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Riset Teknologi

Sri Suwarno

Pengertian Umum
Research simply seeks the Actually research is simply
answer of certain questions the process of arriving as
which have not been dependable solution to a
answered so far and the problem through
answers depend upon the planned and systematic
human efforts. collection, analysis and
interpretation of data.

According to C.C. Crawford According to W.S. Monroe

Research is simply a systematic Research may be defined as a

and refined technique of method of studying problems
thinking, employing specialised whose solutions are to be
tools, instruments, and derived partly or wholly from
procedures in order to obtain a facts.
more adequate solution of a
problem than would
be possible under ordinary
4 means.
Karakteristik Riset, menurut
P.M. Cook (1)

1. It gathers new knowledge or 3. It is an exact systematic and

data from primary or first- accurate investigation.
hand sources. 4. It uses certain valid data
2. It places emphasis upon the gathering devices.
discovery of general

Karakteristik Riset, menurut
P.M. Cook (2)
5. It is logical and objective. 7. The researcher eliminates
6. The researcher resists the personal feelings and
temptation to seek only the preferences.
data that support his 8. It endeavours to organise
hypotheses. data in quantitative terms.

Karakteristik Riset, menurut
P.M. Cook (3)
9. Research is patient and 11. Research is carefully
unhurried activity. recorded and reported.
10. The researcher is willing to 12. Conclusions and
follow his procedures to generalisations are arrived
the conclusions that may at carefully and cautiously.
be unpopular
and bring social

Objective of the research
1. Theoretical objective : misalnya
matematika, kimia, fisika, dll.
2. Factual objective : misalnya sejarah
3. Application objective: misalnya
bidang teknik

Classification Of Research

Basic level Applied level

Steps of Research
Selection of the problem

Formulation of hypotheses

Design of research

Collection of data

Analysis of data.

Formulation of conclusions


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