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Boala Parkinson

Prof. Dr. Bogdan O. Popescu

Disciplina de Neurologie – Spitalul
Clinic Colentina
U.M.F. „Carol Davila” Bucuresti
Modularea mișcării de către
ganglionii bazali
Substanța neagră și boala Parkinson


The pathological changes in certain neurological diseases provide insights about the function of
the basal ganglia. (A) Left: The midbrain from a patient with Parkinson's disease. The substantia
nigra (pigmented area) is largely absent in the region above the cerebral peduncles (arrows).
Right: The mesencephalon from a normal subject, showing intact substantia nigra (arrows). (B)
The size of the caudate and putamen (the striatum) (arrows) is dramatically reduced in patients
with Huntington's disease. (From Bradley et al., 1991.)
SN în boala Parkinson
Conceptul de neurodegenerare. Mecanisme
patogenice comune ale bolilor
• Neurodegenerare = un proces de pierdere neuronală continuă,
pe o perioadă lungă de timp, care afectează anumite ppuplații
neuronale specifice în SNC, cu o evoluție clinică progresivă

• Apoptoză neuronală (vs. necroză)

• Alterarea homeostaziei calciului intracelular
• Acumularea de proteine anormale intracitoplasmatic
• Stresul oxidativ
Patogeneza bolii Parkinson
Corpii Lewy
Scenariul Heiko Braak despre
stadializarea BP si posibila
etiologie a BP
Definitia Bolii Parkinson

• Boala Parkinson (BP) este o afectiune

neurodegenerativa progresiva, marcata, din
punct de vedere motor, de semne precum
tremorul de repaus, rigiditatea, bradikinezia si
instabilitatea posturala.
• Apare din cauza mortii celulare progresive a
unor celule din regiuni bine determinate ale
SNC, inclusiv substanta neagra din mezencefal
(dar nu numai!).
Boala Parkinson – generalități
• De obicei debutează la sfârșitul decadei a șasea sau
începutul decadei a șaptea
• Boala Parkinson duce la un declin progresiv al controlului
mișcărilor voluntare, afectând inițierea mișcării, viteza
mișcării și precizia acesteia
• Simptome parkinsoniene se pot întâlni în până la 15%
dintre cei cu vârstă între 65-74 și aproape la 30% din cei
peste 75 de ani
• BP afectează peste 1,000,000 de persoane in UE atât
bărbați cât și femei, cu aprox. 50.000 de cazuri noi pe an
• Imensa majoritate a cazurilor de BP sunt sporadice
• ~5% PD – mutații genetice – moștenite (mai rar spontane)
Etiologia BP (I)
• Necunoscută, ca în toate bolile neurodegenerative
(susceptibilitate genetică + factori de mediu)
• Semnele și simptomele motorii sunt determinate
de pierderea neuronilor dopaminergici din SN din
mezencefal, unul din centrele cerebrale de control
al mișcării voluntare
• Semnele non-motorii – degenerarea altor arii din
trunchiul cerebral sau cortex
• Marca neuropatologică a bolii Parkinson – corpii
Lewy (depozite anormale de alfa-sinucleină)
Etiologia BP (II)
• Boala Parkinson ≠ parkinsonism
• Moartea celulară care duce la parkinsonism poate fi provocată
de o serie de alte condiții patologice:
– Infecție
– Trauma
– Toxice
– Medicație anti-dopaminergică - haloperidol (Haldol), clorpromazine
• Când nu se poate identifica o asemenea cauză pentru pierderea
neuronilor nigrali – se diagnostichează un parkinsonism
primar, neurodegenerativ (BP sau parkinsonism atipic)
• Parkinsonism atipic sau “Parkinson plus” – paralizia
supranucleară progresivă, atrofia multisistemică,
degenerescența cortico-bazală
Boala Parkinson și parkinsonismul
Parkinsonism +alte semne
Parkinsonism pur Pseudoparkinsonism
Paralizia supranucleară
Boala Parkinson Tremorul esențial
Atrofia multisistemică Parkinsonismul vascular (aterosclerotic)

