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Chapter - I

Meaning , Definition
And Etimology Of
1. Human personality is affected by
culture through the process of-
1. Aculturization
2. Socialization
3. De-schooling
4. Perception

1. Aculturization
2. “Personolgy” means
1. The anatomy of personality
2. Study of personality
3. The sociology of personality
4. None of the above

2.Study of personality
3.The word ‘personology’ was
coined by-
1. Henry .A. Murray
2. Allport G.W.
3. Cattell R.B.
4. Sigmund Freud

1.Henry .A.Murray
4.The book ‘personality’ was
written by-
1. G.W.Allport
2. H.J.Eyesenck
3. C.J.Jung
4. Freud

5.Personality as a mask was the
concept of-
1. Danish
2. Spanish
3. Latin
4. French

6.The word ‘persona’ was found
in the writings of-
1. Hippocratis
2. Rousseau
3. Plato
4. Cicero

7.William James has used the
term personality in the context of-
1. Normal behaviour
2. Adjustment
3. Abnormal behaviour
4. Neuroticism

3.Abnormal behaviour
, sociability can be termed as
1. Traits
2. Organisation
3. Clusters
4. Synchronization

9.The Dictionary that contains
18,000 adjectives to explain the
term ‘personality’ is
1. Webster’s Abridged Dictionary
2. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary
3. Hanneman’s Phonetic Dictionary
4. All of the above

2. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary

10.Personality trait is a tendency
to act-
1. Flexibly in all situations
2. Specifically in a specific situation
3. Uniquely in all situations
4. Diversely in the same situation

2. Specifically in a specific situation

11.Personality traits according to
Allport is the organisation of-
1. Social Systems
2. Physical Systems
3. Psychophysical Systems
4. Physiological Systems

3.Psychophysical Systems
12.The total response system consisting of
motor and glandular in which an organism
responds to any situation that it faces is
1. Behaviour
2. Personality
3. Adjustment
4. Intelligence

2. Personality
13.The impression about us that
others have is known as-
1. Intelligence
2. Motivation
3. Personality
4. Culture

14.Majority of the definitions of
personality emphasize-
1. The belief systems
2. Emotional reactions
3. Integration of individual characteristics
4. None of these

3.Integration of individual
15.Almost all definitions of
personality emphasize-
1. Individual personality trait
2. Moral traits
3. Traits pertaining character
4. Integration of personality traits

4.Integration of personality traits

16.The term ‘personality’ was
derived from the word ‘persona’ .
This term ‘persona’ is a ______ word
1. English
2. Latin
3. French
4. None of these

17.According Allport, personality
is _______
1. Uniqueness of adjustment
2. Dynamic organization of traits.
3. Uniqueness in physique
4. All the above

4. All the above.

18. Personality is the
1. Information available to an observer
2. Information available to an individual
3. Information available to the self of an individual
4. Information unknown to an observer

1. Information available to an observer

19. The term ‘personality’ was
derived from the word ‘persona’,
which means--
1. Vegetables
2. Hat
3. Mask
4. Dress

20. Personality refers to _______
1. Modes of behaviour
2. The variety of personality traits
3. The physical and intellectual abilities
4. The whole individual

4. The whole individual

21. The word personality in
psychology includes ______
1. One’s attitudes,interests and abilities
2. One’s aptitude
3. One’s intellectual abilities and external appearances
4. All the above

4. All the above

22. “Personality is the dynamic
organisation within the individual of
those psycho-physical systems that
determine his characteristics behaviour
and thought”.This definition is given by
1. Allport
2. Jung
3. Freud
4. Johnson

23. Who defined personality as “a unique
organisation of characteristics that
determine the individual’s typical or
recurrent pattern of behaviour”
1. Whitekar
2. Parsons
3. Pavlov
4. Freud

24.The sum total of all-the ways of
acting,thinking and feeling that are typical
for a person and those make a person
somewhat different from others is called
1. Attitudes
2. Motivation
3. Aspiration
4. Personality

25.The fundamental units of
personality are called ________
1. Interests
2. Traits
3. Abilities
4. Motives

26.Behavior that a person exhibits
over a time and in most of the
situations is known as _________
1. Intelligence
2. Learning
3. Aptitude
4. Personality

4. Personality
27.Interaction between physical
and psychological traits results in
1. Intelligence
2. Personality
3. Learning
4. Philosophy

28.Personality is _________
1. Physical phenomenon
2. Static
3. Dynamic
4. None of these

29.We need to develop a good
and sound personality to ________
1. Become good and successful professional
2. Become good communicator
3. Evolve as a responsible citizen
4. For all the above reasons

4. For all the above reasons

30.Mention which is not an
important objective for developing
sound personality
1. To become successful in life
2. To evolve as a successful individual
3. Only to become rich and amass lot of wealth
4. To earn good name in the society

3.Only to become rich and amass

lot of wealth
31.Mention the professionals to
whom personality development is
an essential prerequisite?
1. To doctors
2. To teachers
3. To engineers
4. To each and everyone

