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Local Government
Definisi Kerajaan Tempatan Definition of Local
-konsep awal oleh Jeremy BenthamEarly concept of LG
proposed by Jeremy Bentham
-dua istilah: kerajaan tempatan, pihak berkuasa
tempatan merujuk `sistem’ dan `badan mentadbir two
terms: local govt., and local authority refer to `a system
and a governing body’
-bbgai definisi tapi merujuk kpd: various definitions of LG
satu bdn dlm lingkungan wilayah tttu, melalui politik &
p’undgn, dipilih @ dilantik oleh atasan, bidg kuasa
tempatan, dgn autonomi tttu a body in one specific
area (jurisdiction), by political& legal, elected @
appointed by the superior authorities, jurisdiction
within locality, with certain degree of autonomy
Teori dan Konsep Kerajaan Tempatan Theories
and Concepts of Local Government
Pengenalan Introduction
-dlm mana2 negara akan ada pent temp in any country there will be
local administration
-sist pent temp adalah b’dasar jenis negara:
neg Perskutuan – ada k’jaan pusat, neg, temp
neg Kesatuan – ada k’jaan pusat dan temp local administration
based on type of country: under federal system – there are central
govt., state govt and local govt.; under unitary system – there are
central govt and local govt
-juga dikenali sbg `field administration’ bg negara yg luas
Local administration also known as `field administration’
-pent temp mrpk satu bentuk desentralisasi dan beri sedikit autonomi
kpd tempatan local adminstration is one type of decentralisation
and one way of granting autonomy to localities
1. Local Government Division, Ministry of
Housing & Local Government defines local
govt as:
`an entity without infra-sovereign, a
geographical division of sovereign or quasi-
sovereign state, in performing the power of
government within any particular jurisdiction.
Most local govts are legitimate entities, may
sue an might be sued, an may involve in
agreement or contracts’
2. The United Nations LG defines as:
`a political sub-divisions of an nation or (in a
Federal system) state which is constituted by law
and has substantial control of local affairs,
including the power to impose taxes or exact
labour for prescribed purpose. The governing
body of such entity is elected or otherwise locally
selected’ (as in the Report of the Royal
Commission of Enquiry to Investigate into the
Working of Local Authorities, Kuala Lumpur,
3. Ahmad Atory Hussain (1991) refers Robert K.
Georry (1971):
`a process of where the public services and
functions are borne by a set of regional sub-unit
in the state’

And refers Abdullah Ayub (1978):

`LG as an administrative process by an authority
or council in any particular jurisdiction for the
welfare and well-being of the people in that
particular jurisdiction’
4. Phang Siew Nooi (1978):
Refers Dilys M. Hill (1974)’s statement `the LG
has specific boundary, structure, power,
function and autonomy’
Refers John T. Clarke (1969)’s statement that `LG
is a sub-unit of the government, with specific
functions to cater the needs of the people
within specific jurisdiction, under the power
granted by the central government’
From definitions, we can conclude that:
- LG is the lowest level of government administration
- LG as an agent of development for the welfare and
well-being of the people, at the local or district level of
government administration
And Sharifah Zarina (1989) summarizes that:
- LG as a third level of govt after the central and the
state govts
- LG has dual-functions, responsible to the higher level
of govts, and accountable to the people (the
Distinctions between Local Government and
Local Authority

-local government is the way government

administration at the lowest level (system) is
-local authority is a unit which carry out the
government administration (process) at the
lowest level
Oxford Student Dictionary (1978) defines both
as follows:

