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HRD Scorecard:

• The HR Scorecard is a strategic HR measurement system that

will help you measure, manage and improve the strategic role
of your HR department.
• The HR scorecard is a method for Human Resources to
position itself as a strategic planning partner with line
managers and executives within an organization.
• Most HR scorecards are developed based on the work of
Robert Kaplan and David Norton, who built upon the original
“Balanced scorecard” theories of Art Schneiderman. Kaplan
and Norton wrote a couple of papers in the early 1900s on the
subject, followed by a book in 1996 called “The Balanced
• “The HR Scorecard,” recommends a four-step process that
includes identifying the critical deliverables for human
resources, identifying human resource customers, defining HR
activities that provide deliverables like high-talent staffing or
employee-retention initiatives, and conducting cost-benefit
analyses of deliverable-providing activities.
• The HR Scorecard is a really useful tool to measure the level
of maturity of any HRD of organizations. This tool focuses on
4 perspectives:
1. HRD Systems Maturity.
2. HRD Competence.
3. Linking business Objectives with HR.
4. HRD Culture.
HRD Culture:
• Every organization should follow an OCTAPACE Culture:
O- Open ness
C- Collaborative
T- Trustworthiness
A- Authenticity
P- Proactive
A- Affiliative
C- Confrontation
E- Experimentation

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