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1. The senses

We need our senses in order to understand our

We have five senses: sight, hearing, smell,
taste and touch. Each sense goes with and
organ in the body.
2. Touch

 Our body is completely covered by skin.

 Through our skin we feel cold, heat and pain.
 Some parts of our body are very sensitive,
like our fingers. However, the skin on our
legs is not so sensitive.
3. Sight:

 3.1. Our eyes.

 We use our eyes to see. Some parts are for
vision. Other parts are for protection.
 We use the eyeball, pupil, iris, lens and retina
to see.
 The eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows all
protect our eyes.
 3.2. Light
 If there is only a little light, we cannot see
objects very well. If it completely dark, we
cannot see anything. We need light in order
to see. We can see colours, shapes, sizes,
position and distances with our eyes.
3.3 Look and read

 Pupil: this is in the centre of the eye. The light goes through the pupil.
 Eyeball: the eyeball is round.
 Retina: this is at the back of the eye. The light goes through the pupil
and reaches the retina.
 Iris: the iris surrounds the pupil. It can be brown, green or blue.
 Lens: this is inside the eye. It is behind the pupil. We use the lens to
focus on things.
4. Our hearing

 There are two parts:

 We can see the outer parts. These are two
 The inner ears are inside our head. They are
very delicate. We can hear different sounds.
4.1 Look and read

 1. Sound vibrates. The vibrations go into outer ears. They go along

the ear canal.
 2. The vibrations reach the ear drum. It vibrates.
 3. The movement of the eardrum reaches the small bones. Then it
goes to the colchea.
 4. The colchea collects the information. It sends it to the brain.
5. Taste

 We taste food and drink with our tongue.

 The surface of our tongue is full of small dots
called taste buds. We use these to
distinguish flavours.
 We distinguish four different flavours:
 Sweet, salty, sour and bitter.
6. Smell

 When we breathe, air goes in through our

nose. We also use our nose to distinguish
different smells. Our nose ir our organ of
smell. Animals can smell better than people.
For example dogs can find somebody who is
lost by following a trail.

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