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Summative test

January 31, 2020

1. Which of the following is NOT a
function of the liver?
a.Production of bile
b.Storage of glucose
c.Storage of vitamin
d.Detoxification of drugs
2. Food is completely digested and
absorbed in what organ?
b.Large intestine
c.Small intestine
3. The gall bladder_______________.
a. produces bile
b. stores and concentrate bile
c. is attached to the pancreas
d. produces cholecytokinin
4. The largest internal organ in a body
is the_________________.
b.large intestine
5. The organ where digestion and
respiration cross is the__________.
d.Gall bladder
6. Which of the following conditions is
considered as a disease that affects
the digestive system?
d.Irritable bowel syndrome
7. Which of the following parts is an
accessory organ of the digestive system?
c.Small intestine
8. Which of the following enzymes is
responsible for breaking down peptides
into amino acids?
9. Where does digestion begin?
a. In the stomach
b. In your mouth
c. In your large intestines
d. In your small intestines
10. What are enzymes?
a. Enzymes are tiny food particles that can
not be digested.
b. Enzymes are fruits and vegetables.
c. Enzymes are chemicals that help break
down food.
d. Enzymes are breads and candy.
11. Basically serves as a warehouse for
the undigested residue or feces.
a. anus
b. rectum
c. large intestine
d. small intestine
12. What does saliva play in digestion?
a. Enzymes in saliva help to break down
b. It coats your stomach with protective
c. It moves food through the intestine.
d. Saliva does not help with digestion.
13. What mashes and cuts food in your mouth?
a.Saliva mashes and cuts food in your mouth.
b.Your teeth mashes and cuts food in your
c. Your tongue mashes and cuts food in your
d.Your lips mashes and cuts food in your
14. What is the main role of the large
a.churn food around with enzymes.
b.break down solid food.
c.absorb water.
d.mash and cut foods.
15. What organs produce enzymes that
help in digestion?
a.pancreas and the liver.
b.heart and the kidneys.
c.eyes and the ears.
d.nose and tongue.
16. What type of acid breaks down
food in your stomach?
a.fruit acid.
b.hypodermic acid.
c.hydrochloric acid.
d.all of the above
17. How long is the human digestive
a. equal to your body height.
b. two times your body height
c. long as your arm.
d. five times your body height.
18. Under normal circumstances, how long
does it take for food to pass entirely through
the digestive system of a healthy human?
a. 12 hours.
b. 21 hours.
c. two hours.
d. two days.
19. _______ turns food into a new
form: a form that cells can use.
a. Grinding
b. Physical change
c. Mixing
d. Chemical change
20. If you experience a burning sensation in the
stomach immediately after eating, what
digestive problem are you most probably
suffering from?
b.Lactose intolerance
c. Peptic ulcer
21. What is the best way to fight off
diseases that can affect the digestive
a.Always drink plenty of water
b.Eat more fatty foods every meal
c.Get plenty of sleep every day
d.Eat a balanced diet regularly
22. A patient complains of pain in the
esophagus. What procedure should be done to
him or her to properly diagnose the problem?
c. gastric manometry
23. Which of the following is not a good
health practice for the digestive system?
a.Observing proper posture when eating
b.Doing a 30-minute daily run
c.Drinking soda every day
d.Chewing food slowly
24. Which diagnostic procedure should be
done if you want to determine an infection
in the digestive system?
b.anorectal manometry
c.stool test
25. Is a disturbance of the regular or
normal functioning of the digestive
a. disorder
b. disease
c. abnormal growth cells
d. All of the above
26. What does it mean by a device
called MRI?
a.Magnetic Resonance Intelligence
b.Magnetic Resound Imaging
c.Machine Resonance Imaging
d.Magnetic Resonance Imaging
27. A device use of very strong drugs
that kill or stop abnormal cells from
28. It is a metabolic disorder which occurs
when a person takes in more calories than
the amount he or she uses.
d.lactose intolerance
29. What device that use of high energy x-
rays to treat disease?
30. A kind of disorder that can be prevented
by drinking plenty of water, eating fiber-rich
foods, and having regular exercise.
b.peptic ulcer
c.colon cancer
31. What is the main function of the digestive
a. Hold and receive food
b. Control the chemical activities of the body
c. Break the food down to be used for energy
d. Remove excess water from the body
32. Which of the following is NOT a
function of the digestive system?
a. Ingestion
b. Digestion
c. Absorption
d. Protection
33. The portions of the small intestines
in anatomical order would be:
a. Ileum, jejunum, duodenum
b. Duodenum, ileum, jejunum
c. Jejunum, ileum, duodenum
d. Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
34. Which of the following is NOT a
function of the large intestines?
a. Absorption of water
b. Absorption of nutrients
c. Production of vitamin
d. Production of feces
35. What type of digestion begins in the
a. Fat
b. Lipids
c. Carbohydrates
d. Protein
36. Allows for both food and air to pass
a. Esophagus
b. Larynx
c. Pharynx
d. Epiglottis
37. Is the location where the majority of
nutrients are absorbed.
a. Jejunum
b. Large intestines
c. Duodenum
d. Ileum
38. List in order the structures food would pass
through before exiting the body.
a. Pharynx – Stomach – Large intestines – Small
b. Stomach – Jejunum – Large intestines – Anus
c. Duodenum – Stomach – Large intestines – Anus
d. Rectum – Anus – Large intestines – Small
39. It covers the esophagus so air
freely enters the trachea.
a. larynx
b. epiglottis
c. sphincter muscle
d. pharynx
40. What is the liver’s main role?
a. Produce digestive enzymes
b. Turn water into minerals for absorption
c. Assist the stomach with digestion
d. Remove harmful substances from the
41. When they reach the stomach,
what do food particles combine with?
a. Gastric juices
b. Mucus
c. Bile
d. Enzymes
42. It cover the opening of the trachea
so food finds its right way and the
passing of air temporarily stops.
a. epiglottis
b. esophagus
c. pharynx
d. larynx
43. Which of the following describes Crohn’s
a. Small intestine damaged & interferes with
nutrient absorption
b. Develops from polyps
c. Part of the intestines protrude through a
weak part in the abdominal wall
d. Inflammation of the digestive tract
44. Symptoms of the disease includes:
generalized abdominal pain, pain
localized in the lower right abdomen.
a. Inguinal Hernia
b. Appendicitis
c. Celiac Disease
d. Colon Cancer
45. This disease is characterized by part of
the intestine protruding through a weak
point or tear in the abdominal wall.
a. Chron’s Disease
b. Celiac Disease
c. Appendicitis
d. Inguinal Hernia
46. Symptoms of this disease include: diarrhea,
red or dark blood in stool, weight loss,
abdominal pain and surgery is the most
common treatment.
a. Chron’s Disease
b. Colon Cancer
c. Celiac Disease
d. Inguinal Hernia
47. This professional help to prevent and treat
illnesses by promoting healthy eating habits
and recommending dietary modifications.
a. Dentist
b. Dental Hygienist
c. Dietitian
d. Central Service Technician

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