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If you do not who will….

Leadership: A Leader Lives In Each Of Us

Session 5

Our expectations?
 Hard work
 Honesty
 Responsible attitude
What is Leadership?
• Leadership
– Leadership provides clear vision that motivates
others to accomplish a common goal
– Its one of the four major functions of management
• Leader
– Leader is someone who inspire
others to work hard to accomplish
important tasks.
What is visionary leadership?

• Visionary Leadership
– The term visionary leadership describes a leader
who brings to the situation a clear and compelling
sense of future, as well as an understanding of
the actions needed to get there successfully
– Simply having the vision of a desirable future is
not enough. Truly great leaders are extraordinary
good at turning their vision into
accomplishments. Simply visionary leadership
brings meaning to people’s work
How leader can use
• Power
– “ It is the ability to get someone else to do
something you want done”.
• Sources of power
– Position power
• Reward power (If you do what I ask, I’ll give you a reward)
• Coercion power (If you don’t do what I ask, I’ll punish you)
• Legitimacy power (Because I am the boss, you must do as I ask)

– Personal power
• Expert power (as a source of special knowledge and
• Referent power (as a person with whom others like to identify)
Qualities of Effective
1. Self awareness— successful leaders have the ability to see the unseen
and they have a clear action plan according to their competencies.

2. Drive—Successful leaders have high energy, display initiative, and

3. Positive Attitude— I am possible attitude.
4. Opportunity Recognition—Successful leaders seek out new
opportunities and exploit them.
5. Change Agent— Successful leaders are the change agents. They
challenge the process, and are willing to change the status quo.
6. Business knowledge—Successful leaders know their industry and its
technical foundations.
7. Motivation—Successful leaders enjoy influencing others to achieve shared
8. Honest & integrity — Successful leaders are trustworthy; they are
honest, predictable, and dependable.
9. Inspiring— Successful leaders are unique and compelling in their words,
ideas, appearance, and actions)
10.Emotional intelligent— Great leadership works through emotions.


Positive Attitude

Negative Thinking
Positive Thinking
• Negative Thinking  • Positive Thinking
• Main aspect of negative thinking • Salient features of positive
are dishonesty, fraud and thinking are growth and
nepotism respect.
• Negative thinkers always look for • Positive thinkers always look
the problems.
for the solution
• They are pessimist
• They are optimists
• They blame others for their
failures • They take responsibility for
• They are de-motivated and ready their success or failure.
to criticize others. • They are motivated and
• They show rude behavior towards appreciate others.
others. • They show polite and caring
• They are unsatisfied whatever attitude towards others.
they have and unhappy • They are satisfied whatever
themselves with the family and they have and happy with
with the world. themselves, with the family
and with the world.

Tips for Positive Thinking

• Only use positive words Such as, I Can, I am able, it is

possible, it can be done.
• Associate yourself with people who think positively.
• To live in present.
• Watch Your Thoughts
• Learn to face the challenges not to escape.
• Put a stop to guilt.
• To say good buy to all worries.
• Watch movies Drama and Read Articles that make you
• Walk, Swim or engage in some other physical activity.
• Find out comfort in Prayers.



Leadership Approaches

• Classical: What does a good leader do and how does the situation influence good leadership ?

– Classical Leadership styles: How we can differentiate the behavior of effective leaders from ineffective leaders on the
basis of Task & people oriented Behavior
– Fiedler’s Contingency Model: Proper match between leadership style & situations.
– Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model: Leaders style depends upon Followers readiness.
– House’s Path-goal Theory: Effective leaders help followers move along paths.
– Leader-member Exchange Theory: Leader, member relationships (In-group Vs out-group)

– Vroom-Jago Model: Leader participation model suggest best decision making style to adopt in different situations
( authoritative, consultative, group).

• Contemporary: Explain the latest development in leadership & suggest about your personal development as a leader.