4.To each and everyone

32.Foundation of personality is
laid down at the _________
1. Later stage
2. Time of birth
3. Childhood
4. Adulthood

33.About the personality
development we can say that ______
1. It is a multi-causal complex process
2. It is a simple process
3. It is a life long process which continues up to the last breath of
our life
4. Both A and C are correct

4.Both A and C are correct

34.In personality development an
individual identifies himself with
1. Only with physical dimensions
2. Only with the satisfaction of his biological urges like animals
3. Only with the satisfaction with the material goals
4. The higher dimensions of personality

4.The higher dimensions of

35.In personality development an
individual _________
1. Struggles with one’s own lower dimensions of personality characterized
by desires,old habits and wrong tendencies
2. Exercises discretionary power involving developing an ability to draw a
line of distinction between right and wrong
3. Struggles to fight with wrong notions and endeavours to cultivate good
4. All of the above

4.All of the above

36.Personality development
comes to an end at _______
1. Childhood
2. Youthhood
3. Adulthood
4. No,it is a lifelong process

4.No,it is a lifelong process

37.According to Adler,personality
development process is generally
influenced by reactions to _________
1. Inferiority feelings
2. Sensory stimuli
3. Superiority feelings
4. All types of strong feelings

1.Inferiority feelings
38.The view of personality
development indicates the ______
1. Development over a period of an individual
2. Development over the lifespan of an individual
3. Development that takes place during childhood of an individual
4. Development that takes place up to adulthood of an individual

2.Development over the lifespan of

an individual
39.Personality development is the result of

39.Personality development is the result of __________

1. Heredity
2. Environment
3. Physique
4. Both A and B

4.Both A and B
40.Personality is formed and
starts developing _______
1. Early in life
2. Late in life
3. When we are nearing middle age
4. When we become an adult

1.Early in life
41.Match the following:
a.Dimensional approach 1.Allport & Cattell

b.Trait approach 2.Costa,Mecare & Eyesenek

c.Phenomenological 3.Maslow and Rogers

d.Constitutional Approach 4.Murphy and Morgan

1. a-1,b-2,c-3,d-4
2. a-1,b-2,c-4,d-3
3. a-2,b-1,c-3,d-4
4. a-4,b-2,c-3,d-1

42.”Past is past and there is no string
with the past” which psychologist’s name
is related with this statement most?
1. Freud
2. Murray
3. Skinner
4. Allport

43.Allport formulated the idea of
1. Functional fixedness
2. Functional autonomy
3. Functional psychoses
4. Functionalism

2.Functional autonomy
44.The concept of “collective
unconsciousness” was formulated
by _____________
1. Sigmund Freud
2. Anna Freud
3. Jung
4. Adler

45.The search for primary traits of
personality uses the technique of
1. Factor analysis
2. Holistic assessment
3. Projective tests
4. Content analysis

1.Factor analysis
46.A conflict of thoughts arising
when two or more ideas do not go
together is called _________
1. Cognitive dissonance
2. Ideal conflict
3. Mismatch of ideals
4. None of the above

1.Cognitive dissonance
47.Who proposed the theory of
cognitive dissonance?
1. Leon Festinger
2. Freud
3. Watson
4. None of the above

1.Leon Festinger
48.People behave in ways that
contradict their own
attitudes,experiences and an
unpleasant state of internal tension is
called _________
1. Ideal conflict
2. Cognitive dissonance
3. Mismatch of ideals
4. None of the above

2.Cognitive dissonance
49.Type theories advocate ______

1. Relationship between physiques and personality types

2. Relation between characteristics and personality
3. Global approach towards personality
4. None of the above

1.Relationship between physiques

and personality types
50.Jung’s personality theory is
based on the aspect of ________
1. Physique
2. Characters
3. Attitudes towards world
4. Attitudes towards self

3.Attitudes towards world

51.Kretschmer and Sheldon
typological theories explain the
relation between ___________
1. Body type and feeling
2. Body type and temperament
3. Social moving and self-concept
4. Self-concept and body type

2.Body type and temperament

52.Personality changes generally
take place due to _______
1. Happiness
2. Sorrow
3. Changes in circumstances
4. All of these

4.All of these
53.The fulfillment approach to
personality suggests that
1. Life is a compromise with environment
2. Inner forces have nothing to do with personality
3. Life presents a struggle as one strives to understand one’s self and
one’s environment
4. A and C

3.Life presents a struggle as one

strives to understand one’s self and
one’s environment
54.Introvert-extrovert dimension
of personality is an example of
1. Personality trait
2. Common labeling system
3. Personality theory
4. Personality typology

4.Personality typology
55.Allport’s theory of personality
1. Methods of assessment of personality
2. Cultural styles of personality
3. Uniqueness of the individual
4. Social impact on personality

3.Uniqueness of the individual

56.Authoritarian personality
characteristics are marked by
1. Suggestive behaviour
2. Highly conventional behaviour
3. Conflicting behaviour
4. Confusing behaviour

