in the digital
From doing digital to age. As artificial intelligence, robotics, and cognitive solutions grow in sophistication,
being digital. organizations must reconsider how they design jobs, organize work, and plan for the
future growth.

From centre-driven • . Applying personalization to the entire enterprise workforce will supercharge
to human-centered employee-centered solutions. The future of HR focuses on driving tangible,
measureable value across the enterprise that's both qualitative and quantitative

From compliance and • Adopting a high-impact HR operating model lets organizations flex based on dynamic
business needs. The future of HR demands a strong ecosystem of trusted partners to
control to trust and build upon and enable internal capabilities with speed, while creating new channels
empowerment. for talent and innovation.

From integrated • . Deploying advanced technologies promotes productivity and simplicity of

experience. Robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, virtual reality,
systems to a unified machine learning, and social collaboration allow organizations to truly reinvent
engagement platform rather than automate.
Social Media Analytics for Business
Sentiments and
Behavior Predictive Analysis
HR Analytics
Hiring, Communication, Talent Sentiment interpretation
Implication on Big 5 Model management, Collaboration through Blog analysis

Analyzing usage
Social Networking pattern
Sites (SNS)

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