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Tuesday, 8 October 2019

• For
(Ria cannot attend my wedding party for she needs to accompany her father in hospital.)
• And
(My mother is cleaning the kitchen and my father is reading newspaper in the living room.)
• Nor
(Henry does not like to be in crowd, nor does his wife.)
• But
(Lina has bought the ticket but she did not go to the concert.)
• Or
(Do you want to accompany your mother to the hospital or take care of your younger
siblings at home?
• Yet
(Lia told me that she is on diet, yet she still eats those junk foods.)
• So
(She has learned English since she was 5 so she can speak English
Is related together in some way

These conjunctions come in pairs and both parts

must be used to make sense.
I travelled from England to Rome in three days.
from … to …
(Saya bepergian dari Inggris ke Roma dalam tiga hari.)

Hardly had you left the restaurant when the party was started.
(Kamu hampir telah meninggalkan restoran ketika pesta dimulai.)

hardly … when / no sooner …

No sooner did I send the email than the reply came.
than / scarcely … when
(Tidak lama dari saya mengirimkan e-mail balasannya datang.)

Scarcely had I finished my work when I went to bed.

(Tak lama setelah saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan, saya tidur.)

If you help him now, then he’ll repay oneday.

if … then
(Jika kamu menolongnya sekarang, kemudian dia akan membalasnya suatu hari nanti.)
Yuni is not his girl friend but his cousin.
not … but (Yuni bukan pacarnya melainkan sepupunya.)
(tidak … tapi)
not only … but also … He can drive not only a car but also a helicopter.
(tak hanya … tapi juga) (Dia tidak hanya bisa mengemudi mobil tapi juga helikopter.)

My parents would rather have lunch in a traditional restaurantthan have lunch in a fast food
rather … than
(Orangtua saya lebih suka makan siang di restoran tradisional daripada di makan siang di
restoran cepat saji.)
Example Article
Civil Engineers Build Awesome Things.
Yes, we’ve touched on a few examples above, but seriously, you get to
design amazing things as a civil engineer. The tallest building in the world
is the Burj Khalifa standing at a towering 2,717 feet. You can see the
sunset twice in this building. See it set once on a lower floor and hop in
the elevator and check it out at the top. It’s huge! Civil engineers not only
design engineering marvels, but they also design things that are
physically built. As a civil engineer, you get to see your designs come to
life, from paper or software to the real deal. It’s very fulfilling knowing
you took part in building something tangible that helps society as a
Example Article
Civil Engineers Build Awesome Things.
Yes, we’ve touched on a few examples above, but seriously, you get to
design amazing things as a civil engineer. The tallest building in the world
is the Burj Khalifa standing at a towering 2,717 feet. You can see the
sunset twice in this building. See it set once on a lower floor and hop in
the elevator and check it out at the top. It’s huge! Civil engineers not only
design engineering marvels, but they also design things that are
physically built. As a civil engineer, you get to see your designs come to
life, from paper or software to the real deal. It’s very fulfilling knowing
you took part in building something tangible that helps society as a
Down and Dirty or Clean and Classy.
Civil engineers can be as messy or as clean as they want to be. What
do I mean by that? Don’t want to get your fingers dirty? Sure, there’s a
spot for you here. Become a design engineer and eventually a
Principal Engineer. Stay clean and make a great living doing it! Ah,
you want to be out in the field with the guys, getting dirty and seeing
how it all works and runs? Yes, this is the career for you! Get out in the
field as a field supervisor over crews, an engineer on site, or a
surveyor. There are plenty of options. You get to pick. Dress to
impress or find a career that allows jeans and a tee shirt (of course
you have to wear your safety gear!). If staying in the office for 8 hours
a day makes your skin crawl, then find a field job. That’s the beauty of
it. You’re not stuck – the choice is yours!
1. The Civil Engineer should be a critical thinker … have a sound subject
And, And
knowledge of mathematics … physics to identify and solve engineering
2. Civil engineer will not only inspect the plan itself … will go to the site
location many times to ensure that the plan fits the location and vice But
3. Civil engineer are the people behind the scenes of construction jobs Or
which result in important buildings and structures throughout one’s
city … hometown.
4. Civil engineering is a broad term covering several specialist areas of
engineering, … as a civil engineer you could be employed in any sector So
from structural, transportation, environmental to maritime and
5. The projects that they work on might include designing a drainage …
sewage system, constructing a building … developing railroads or And, Or
If you would like to become a construction engineer, you will need
1. …
to obtain a minimum of a bachelor's degree in civil engineering.
2. Construction engineers manage a variety of parties involved in any
given job, they are also responsible for supervising a job to its
while paying special attention to the allotted budget for
completion ……….
the project as a whole.

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