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By rishit kumar
What is a
scatter plot
A scatter plot is a type of
plot or mathematical
diagram using Cartesian
coordinates to display
values for typically two
variables for a set of data.
A graph in which the
values of two variables are
plotted along two axes,
the pattern of the resulting
points revealing any
correlation present.
Why do we
use a scatter
Scatter plots'
primary uses are to observe
and show relationships
between two numeric
variables. The dots in
a scatter plot not only
report the values of
individual data points, but
also patterns when the
data are taken as a whole.
... A scatter plot can also be
useful for identifying other
patterns in data.
What is correlation
◦ In statistics, correlation or dependence is any statistical relationship, whether causal or
not, between two random variables or bivariate data. In the broadest sense correlation
is any statistical association, though it commonly refers to the degree to which a pair of
variables are linearly related.
The types of correlation
◦ Positive correlation
◦ Negative correlation
◦ No correlation
◦ Perfect correlation
◦ Strong correlation
◦ Weak correlation
What is the line of best fit
◦ A line of best fit is a
straight line that best represents
the data on a scatter plot.
This line may pass through some of
the points, none of the points, or
all of the points.
What is an outlier in a scatter plot
◦ An outlier is defined as a data
point that emanates from a
different model than do the rest of
the data. The data here appear to
come from a linear model with a
given slope and variation except
for the outlier which appears to
have been generated from some
other model.
Advantages of a scatter plot
◦ It shows the relationship between two variables.
◦ It is the best method to show you a non-linear pattern.
◦ The range of data flow, i.e. maximum and minimum value, can
be determined.
◦ Observation and reading are straightforward.
◦ Plotting the diagram is easy.
Disadvantages of scatter plot
◦ Scatter diagrams cannot give you the exact extent of
◦ A scatter diagram does not show you the quantitative
measurement of the relationship between the variables. ...
◦ This chart does not show you the relationship for more than two
Definition of no-correlation
◦ If there is no correlation between x
and y, that just means that
there's no relationship,
connection, or interdependence
between the two
variables. You could think of it as
meaning that x and y have
nothing to do with each other.

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