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Marvin M. Bartido, RCE

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- is an ordered rectangular array consisting of
elements written in rows and columns.
- invented by Arthur Cayley

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General Representation of Matrix
• Denoted by a capital letter
• Enclosed by a bracket or parentheses
• are called elements or entities of matrix A.
• The subscript of the element determines its
row and column position.
• Called m x n matrix A.

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Size and Order of Matrices
1. The size of a matrix is described by specifying
the number of rows (horizontal lines) and
columns (vertical lines) that occur in the
2. The order of a square matrix depends on the
number of rows.

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  the following matrices according to size
and order. SIZE ORDER
1. No order
3. 1x5 No order

3x3 3

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  the following matrices according to size
and order. SIZE ORDER
4. No order
1 x 1 1
7. 1x2 No order

2x2 2

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Types of Matrices
•1.   Square Matrix
- if the number of rows is equal to the number of

2. Rectangular Matrix
- if the number of rows is not equal to the number of
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Types of Matrices
•3.  Row Matrix (Vector Row)
- a matrix that has only one row.

4. Column Matrix (Column Vector)

- a matrix that has only one column.

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Types of Matrices
• Diagonal
5.   Matrix
- if at least one element of principal diagonal is non-zero and all
the other elements are zero.

6. Scalar Matrix
- if all the diagonal elements are the same.

7. Identity or Unit Matrix

- if all the diagonal elements are equal to one. Denoted by I.

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Types of Matrices
•8.  Triangular Matrix
- if all the elements above the principal
diagonal are zero (lower triangular matrix) or
all of its elements below the principal diagonal
are zero (upper triangular matrix).

(Lower Triangular matrix) (Upper Triangular Matrix)

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Types of Matrices
•9.  Zero Matrix
- if all the elements are equal to zero. Denoted
by O.

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Operations on Matrices
• Addition/Subtraction
If A and B are any two matrices of the SAME
size, then the sum A and B is the matrix
obtained by adding together the corresponding
elements in the two matrices.
Matrices of different sizes cannot be added.

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Consider the matrices

a. A + B
b. A + C
c. C + D
d. A – B
e. D – C
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•a.   A + B

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•b.  A + C

cannot be added

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•c.  C + D

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•e.  D - C

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Operations on Matrices
•  Scalar Multiplication/ Scalar Division
Let k be a scalar quantity.

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  the matrix

If k = 3, find
a. kA
b. A/k

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•a.   kA  
b. A/k

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Operations on Matrices
• Multiplication
If A is an m x r matrix, B is an r x n matrix, then
the product AB is m x n matrix.
m x n (size of product

mxr rxn

Must be equal

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  the matrices

a. AB
b. BA

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2 x 4 (size of
Solution product AB)

 a. AB
2x3 3x4

Equal, good!


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 b. BA
3x4 2x3

not equal, cannot be


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Equality of Matrices
  matrices, A and B are equal if and only if their
corresponding elements are equal and if they have
the same size.

If A = B then,
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  the value of x and y if


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Transpose of a Matrix
•The  transpose of a matrix A is represented by . It
is formed by interchanging the rows and
columns of matrix A.

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  the transpose of the following matrices

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Symmetry of a Matrices
•A square
  matrix is said to be symmetric if it is
equal to its transpose.
Show that

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