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What is a literature review?

• It is a collection of all the scholarly writings on a
• The literature review is a critical examination of
existing research in a field that is significant to the
work that you are carrying out.
• A critical assessment of the current state of knowledge
on a topic – with a view to researching one of the ‘gaps’ in that body of
Literature Review
• After reviewing the literature, summarize what has
been done, what has not been done, and what
needs to be done
• Remember you are arguing your point of why
your study is important!
• Then pose a formal research question or state a
hypothesis—be sure this is clearly linked to your
literature review
Therefore, an effective review should:
• Summarize and evaluate findings
• Compare and contrast different authors’ views to
* Group authors who draw similar conclusions and
* Note areas where authors are in disagreement

A review preparatory to a research project should also:

• Highlight the gap(s) in knowledge the researcher will address

• Ensure the researcher avoids duplication (unless that is the
• Evaluate potential research methodologies and procedures
Plagiarism includes (Galvan, pg. 89):

1. Using another writer’s words without proper citation

2. Using another writer’s ideas without proper citation
3. Citing a source but reproducing the exact word
without quotation marks
4. Borrowing the structure of another author’s
phrases/sentences without giving the source
5. Borrowing all or part of another student’s paper
Organizing Your Literature
• Topical Order —It breaks the field into a number of subfields,
subject areas, or approaches organize by main topics or issues;
emphasize the relationship of the issues to the main “problem”
• Chronological (sequential) Order —organize the literature by
the dates the research was published
Ex. This subject was first studied by X, who argued/found… In (date), Y
modified/extended/contradicted X’s work by… Today, Z’s research typifies the
current state of the field.
• Methodological —Organize the review through methodological
that correlation, regression has applied but my method is more
• Thematical order - Under thematically, most difficult but most them together chronologically,..explained
conceptual framework and their relationships.
Common Errors Made in Lit Reviews

• Try to reading everything

• Reading but not writing
• Review isn’t logically organized
• Review isn’t focused on most important facts of
the study
• Review doesn’t relate literature to the study
• Too few references or outdated references cited

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