LOCAL GOVERNMENT is the administration of

the affairs of a district (such roads, education,
refuse, parks, etc.) by representative elected
by the residents
LOCAL AUTHORITY is the officers elected to
administer local government
Teori-teori Kerajaan Tempatan Theories of Local
-bbgai teori klasik dan moden mengenai KT -tapi agak
kompleks there are some classical and modern
theories on LG
-digabung dlm Teori Badan Perantaraan (Wickwar, 1970)
Theories are summarized and proposed by Wickwar
(1970) as Theories of Intermediary Body
-teori ini mjelaskn bebr konsep spt kebebasan tempatan
(local liberty), perbadanan berpiagam (chartered
corporation), badan perantaraan (intermediary body)
dan badan pengundi (constituent body) –mdpt
kedaulatan separa atausepenuh the theory explained
some concepts of LG such as local liberty, chartered
corporation, intermediary body and constituent body –
either with full or partial sovereignty (quasi sovereign)
1) Kebebasan Tempatan (local liberty)
-konsep local liberty wujud di Eropah sejak zaman feudal
–kaw temp diberi kebebasan tadbir sendiri the concept
first in existence during Europe feudal age
-di zaman moden pent temp diwujud melalui proses
politik, perundangan in modern day, local
administration formed through political, legal
-kebebasan yg lebih bbanding zaman feudal ekoran
p’ubahan kehendak2 tempatan today local authorities
have more autonomy to suit local needs and changes
-wujud borough dan commune antara 1050 dan 1250
Borough and commune as types of local government
during this era
2) Perbadanan Berpiagam (chartered corporation)
-pkmbgan selepas 1250, borough dan commune
bertindak spt perbadanan –ditubuhkan secara sah dan
mempunyai fungsi dlm bidg kuasa tttu
After 1250, borough and commune acted like a
corporation –legally formed and had function within
specific jurisdiction
-wujud dgn asas konsep yayasan –fungsi utk penuhi
keperluan skop tertentu existed in a conceptual basis
of `a foundation’
-badan tempatan ini diwujud melalui charter supaya dpt
jadi badan yg boleh bertindak secara sah dan
berautoriti sbg chartered corporation the local body
was created through a charter (legislation) which
would give authority as a chartered corporation
3) Badan Perantara (intermediary Body)
-konsep diperkenal oleh John Bodin (1576-1606) this
concept was proposed by John Bodin (1576-1606)
-dan dikembangkan oleh Montesquiue (1749) expanded
by Montesquiue (1749)
-KT sbg badan perantara negara dan rakyat (state and
family) LG as an intermediary body to link the state
(nation) and the people
-satu badan berasingan tapi diwujud melalui
perundangan –terikat kpd tjwb it was a separate body
but created through legislation- and bound by specific
-status berperlembagaan tapi bukan badan atasan it
became a constituted body but remained as lower
authority (under the superior authorities)
4) badan pengundi (constituent body)
-bkembang dari chartered corporation dan local liberty,
diwujud badan utk mentadbir tempatan utk tujuan penuhi
keperluan tempatan developed from chartered
corporation and local liberty, a body created to administer
locality to meet the local needs
-struktur piramid dikekalkan di mana golongan yg mentadbir
berada di atas the body existed in pyramidal structure
which maintained the elites (leaders) at the top of the
-tdpt usaha utk bolehkan pent temp melantik badan
pentadbir masing2 –jadi satu badan dgn pemilih atau
dikenali badan pengundi (spt sebuah kawasan parlimen)
there were efforts (initiatives) to allow local body to elect
their own administrators (leaders) –known as the
constituent body (similar to a parliamentary)
Pendekatan Moden Kerajaan Tempatan Modern
Approach to Local Government
-pdktn moden bawa pandangan berbeza modern
approach offers different views
-beralih dari konsep badan perantara kpd konsep
pembahagian wilayah shifted views from just an
intermediary body to regional divisions
-dari hanya fungsi menyampai (pandangan rasionalis),
m’jadi satu badan pentadbir sah melalui undang2
mengikut keperluan tempatan (utilitarianism) shifted
views on LG, from just a body delivering services
(rationalism) to a body created through legislation to
serve the local needs (utilitarianism)
Beberapa pandangan: Several views:
Politik: evolusi kpentingan umum kpd
p’sendirian Political views –an evolution from
general to individual needs –an authority
need to fulfill each individual’s need
Undang: negara sbg pembentuk bukan
pelaksana undg2 Law perspectives –a state
should be the lawmaker not to implement the
law –should delegate
Psikologi sosial: negara sbg pendidik sivik
psychology social perspectives –a state should
act as a civic educator
