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Table of Contents
Title Card - ----3-4
Guide Card -----5-9
Activity Card - - - - - 10 - 16
Assessment - - - - - 17 - 18
Enrichment - - - - - 19 - 20
Answer Key - - - - - 21 - 25
Reference - - - - - 26
Kaanindot sa Palibot: Ecosystems
Learning Competency:
Differentiate biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem


 identify biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem.

 trace the different nutrient cycles that takes place in an
 realize the importance of the components of ecosystem.
Guide Card
What an Ecosystem Is
 An ecosystem is made up of
Organisms act together biotic and abiotic factors.
with other organisms and  The interactions of living
even with non-living things! organism with their
They depend on each other environment composes
and on their environment ecosystem. This is the
to survive. biosphere and ecosphere.

The ecosystem is where living and

non-living things interact with one
another. The living part of the
ecosystem is “biotic factors” while
the non-living component is the
“abiotic factors”
How important is the
environment in your life?

Are there parts of the

environment you can’t
live without?
There are two components in an ecosystem: ABIOTIC COMPONENTS AND
3 An ecosystem thrives because of the interaction of the biotic components with the
abiotic components. Aside from that it is also worth to know the different nutrient
cycles that take place in an ecosystem.
Activity Card
Activity 1
This activity is designed for you to be able to identify
ecosystems, to know if a certain environment is an
ecosystem, and for you to be able to classify ecosystem,
to know different possible kinds of ecosystems.

Activity 2
This activity helps you understand and identify biotic and
abiotic components of ecosystem.

Activity 3
This activity allows you to be familiar with the carbon
cycle and the nitrogen cycle as well as see their
importance in ecosystems and in the environment.
Activity card 1
Directions: Identify which of the following pictures is an ecosystem. If it is an ecosystem
identify what kind of ecosystem it is.

1. Is this an ecosystem? If so, what kind?

2. Is this an ecosystem? If so, what kind?

3. Is this an ecosystem? If so, what kind?

4. Is this an ecosystem? If so, what kind?

5. Is this an ecosystem? If so, what kind?

6. Is this an ecosystem? If so, what kind?

Activity card 2
Try answering the questions
Directions. Go back to the different pictures of an ecosystem that you identify above.
Note the biotic components and abiotic components present in each ecosystem.
Ecosystem Biotic Components Abiotic components

Activity card 3
Directions: Living organisms require nutrient elements particularly, carbon and
nitrogen which they take from the environment. Below are parts of the nitrogen
and carbon cycles. Study the diagrams and answer the questions that follow.

Carbon cycle
Oxygen Cycle
Answer the questions:
1. At which point in the cycle would nitrogen-fixing bacteria be
a. What is the role of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the cycle?
b. What benefit is received by the bacteria?
c. How are nitrates returned to the soil?
2. Why is carbon needed by living organisms?
a. What is the source of carbon in the cycle?
b. How do animals benefit from the cycle?
I learned that
….. 1. Every part of the environment ______________ with other parts
of the environment.
2. Those things in the environment that are alive and those that
were once alive are the ________factors of the environment.
3. Those things in the environment that are not and never were
alive are the ___________ factors of the environment.
4. Animals need__________ to survive.
5. Plants need_____________ to survive.
Enrichment card
Directions: Below is a list of interactions. Match each numbered event with the type of
interaction it represents:
A. Predator-prey B. Parasite-host
C. Scavenger and its food D. Decomposer and its food

1. A bird eats a caterpillar.

2. A mosquito sucks blood.
3. Mold grows on oranges.
4. An aphid lives on the leaves of tree.
5. A toad eats a fly.
6. A millipede eats dead plants.
7. A dog has fleas.
8. A human kills and eats a dear.
9. Bacteria live on a dead bird.
10.A sow bug eats rotting wood and leaves.
Answer Key
Answer Key
Activity card 1
1. Yes, it is a tropical rain forest ecosystem
2. Yes, it is also a rain forest ecosystem
3. Yes, it is a pond ecosystem
4. Yes, it is a grassland ecosystem
5. Yes, it is a tree ecosystem
6. Yes, it is a marine ecosystem
Activity card 2
Ecosystem Biotic Components Abiotic components

1. Forest Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria Air, soil/land, water, sunlight, temperature

2. Forest Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria Air, soil/land, water, sunlight, temperature

3. Pond Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria Air, soil/land, water, sunlight, temperature

4. Grassland Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria Air, soil/land, water, sunlight, temperature

5. Trees Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria Air, soil/land, water, sunlight, temperature

6. Marine Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria Air, soil/land, water, sunlight, temperature
Activity card 3
1. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are found in the root nodules of leguminous plants.
a. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria is capable of forming an association with the roots of
leguminous plants.
b. The bacteria benefit by receiving protection and steady supply of nutrients while
the plant benefits by receiving nitrogen to make protein.
c. Nitrates returned to the soil by excretion and egestion from animals.
2 Living organisms need carbon in order to: Make food during photosynthesis.
d. The air in the surrounding and the plant
e. Animals benefit in the cycle by using the oxygen which was given off by the plants.
1. a 5.a9. d
2. b 6. c 10. c
1. Interacts 3. d 7.b
2. Biotic 4. b 8.a
3. Abiotic
4. Oxygen
5. Carbon

1.Rabago, Lilia M., et. Al, Science and

Technology 1, Gen. Science SD
2.Science and Technology 1 for first
year high school ,SEDP Series, first
Edition, Focus Philippines
Publishing \Inc.
“Education is for improving the lives of
others and for leaving your community
and world better than you found it.”

- Marian Wright Edelman

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