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•Research is "creative and systematic

work undertaken to increase the stock
of knowledge, including knowledge of
humans, culture and society, and the
use of this stock of knowledge to devise
new applications."
The introduction to a research paper simply
introduces the topic being researched. The
introduction contains a topic sentence, a thesis
statement, then three to five reasons, details
and/or facts supporting your research followed
by a conclusion. It should be relatively brief,
concise and clear.
•A literature review can be just a simple
summary of the sources, but it usually
has an organizational pattern and
combines both summary and synthesis. A
summary is a recap of the important
information of the source, but a
synthesis is a re-organization, or a
reshuffling, of that information.

•Research methodology is the specific

procedures or techniques used to
identify, select, process, and analyze
information about a topic. In
a research paper,
the methodology section allows the reader
to critically evaluate a study's overall
validity and reliability.

•The reading you do in the beginning of

a research process has two important,
specific purposes: 1. It helps you to
narrow your topic by finding out how
much information is out there and,
therefore, what is do-able within the
page-limits you have been assigned.
•It is for sure that your research will
have some limitations and it is normal.
However, it is critically important for you
to be striving to minimize the range of
scope of limitations throughout the
research process. Also, you need to
provide the acknowledgement of your
research limitations in conclusions chapter
•The conclusion of a research paper needs
to summarize the content and purpose of
the paper without seeming too wooden or
dry. Every basic conclusion must share
several key elements, but there are also
several tactics you can play around with to
craft a more effective conclusion and
several you should avoid to prevent yourself
from weakening your paper's conclusion.
A Tool for Building
Knowledge and for
Facilitating Learning
•Research is required not just for students and
academics, but for all professionals. It is also important
for budding and veteran writers, both offline and
•Among professionals and scribes, finding an interesting
topic to discuss and/or to write about should go beyond
personal experience. Determining either what the
general public may want to know about or what
researchers want others to realize or to think about can
serve as a reason to do research.
Means to Understand Various
Issues and Increase Public
•Television shows and movies ooze with research -
both on the part of the writer(s) and the actors.
Though there are hosts who rely on their
researchers, there are also those who exert
effort to do their own research. This step helps

•get information that hired researchers missed,

•build a good rapport with the interviewee, and
•conduct a good interview in the process
An Aid to Business Success
•Research benefits business. Many successful
companies, such as those producing consumer goods or
mass-market items, invest in research and
development or R&D. Different business industries
with science and engineering processes like
agriculture, food and beverage, manufacturing,
healthcare and pharmaceuticals, computer software,
semiconductor, information and communication
technology, construction, robotics, aerospace,
aviation, and energy have high R&D expenditure
because it is critical to product innovation and to
improving services.
A Way to Prove Lies and
to Support Truths
•Ever experienced feeling that your mate is
having an affair behind your back? Some
people would overlook that and say that it's
better not to know; others though would
take discreet action, hiring detectives to
do the work. What does research have to
do with that situation? A lot.
Means to Find, Gauge, and
Seize Opportunities

•Research helps people nurture their

potential and achieve goals through
various opportunities. These can be in
the form of securing employment,
scholarships, training grants, project
funding, business collaboration, and
budget traveling, among others.
A Seed to Love Reading,
Writing, Analyzing, and
Sharing Valuable Information
•Research entails both reading and writing.
These two literacy functions help enable
computation and comprehension. Without these
skills, it is less likely for anyone to appreciate
and get involved in research. Reading opens
the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while
writing helps a reader use her/his own
perspective and transform this into a more
concrete idea that s/he understands.
Nourishment and Exercise
for the Mind

•Curiosity may kill not just

the cat, but the human as
well. Yet, it is the same
curiosity that fuels the
mind to seek for answers.

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