1. Teori Utilitarianism Turgot Turgot Utilitarianism
-Turgot menganggap kehendak temp tidak harus diabaikan
Turgot proposed that local needs should not be ignored
-negara perlu ambil kira kehendak tempatan –local needs
should be taken into account by a state
-tempatan perlu bincang bersama kehendak2 sebelum bawa
ke atas localities should be consulted by a state
-tempatan perlu diberi kebebasan tentukan kehendak sendiri
localities should be given autonomy (freedom) to meet
their own needs
-tempatan perlu diberi kuasa kutip cukai dan sediakan2
keperluan2 asas localities should be given powers to
collect revenues and provide all the basic needs by their
-wujud municipalities di peringkat tempatan created
municipalities at the local level
2. Teori Utilitarianism Bentham Bentham Utilitarianism
-diperkenal oleh Jeremy Bentham dan J.S Mill proposed by Jeremy
Bentham and J.S. Mill
-2 prinsip utama teori ini: 2 principles in this theory
a. The greatest happiness for the greatest number
b. Pleasure-pain principle
-asasnya perlu bawa keseronokan dan minimumkan kemudaratan the
basic principle is to bring happiness and minimize painful
-kjaan perlu buat polisi yg sesuai dan jamin hak rakyat, termasuk
kawsn tempatan government must make policies which are
suitable and guarantee the rights of the people, including the
-perlu beri autonomi secukup kpd pent temp utk penuhi kehendak
tempatan dan kurangkan kemudaratan should give sufficient
autonomy to local bodies to meet the needs of localities
-wujud sub-districts lebih kecil di peringkat temp should create smaller
sub-districts at local level
Demokrasi Kerajaan Berperwakilan Representative
Democratic Government
-dari idea J.S. Mill proposed by J.S.Mill
-perkenal konsep Utilitarian Society –merujuk satu
pertubuhan dlm msy utk capai kesejahteraan seluruh ahli
introduced a concept of Utilitarian Society –refers to an
association in the society to achieve wellness and well
beings of the people
-asas demokrasi perlu ada kebebasan dan penyertaan rakyat
basic principles of democracy are freedom and public
-bermaksud PBT perlu beri perkhid dan kawal badan2 pentad
tempatan meaning that Local Authorities should provide
services and control all local administration bodies
-tempatan pula perlu ada suara kolektif sebelum sampaikan
kehendak ke atas localities need collective decisions before
putting up their voices to the superior authorities
Konsep Kerajaan Tempatan Kini Today’s
Concept of Local Government
-idea KT adalah utk bolehkan pent kjaan sampai
kpd semua rakyat the idea of LG is to allow
govt’s administration reaches all the people
-timbul konsep desentralisasi peringkat daerah
that brought the concept of decentralization
at district levels
-iaitu pembuatan keputusan dan autoriti kjaan
pusat ke peringkat tempatan refers to
authority and decision making by central govt
at local level
-tapi tidak mudah sbb p’musuhan
nasional/lokal, sosial politik tak stabil, enggan
terima perubahan, tidak matang politik, tidak
fahami dan tidak hargai matlamat negara but
that is not easy task because of conflict of
national/local, socio-political instability,
resistant to change, political immaturity, do
not and do not want to understand goal of a
-pbezaan desentralisasi bgantung sejauh mana tempatan
dpt autoriti utk rancang, buat keputusan, dan
pengurusan drp pusat degree of decentralization
depending on how far localities have authority to plan,
make decisions, and manage their issues
-tdpt 4 bentuk desentralisasi iaitu: there are four types of
decentralization, namely:
(i) Devolution (pengagihan/penyerahan kuasa)
(ii) Deconcentration (pecahan tumpuan)
(iii) Delegation (penurunan)
(iv) Transfer of function (perpindahan fungsi)
-tapi dalam pent KT keempat2 bentuk diklasifikasikan kpd
dua iaitu devolution dan deconcentration but in a
study of local government, the four types are normally
classified under devolution and deconcentration
(i) Devolution (pengagihan/penyerahan kuasa)
-sama dengan bentuk pemindahan fungsi
Similar to transfer of function
Devolution bertujuan untuk berikan kebebasan yg luas melalui
penyerahan kuasa atau tugas dan autoriti. Purpose of
devolution is to allow wider freedom by the transfer of
power, responsibilities and authority
-Melalui prinsip ini, kerajaan pusat akan serahkan tugas2
tertentu atau tubuhkan unit2 baru k’jaan yg berada di luar
kawalan terus drpnya this principle proposes that central
government should give some responsibilities or create
smaller units free from its direct control
-Bentuk ini terdapat di Malaysia, Britain, US dan banyak lagi
This type is available in Malaysia, Britain, US and others