– Transformational leadership: Use charisma and emotion to inspire others

– Emotionally intelligent: . Leaders ability to manage his/her emotions and relationships effectively.
– Interactive leadership: sometimes associated with women, emphasizes on communicating, participation, and dealing
with problems by teamwork

– Moral leadership: Leader has integrity and appears to others as “good” or “right” by ethical standards
– Servant leadership: Serving & helping others to use their talents to help organizations best serve society.
Classic leadership Approach

• Classical approach suggest that what does a good leader do and how we

can differentiate effective leaders from ineffective in concern for task

and relationship.
• Leadership styles
“is the repetitive pattern of behaviors exhibited by a
• Two sets of behavior
– Task oriented behavior
– A leader high in concern for task and defines work goals, assigns task
responsibilities, sets clear work standards, urges task completion, and
monitors performance results.
– People oriented behavior
– A leader high in concern for people acts warm and supportive toward
followers, maintains good relations with them, respects their feelings,
shows sensitivity to their needs, and displays trust in them
Classical Leadership styles.
Fiedler’s Contingency Model

• Fred Fiedler proposed that leadership success

depends on achieving a proper match between
your leadership style and situational demands. He
also believed that each of us has a predominant
leadership style that is strongly rooted in our
• Fiedler uses an instrument called the least-
preferred co-worker scale (LPC) to classify our
leadership styles as
Fiedler’s Contingency Model Cont.

Fiedler’s Contingency Model Cont.

• Leadership situations are analyzed in fiedler’s model

according to three contingency variables
– Leader member relation
• the degree of confidence, trust, and respect
employees had for their leader; rated as either
good or poor.
– Task structure
• the degree to which job assignments were
formalized and structured; rated as either high or
– Position power
• the degree of influence a leader had over activities
such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and
salary increases; rated as either strong or weak
Fiedler’s Contingency Model Cont.

• Fiedler believes that leadership success requires the right style-

situation match. He classifies leadership styles as either task
motivated or relationship motivated, and views them as strongly
rooted in our individual personalities. He describes situations
according to the leader’s position power, quality of leader-
member relations, and amount of task structure. In situations
that are most favorable and unfavorable for leaders, his research
shows the task-motivated style as the best fit. In more
intermediate situations, the relationship-motivated style
provides the best fit.
Hersey-Blanchard Situational
Leadership Model

• Leaders adjust their styles depending on

the readiness of their followers to perform
in a given situation.
– The emphasis on the followers in leadership
effectiveness reflects the reality that it is the
followers who accept or reject the leader.
– Readiness is the extent to which people have
the ability and willingness to accomplish a
specific task
Hersey-Blanchard Situational
Leadership Model Cont..

Follower Unwilling Willing


Able Supportive
High Task
Unable Directive and
House Path Goal Theory

• Robert House theory suggests that leaders are

effective when they help followers move along
paths through which they can achieve both work
goals and personal goals.

In short
• The leader’s job is to “add value” to a situation.
This means acting in ways that contribute things
that are missing and not doing things that can
otherwise take care of themselves.
Path-Goal Theory
Leader-member Exchange Theory

• It describes how leaders treat in-group and out-group

• The theory is highlighted in the nearby figure and
recognizes that in most, or at least many, leadership
situations, not everyone is treated the same.
Leader-member Exchange Theory

• Those in a leader’s in-group are often considered

the best performers. They enjoy special and
trusted high exchange relationships with the
leader that can translate into special
assignments, privileges, and access to
information. Those in the out-group are often
excluded from these benefits due to low-
exchange relationships with the leader.
Vroom-Jago Model

• This theory focuses on how managers lead

through their use of decision-making
• Manager have three decision options
» Authority decision
» Consultative decision
» Group decision
Leadership Implications of the Vroom-
Jago Leader-Participation Model

• The leader-participation model suggests that leaders are

effective when they use the appropriate decision method to
solve a problem situation. Three criteria govern the choice
among possible authority, consultative, and team or group
(1) decision quality—based on who has the information
needed for
problem solving;
(2) decision acceptance—based on the importance of follower
acceptance of the decision to its eventual implementation;
(3) decision time— based on the time available to make and
implement the decision.
Transformational leadership

