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What is skimming?

How to do skimming?
• Do you find reading
interesting? If yes defend
your answer.
• What kind of book do you
prefer to read. Why?
• Kinds of reading
1. rapid reading
a. skimming
b. scanning
2. Extensive reading
3. Intensive reading

• determine the importance of

• enhance their reading skills
through reading activities
• Use the appropriate reading
style for one’s purpose
Three kinds of reading

1.Rapid reading
involves skimming and
scanning, the fastest rates at
which a person reads.
• Quickly running one’s eyes over
a reading material to get the
main point of the selection.
• How to do skimming
Read the title, subtitles and
subheadings to find out what
the text is about.
g going through a
• Quickly
reading material to look for
a particular piece of
• Example
You want to know the
author of the boo you are
Extensive reading
• This is reading a longer text,
often for pleasure.
• It is a recreational type of
reading in which wide
reading is mainly involved.
Intensive reading
• This is reading a text to
gather detailed
• Romans 5:8
“But God shows his love
for us in that while we were
still sinners, Christ died for
• Romans 3:10
“As it is written none is
righteous, no, not
• Romans 6:8
“Now if we have died
with Christ, we believe
that we will also live with
Romans 13:8
“Owe no one anything,
except to love each other,
for the one who loves
another has fulfilled the
• Romans 15:1
“We who are strong have an
obligation to bear with the
failings of the weak, and not
to please ourselves”.

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