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Senior Seminar Research proposal on Suitable Site Selection for Liquid Waste Disposal using GIS and remote sensing in case

Advisor: HAYMANOT. (MSc)


January 2020
Wondo Genet

1.1 Background

 Liquid waste is the waste water that is collected from homes, businesses,
industries and institutions through vast networks of sewer pipes.
 Liquid waste is also the rainwater runoff and snowmelt that may be, or
may become contaminated by washing and collecting pollutants from
streets, lawns and gardens—most of this runoff enters creeks, rivers and
the ocean untreated.
 Liquid waste management is a systematic administration of activities that
provide for the proper handling, treatment and disposal of liquid waste
/wastewater or sewage
1.4.1General objective
 The general objective of this study is to Select Suitable Site for
Liquid Waste Disposal
1.4.2 Specific objective
 To select the best suitable site for the liquid waste disposal
 To map the suitable site selected for the liquid waste disposal

Research question
 How to select the best suitable site for the liquid waste disposal
 How to map the suitable site selected for the liquid waste disposal
1. 2 Statement of the problem

As a consequence of population growth and development activities, high

amounts of household, and other liquid wastes will generated. High rate of
wastes will facing problem of their disposal and have very high potential effect
to pollute environment, such as, surface water, ground water, soil and air (Akbar,
There is no spatial selected suitable area for waste disposal in the study area.
Especially as Shashemene is one of the biggest trade center cites in Ethiopia due
to trade and some economic activities there is high probability of liquid waste
production (Akbar, V.2008). and at this time the city have low standard of liquid
waste management that create negative image of the city and because of health
problems (local people)
However, the traditional and manual method used to select suitable landfill site
was inaccurate, tedious, time consuming and costly.
So this study has a great power and value to mitigate such problems in the city
by integrating the spatial analyses technology on spatial selection.
1.3 Significance of the study

The significance of this study is to protect environmental clean of the study area.
This study is used to point out measurable and reliable facts related to appropriate
site selection.

The final result of the project will help different stake holder in the area in their day
to day activities.

Because unsuitable waste disposal site may affect the economic, social and other
activities of the people.

In addition this study is important to improve the integration of spatial information

for waste disposal site selection, and to modify the traditional ways of waste
disposal using multi-criteria decision making.
3. Materials and methods
3.1. Description of the study area
3.1.1. Geographic location
 Shashemene is located in west arsi Zone of the Oromia National Regional State, approximately
250 km south of Addis Ababa.
3.1.2. Population
 The 2007(national census reported a total population of the
town is 100654of whom 50654 were men and 49,800were
women. (SWARDO, 2006).

3.1.3 .Climate
 Climatically, Shashemene district falls into three climatic zones known
as Dega, Woinadega and Kolla. There are two major rainy seasons in
the town: the belg (March to April) and Kiremt (June to early
September). The coldest month in the town is October, while the hottest
is May.
3.1.4 Land use
The land use of the town is commercial, residential,
industrial area, built-up recreation, area military camp,
waste disposal site or landfills. (SWARDO).
3.1.5. GEOLOGY
The geological formation of rocks and soils in shashemene city is dominantly related with rift
valley formation by the outpouring of volcano lava during the tertiary period of Cenozoic era and
successive natural weathering and erosion. The bed rock is only exposed along river cuts and
some hilly grounds; otherwise it is covered by volcanic ash and soil deposit. The rocks of the
area are composed of moderately weathered ignimbrites, un-welded tuff and ash flows.

The soils of shashemene area can be classified as colluvial deposit, lacustrine sediment and
residual soil, based on nature of formation and parent material they are made of. Colluvial soil is
mostly found on topographically rigged part of the city. This group of soil is characterized by
high variability in grain size distribution and thickness. Their permeability is relatively high in
order of 10-3 to 10-5cm/s and their thickness in depth is low for this group. As the topography of
the city varies these made slight variability of soil from place to place within the city and
surrounding area

Various species of vegetation will be in the city due to wide range of temperature,
rainfall and altitude. In addition ,the geographical location and the perennial rivers crosses the
city has also contributed a lot for the existences of different species of vegetation .in addition
there is protected and preserved indigenous vegetation in the compound of religious institutions
and government offices. The urban vegetation coverage is varies within the city. Relatively
dense vegetation is found at northern part of the city
3.2 Materials
Table 1 material and software will be use
Material and software's Purpose

Satellite image To show the land use land cover the area

Mobile test GPS To collect the data in the field

Excel 2010 To download GPS data to the computer

Computer To store, process, analyze and display data

Erdas Imagine2010 To classify the satellite image of the area

Arc GIS 10.3.1 To process and analyze geospatial data

Stationary materials like pens, pencils, ruler, CD, flash disk To record data manually
3.2.1 Data collection method
 Both primary and secondary data can be used for this study

 From filed work, interview, direct field observation and GPS point
satellite image, DEM will be downloaded from USGS website and
local people interview in the current status of Shashemene liquid
waste management systems. satellite image

. Secondary data
 The secondary data can be collected from different existing
material, shape file data from our college GIS lab and our
lecturers etc.
3.2.2 Data analysis methods

•The Data analysis will contain certain steps including GPS data and
other existing data will analysis from the DEM the slope and Drainage
data will be produced and reclassified.
• Then the reclassify slope and Drainage is weight for site suitability.
The river, main roads, GPS data also will Euclidian distance and
reclassify for the selection of suitable site.
• The land use of the area also will classify and weight to reclassify.
• All the reclassify shape files and Euclidian distance data can intersect
and produce the suitable site for the disposal of liquid waste for more
information of the methodology you can see the following flow chart
DEM Soil Data Road Data River Data GPS DATA Satellite image Google earth

Layer stack
Slope Digitization
Soil type map Existing location LULC sample
of disposal site point Sup-class
Permeable soil
LULC –class-map
Building blokes
Euclidian distance


Reclass_Slop Reclass_Soil type Reclass_Road Reclass_LULC Reclass_River Reclass_Building

Waited Overlay

Suitable site for

waste disposal
Number Activity November December January February march April may June

1 Title
2 Proposal
3 Proposal
4 Proposal
5 Proposal

6 Data
7 Data
and Analysis

8 Report
No Material Quantity Unit Price Total price

1 Paper 1 packet 1*90 90

2 Printing 40 page 1.5*50 70

3 Pen 4 4*5 20

4 Binder 1 1*20 20

5 Ruler 1 1*5 5

6 Flash Disc 1 150 150

7 CD_RM 3 3*6 18

8 Transport 4 40*4 160

9 Mobile card 3 25*3 75

Total - - 608

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