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Electricity and magnetism

Induction coil and its uses

Divyabharathi k.p.s
III BSC physics
It's is a device which
a low voltage Direct current can be
converted into a high voltage
current. It works on the principle
of mutual induction between a pair
of coils.

● Primary coil
● Secondary coil
● Iron core
● Automatic make and break arrangement
( interrupted)
● Capacitor
Primary coil: It consists of a few turns of thick
insulated copper wire wound on a hallow wooden
cylinder.The primary coil I connected in series with a a
battery and “ make and break arrangement”.
Secondary coil: A secondary coil consisting of a
large number of turns of thin insulated copper wire is
tightly wound on the primary coil. The resistance of the
Secondary coil is very high. The ends of this coil are
connected to a spark gap G1 G2 of adjustable width.
Iron core: It consists of a bundle of soft core
wires insulated from each other and is placed inside
the hallow wooden cyclinder, parallel to its axis. The
iron core increase the magnetic flux produced by the
Automatic make and break arrangement: It
consists of a soft iron hammer H support by a spring.
At the back of H, there is a platinum tip P1 . There is an
adjustable screw B which also has a fine platinum tip
P . The screw can be adjusted until P and P are in
Contact when the primary circuit gets closed.
Capacitor: A parallel plate capacitor C is connected between P1 and

When the key K is pressed, a current flows in the
primary and magnetised the iron core. The iron core attract
the head H. The contact between P1 and P2 is broken.Now the
current in the primary falls to zero and the iron core is
demagnetised. Hence the head H flies back to its initial
position and the contact between P1 and P2 is made once again.
Once again current passes through the primary. This
Process of make and break of the primary current is repeated with a large
frequency depending upon the stiffness of the spring
Generation of High P.D :-
At the time of make,the current in
The 1° grown the resistance Rbis small &the
Growth of current in the primary is slow
Therefore, the EMF induced in the secondary
At the time of make is small. The EMF induced
to the second at the time of break is very high
Because the resistance is large and the constant
L/R is very small and the rate of decay of current
in the primary is very high.
When the primary circuit is broken,an EMF
is induced due to self-inductance in the primary winding causes a spark
between P1 and P2 when they are apart.The capacitor is
Parallel to the Harmer and screw arrangement absorbs the energy and avoid
● To study the discharge of electricity through rarefied gases
● To produce spectra of gases by using it with Geissler tubes
● To produce X- rays
● To produce spark discharge in certain chemical experiments
● For ignition in motor cars.
Thank you 🙂……...

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