-di Malaysia devolution untuk pent PBT dan deconcentration
untuk pent Pej Daerah in Malaysia, devolution used to
administer local authorities, and deconcentration to
administer district administration
-4 ciri devolution tulin 4 characteristics of genuine
or real devolution
i)Sempadan geografi yg jelas dan sah clear and legal
geographical boundaries
ii)Bersifat autonomous, kawalan kurang, bebas dan
terpisah dari kjaan atasan fully autonomous, less
controlled by, freed and separated from superior
iii)Ada autonomi kewangan, iaitu kuasa utk dapat
dan belanja sumbernya has financial autonomy,
i.e power to collect and spend money (revenues)
iv)Mjadi satu unit kjaan sendiri peringkat tempatan
utk tadbir dlm wilayahnya becomes an
independent unit of autonomous government at
local level
(ii) Deconcentration (pecahan tumpuan)
-similar to delegation of power
-Konsep ini merujuk sesuatu birokrasi m’berikan kuasa buat
sesuatu keputusan b’kaitan pentadbiran kpd sesuatu unit
atau orgnssi pentad luar dgn nama pentad tempatan refers
to a bureaucracy delegates power to lower authorities in
the name of local government
-Proses ini akan melibatkan pembahagian semula t/jawab
pentad kerajaan pusat the process will involve the
redistribution of powers of the central government
-Deconcentration bermakna pecahan tumpuan t/jawab dan
autoriti oleh kjaan pusat kpd unit2 temp dan kwsn yg
mewakili kem’terian2 k’jaan pusat perlu dipilih dan
dihantar ke tempat2 tertentu, daerah dan kwsn
deconcentration means decentralizing responsibilities and
authorities by central govt to local authorities and areas , to
be carried out by units of central govt in the kind of
ministries, departments and so on
-Susunan ini hanya b’sifat pentad dan tidak b’laku pemindahan autoriti
yg muktamad drp kementerian yg masih m’punyai t/jawabnya the
process only involves delegation of powers and authorities , but not
involves separation of govt’s units
-deconcentration ini dikawal terus oleh k’jaan pusat, maka peg yg tetap
mestilah diperolehi dan mereka m’punyai kebolehan m’ambil
keputusan yg sempurna dan bert/jawab deconcentration has direct
controlled by central govt., so public officials will only be appointed
and make decisions on behalf of superior authorities
-Sempadan t/jawab mereka juga mesti ditentukan agar mrk dpt tahu
p’kara yg patut dirujuk ke ibu pjbt dan ibu pjbt pula haruslah
tentukan supaya pentad wilayah dan temp m’ikut arahan
kementerian atau ibu pjbt boundaries will be determined, so the
central govt and the local authorities will know their jurisdictions
-Seseorg peg kwsn juga perlu m’hubungi peg kwsn drp kementerian lain
dgn mudah dan terus-menerus jika mereka b’tugas dlm satu wilayah
yg sama dan m’punyai hubungan dgn masalah yg berkaitan this will
make local public officials easy to carry out responsibilities and refer
to the central government, through their respective ministries or
departments at the local level
-di Perancis, dikenali sistem Prefect in France, this type is called Prefect
Penggunaan Teori dan Konsep Kerajaan Tempatan Some
Applications of Theories and Concepts of Local
1) Amerika Syarikat dan Eropah – Teori Turgot
US and Europe – Turgot’s Theory
-konsep Turgot adalah pecahan kpd sub-bhgn lebih kecil
Turgot’s concept suggests division of smaller sub-units
-US bhgikn pusat, negeri, county, district –dan setiap 36sq/m
township diberi pent sendiri bagi agensi2 kjaan in US,
there are central govt, states, county, district, and 36sq/m
township, be given autonomous status by the central
-Perancis –communes, contour, arrondisement, dan sub-bhgn
ikut geografi tttu –guna kaedah prefectoral
In France –communes, contour, arrondisement, and sub-
divisions are created by geographical division –using
prefectoral approach
2) United Kingdom – Teori Bentham
United Kingdom – Bentham’s Theory
-awalnya negara itu dibhgikn kpd kesatuan2 yg terdiri
gabungan parishes earlier, UK divided into unios (united
units), combination of parishes
-union bertaraf county –meliputi kaw pasar dan bebr kaw
l/bandar jika diperlukan a union is similar to a county –
covering market areas and other rural areas if necessary
-union dikawal oleh pusat –pusat buat dasar dan perlantikan2
a union was fully controlled by central govt –central govt
made all policies and appointment of its representatives
-union jadi ejen khas kpd pusat –diarah, diawasi, dikawal,
diaudit oleh pusat unions acted as agents of the central
govt –agents will be directed, scrutinized, and audited by
the central govt
-doktrin ultra vires sbg satu cara kawalan doctrine of ultra
vires was used as a measure of control

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