– Transformational leadership is inspires

enthusiasm and great performance
– It supports the connotation of charismatic
leadership—such leadership that develops
special leader-follower relationships and
inspires followers extraordinary
– Transformational leaders use their
personality to inspire followers and get them
so highly excited about their jobs and
organizational goals that they strive for truly
extraordinary performance accomplishments
Transformational leadership
• Vision—has ideas and a clear sense of direction;
communicates them to others; develops excitement about
accomplishing shared “dreams”
• Charisma—uses the power of personal reference and emotion
to arouse others’ enthusiasm, faith, loyalty, pride, and trust in
• Symbolism—identifies “heroes” and holds spontaneous and
planned ceremonies to celebrate excellence and high
• Empowerment—helps others grow and develop by removing
performance obstacles, sharing responsibilities, and delegating
truly challenging work
• Intellectual stimulation—gains the involvement of others by
creating awareness of problems and stirring their imaginations
• Integrity—is honest and credible; acts consistently and out of
personal conviction; follows through on commitments
Emotionally intelligent leadership

• Emotionally intelligent leadership handles emotions

and relationships well
• It is the ability to manage our emotions in leadership
and social relationships
In short
• It is an ability to understand emotions in yourself and
others, and use this understanding to handle one’s
social relationships effectively
• Emotional intelligence competencies includes
Emotionally intelligent leadership

• Emotional intelligence competencies

– Self-awareness is the ability to understand our
own moods and emotions, and to understand their
impact on our work and on others.
– Social awareness is the ability to empathize, to
understand the emotions of others, and to use this
understanding to better deal with them.
– Self-management, or self-regulation, is the ability
to think before acting and to be in control of
otherwise disruptive impulses.
– Relationship management is the ability to
establish rapport with others in ways that build
good relationships and influence their emotions in
positive ways.
Interactive leadership
• Interactive leadership emphasizes
communication, listening, and participation
• Female leaders has been called interactive
leaders that are democratic, participative,
and inclusive but not visionary.
– The often approach problems and decisions through
– They focus on building consensus and good
interpersonal relations through emotional
intelligence, communication and involvement
– They tend to get things done with personal power,
seeking influence over others through support and
interpersonal relationships
Moral leadership
• Moral leadership builds trust from a
foundation of personal integrity
• Moral leadership has integrity and appears to
others as “good” or “right” by ethical
– Integrity in leadership is honesty, credibility, and
consistency in putting values into action
– When a leader has integrity , he or she earns the trust of
followers and when followers believe that their leaders
are trustworthy, they are more willing to try to live up to
the leader’s expectations.
Servant leadership

• Robert Greenleaf proposes that Servant

leadership means serving others and helping
them use their talents to help organizations best
serve society
– Empowerment give job freedom and power to influence
affairs in the organization
Practical Guidelines to
(1) Be Passionate about Vision and Mission and share
your passion with the team members.

(2) You should listen the team members and try to

involve them in goal achievement.

(3) Relation should be based on Integrity.

(4) Give them what they want according to their

Leadership Mind Map
It suggest certain features reside in people to become a great leader
• Visionary Leadership: Having the vision of a desirable future and having the ability to turn their vision into
Basics for • Leaders Powers: what and how leaders exercise powers to accomplish their goals.
Leadership • Qualities of effective Leaders: Suggest certain features reside in people to become a great leader.

Classical approach answer the question that What does a good leader do and how does the situation influence
good leadership ?

 Classical Leadership Styles: How we can differentiate between an effective and ineffective leaders in term of task and
relationship orientation?
 Fiedler’s Contingency Model: Each of us has a predominant leadership style and leader use different styles in
different situations.
Classical  Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model: Leaders adjust their styles depending on the readiness of their
Approach followers.
 House’s Path-goal Theory: Suggest that Leaders are effective when they help followers move along paths through
which they can achieve both work goals and personal goals.
 Leader-member Exchange Theory: Explores how leaders and managers develop relationships with team members.
(In-group Vs out-group)
 Vroom-Jago Model: It provides a useful framework for identifying the best leadership style to adopt for the situation.

Contemporary approaches explain that what people say about leaders in their workplaces and suggest
about your personal development as a leader.
 Transformational Leadership: Transformational leaders use charisma and emotion to inspire others toward extraordinary efforts to
Contemporary achieve performance excellence.
Approaches  Emotionally Intelligent: Great leadership works through emotions. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage our
emotions and relationships effectively, is an important leadership capability.
 Interactive Leadership: Interactive leadership, sometimes associated with women, emphasizes on communicating, participation,
and dealing with problems by teamwork
 Moral Leadership: Leader has integrity and appears to others as “good” or “right” by ethical standards.
 Servant Leadership: It means serving others and helping them use their talents to help organizations best serve society.

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