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Poetic Devices

Special Poetry Techniques

Figures of Speech

Poets use the following techniques

to create word pictures in
their poems
Figures of Speech
-makes comparison
•The snowplow
reared up like a
using the words stallion.
“like” or “as”.
Figures of Speech
-compares two different
things without using a •Peace is a sunrise.
word of comparison,
such as “like” or “as”.
Figures of Speech
•Personification •The leaves
-describes something gossiped among
non-human as if it
had human qualities.
Figures of Speech
-is an exaggerated •His were so dirty
statement. Sometimes the shandsoap ran
hyperbole is meant to and hid. .
be funny.
The Sound of Poetry
Poets use the following techniques
to make their poems
pleasant sounding.
The Sound of Poetry
•Alliteration •The sun slowly
-is the repetition of reaches the highest
consonant sounds at point in its bright,
the beginning of words. blue home.
The Sound of Poetry
-is the repetition of
•My stepmom
shouted loud as a
vowel sounds in train.
The Sound of Poetry
-is the repetition of
consonant sounds
•Call me Jack, the
anywhere in words, not
wacky one.
just at the beginning.
The Sound of Poetry
•End Rhyme The music’s
-is the use of rhyming pumpin’
words at the end of two I start jumpin’
or more lines of poetry. - Maya Liparini
The Sound of Poetry
•Internal Rhyme
-is the use of rhyming Hang tight, then
words within the line make a right.
of poetry.
The Sound of Poetry
•Onomatopoeia Swish those skirts,
-is the use of words snap those fingers –
that sound very much
like the noise they Go ahead, but watch
name. the night go poof.
The Sound of Poetry
•Repetition We feared nothing,
-is the technique of
because we had
repeating a word or
phrase for rhythm or nothing to fear.
emphasis. - Shannon Winston-Dolan
The Sound of Poetry
•Rhythm Whose woods these
are I think I know.
-is the way a poem
His house is in the
flows from one village though.
idea to the next. - Robert Frost

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