2.Highly conventional behaviour

57.First typological theory of
personality was envisaged by
1. Hippocratis
2. Sheldon
3. Krestchmer
4. Jung

58.Hippocratis classification was
based on _______
1. Body type
2. Abdomen growth
3. Strength of the body
4. Body fluids

4.Body fluids
59.Cesare Lambroso’s theory
explains about _______ type of
1. Smooth type
2. Criminal type
3. Phlegmatic type
4. Sanguine

2.Criminal type
60.The German philosopher
Spranger’s classification of human
beings is based on _______
1. Value system
2. Body weight
3. Social relations
4. Body type

1.Value system
61.Widely known personality
classification,extrovert and
introvert typology was done by
1. C.G.Jung
2. G.W.Allport
3. R.B.Cattell
4. H.C.Vernon

62.Somato type of classification
persons was done by
1. Krestchmer
2. Sheldon
3. Jung
4. Both A and B

4.Both A and B
63.The hierarchical order of four
levels of human personality as
envisaged by the William James is
1. Material self,social self,spiritual self,self
2. Self,material self,social self,spiritual self
3. Social self,material self,spiritual self
4. Spiritual self,social self,self,material self

1.Material self,social self,spiritual

64.Jung’s classification of person’s
into introvert and extrovert is
based on _____________
1. Behavior
2. Sociability
3. Attitude
4. Aptitude

65.An individual who possesses
the qualities of both introvert and
extrovert is called as _________
1. Extrovert
2. Introvert
3. Ambivert
4. None of these

66.The surface level qualities of a
person is known as ________
1. Central
2. Cardinal
3. Source
4. Physical

67.Trait can be defined as _____

1. Unstable character of a person

2. Stable and consistent character of a person
3. Normal attributes of a person
4. None of these

2.Stable and consistent character

of a person
68.Who is the author of “physique
and character” first published in
1. Ernst Kretschmer
2. Freud
3. Lombroso
4. None of these

1.Ernst Kretschmer
69.Allport’s approach towards
personality study is known as
1. Idiometric Approach
2. Idiographic Approach
3. Idiosociometric Approach
4. None of these

2.Idiographic Approach
70.The behavioural approach to
personality differs from others
because it __________
1. Sees personality as a changing aspect over a time period
2. Sees personality as rigid overtime
3. Sees personality as an absent concept
4. None of the above

1.Sees personality as a changing

aspect over a time period
71.The types of personality were
discovered by _____
1. Jung
2. Freud
3. Adler
4. Pavlov

72.A person who is showing few
emotional responses is said to belong
to the personality type of ______
1. Affectionate
2. Phlegmatic
3. Suspicious
4. Timid

73.People who are socially-
oriented are known as _______
1. Extroverts
2. Introverts
3. Ambivert
4. Egoistic

74.The classification of people in terms
of asthenic,athletic,pynic,dysplastics
build was made by _______

1. Kretschmer
2. Jung
3. Allport
4. None of these

75.The most predominant feature
of the personality picture is the
1. Cultural aspect
2. Social aspect
3. Physical aspect
4. Intellectual aspect

3.Physical aspect
76.The simplest tool of
personality assessment is ______
1. Interview
2. Introspection
3. Observation
4. Autobiography

77.The criticism against
personality tests is _______
1. Lack of objectivity
2. Problem of standardization
3. No measuring unit
4. All of these

4.All of these
78.’Thematic Apperception Test’ is used
in assessing the personality of a
person.It is based on the phenomenon
of _________
1. Introspection
2. Transference
3. Projection
4. Identification

79.He who exhibits consistent behavoiur
in similar situations has a personality
type,which is known as __________

1. Strong
2. Stable
3. Simple
4. Sociable

80.The Ink Blot test was
introduced by _______
1. H.J.Eyesenck
2. Herman Roarschach
3. Murray and Morgan
4. Bellak and Bellak

2.Herman Roarschach
81.Ink Blot test,TAT uses one of the
following techniques in personality
1. Rationalization
2. Regression
3. Repression
4. Projection

82.TAT means _________

1. Thematic Apperception Test

2. Thematic Apprehension Test
3. Thematic Approximation Test
4. None of these

1.Thematic Apperception Test

83.TAT was introduced by ______

1. Bellak and Bellak

2. Murray and Morgan
3. G.W.Allport
4. None of these

2.Murray and Morgan

84.MMPI in expanded form
means _________
1. Multi-Millionaire Personality Inventory
2. Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory
3. Michigan Multi-dimension Personality Inventory
4. None of these

2.Minnesota Multiple Personality

85.’Sociogram’ technique was
introduced by _______
1. G.W.Allport
2. J.L.Moreno
3. J.L.Morphine
4. R.B.Cattell

86.The ‘Projective Technique’ was
used in 1930s by Swiss
psychiatrist.Mention his name
1. Hermann Rorschach
2. Cattell
3. Adler
4. Frank

1.Hermann Rorschach

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