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Climate Factors
a. Light
The intensity of light in an ecosystem is varied.
b. Temperature
Biosphere living systems function within the limits of similarity in temperature
between 0⁰ c - 50⁰ c.
c. Water availability
Water is an important environmental factor because living organisms require the
presence of water.
The importance of water for growing is:

• plant structure

• support

• conveyance

• the cooler

The loss of water from the ground is accelerated by:

a. Evaporation : evaporation from the ground

b. Transpiration : evaporation through plant leaves

c. Evapotranspiration : (a + b)
Judging from the availability of nature, there are 3 shares of deep water
to meet the vegetative needs of plants.
I. Excess water: excess water that is bound to the field capacity.
II. Available water: water that is bound between field capacity and withered
III. Water not available: water that is bound in the data at a permanent withering
d. Wind, in general, is a driving force for air. wind function:
• transport cold or warm air
• move clouds and fog
• mixing air so that the temperature change is not conspicuous
• affect plants directly or indirectly
2. Soil Factor
a. Nutrition
Plants that absorb a lot of nutrients will produce organic waste that is rich in minerals.
b. Groundwater content
Land environment with a situation of excess water causes the soil to be saturated with
water. so that the roots of plants are difficult to breathe and the soil becomes acidic.
c. Soil physical condition
Soil is formed from organic matter originating from the biotic part of the ecosystem and
organic matter from rocks due to weathering.
• Soil particle size classification:
Jenis parikel Ukuran

hunk 2000-200 mm

coarse gravel 200-20 mm

fine gravel 20-2 mm

rough sands 2-0,2 mm

fine sand 0,2-0,02 mm

galuh stone 0,02-0,002 mm

clay 0,002-0,0002 mm
3. Topographic Factors
Topography in this case the height of the sea surface is used to
describe the temperature and humidity.
Main pengaru of height:
• Suhu biasanya menurun dan mempengaruhi kelembapan
• Increased openness and affect humidity
• Receive more rain than plains
• Modify the quality of light
• Increase the ultra violet light received
What is Biotic factors?
Biotic factors are all interactions of living organisms
including :

Interactions that both take resources from the

environment. This occurs when there are
mutually adverse effects on two organisms that
use the same resource in limited circumstances.
Ex: Competition between corn and green beans

Part of allelochemical interactions involving only

plants, where allelochemical interactions will
produce additional substances to the
environment. Ex: Imperata cylindrica

Interactions that suppress an organism while

others remain stable. Ex : Weed with Oryza sativa

Interactions that stimulate one organism but have no effect

on another. Ex: Moon orchid with Manggo tree

The interaction that spurs both foods but is not

obligatory because it continues to grow (the
interaction). Ex : Sticking roots between two species that
are the same or different

Obligate form of interaction, the absence of

interaction depresses both partners. Ex : lichen moss
(algae and fungi)
sumber bacaan :
Syamsurizal.1999.Pengantar ekologi tumbuhan.padang :

1. Liebig Minimum Law

Basically the minimum legal concept was developed for agricultural crops to increase yields. Liebig
formulated this law only on plant nutrition among them :
1. Growth is limited by the resources provided, at least enough for what is needed by plants
2. Growth is proportional to the availability of limited resources.
3. Growth cannot be increased through the addition of other resources which are not a limiting factor

This happens after plants need one of these limiting resources and on the other hand other resources are
likely to be limited. Liebig uses a barrel to illustrate the law. The validity of the law has been demonstrated in
many places throughout the world including:

• Giving a little sodium molybdat (1400 gr) per hectare faithfully 5-10 years can increase the yield of pasture 6-
7 times
Liebig barrel
Liebig's barrel assumes each individual board as a resource (for example nitrogen or water)
and the height of each board can be likened to the supply of resources needed by plants. then the
plant biomass is described by the water level in the barrel. based on the picture explain that growth is
limited by the height of the shortest board, i.e., the availability of the fewest resources. The barrel
will hold more water if there is an increase in the height of the board (limiting resources). if the
shortest board is added or becomes longer than the other boards then this will change the status of the
fewest resources, and plant growth will not increase until the fewest resources are increased. That is,
resources that are not limiting resources will be in vain if the status of other resources that are
constrained is not resolved first.
2. Shelford's Tolerance Law

Victor E. Shelford “states the presence and success of an organism depends on the complete complexities
of circumstances” . The concept of Shelford tolerance law is that organism has a maximum and minimum ecological
limit, which is the range of tolerance.

Some additional access to the law of tolerance can be stated as follows:

1. organisms can have a tolerance range the width for one factor and the narrow range for the other
2. organisms with wide tolerance ranges for all natural factors have the most extensive distribution.
3. If the conditions are no longer optimum for a type of one ecological factor, the limits of tolerance to other
ecological factors can be reduced with respect to other ecological factors.
4. It is often found that organisms in nature do not actually live in a maximum range with respect to certain physical
5. Production periods are usually critical periods when environmental factors are limiting Compensation and
ecotype factors.

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