Parkinsonismul Calcificările masive de

postencefalitic ganglioni bazali

Parkinsonismul indus de
TCC repetate

Alte toxine, ex. Mangan,

Anoxia cerebrală
Simptomele cardinale ale parkinsonismului
– criteriile de diagnostic UK Brain Bank

• Tremorul – de obicei cu debut la mb superior, de obicei întâi

pe o parte și mai târziu pe cealaltă (asimetria!). Clasic –
“numărat bani”, 3 Hz

• Bradichinezia – reducerea globală a vitezei de mișcare,

uneori freezing (blocaj motor), hipomimie, facies fijat, clipire

• Rigiditatea – un tip specific de hipertonie musculară

• Instabilitatea posturală/dezechilibrul, uneori festinație

Simptome ale BP - nonmotorii

• Depresie
• Anxietate
• Dizartrie, festinația vorbirii, fără intonație, egal
• Tulburări de somn – variate
• Modificări emoționale – frică, iritabilitate și
• Tulburări micționale – incontinență, poliurie
• Constipație
• Disfuncție sexuală
Alte simptome ale BP
• Modificarea scrisului, literele devin din ce în ce mai mici
• Tulburare cognitivă, până la demență
• Halucinații
• Modificări ale TA
• Hiperhidroză
• Seboree
• Edeme mb inferioare
• Durere – intens și frecvent
• Astenie marcată
• Disestezie
Stadializarea Hoehn și Yahr a BP
• Stage 1 : afectare unilaterală, mb superior în semiflexie cu
tremor, pacientul se înclină de obicei spre partea afectată

• Stage 2: afectare bilaterală cu modificări minime posturale,

mers cu pași mici, târșâiți.

• Stage 3: Modificări importante de mers; dizabilitate generală

moderată; instabilitate posturală cu tendința la cădere.

• Stage 4: Dizabilitate importantă; ambulație limitată, necesită


• Stage 5: Invaliditate completă, pacientul este imobilizat în

scaun cu rotile sau la pat, nu poate merge nici cu sprijin.
Diagnosticul bolii Parkinson
• B. Parkinson trebuie diferențiată de:
– Parkinsonismul de diferite etiologii
– Parkinsonismul atipic
• Se bazează pe răspunsul la levod-dopa și pe
căitarea altor semne neurologice, care nu fac
parte din tabloul clinic al b. Parkinson
• BP se caracterizează prin:
– Manifestări cardinale motorii
– Semne non-motorii caracteristice
Semnele motorii cardinale
• Bradykinesia, hypokinesia, akinesia
– Dificultate în inițierea mișcării(akinesia)
– Lentoarea mișcării(bradykinesia)
– Mișcări spontane diminuate(hypokinesia)
– Tind să apară împreună
– Fluctuații spontane ale mobilității
– Semnele motorii sunt mai pronunțate pe o parte – asimetrie (în
special în stadiile precoce)
– Faciesul fijat (hypomimia), gură întredeschisă, clipit rar,
disfagie, salivație excesivă (drooling)
– Vorbirea: hipofonie (diminuare a volumului vocii), voce
îngroșată, dizartrie, voce monotonă, fără intonație
(dizartrofonie), dificlutate în a iniția vorbirea, accelerare către
sfârșitul frazei (festinația vorbirii)
Cardinal manifestations of PD (II)
• Postural changes

– Stooped posture
– Flexed and
adducted posture
of the arms
– Postural instability
Cardinal manifestations of PD (III)
• Gait disturbances
– Appear in the early stages of the disease
– Small-stepped gait, shuffling, limping
– Reduced arm swinging
– Difficulty in initiating gait
– ‘Freezing’ of gait = complete arrest of gait when
the patient is confronted by doorway or a narrow
path between furniture
– Difficult to stand up from a seated position or to
turn over in bed
PD treatment

• There is no cure for Parkinson disease. Most

drugs treat the symptoms of the disease only,
although drugs like rasagiline and dopamine
agonists may slow degeneration of the
substantia nigra.
PD treatment – physical exercise
• Regular, moderate exercise has been shown to
improve motor function without an increase in
medication for a person with PD
• Exercise helps maintain range of motion in stiff
muscles, improve circulation, and stimulate appetite
• An exercise program designed by a physical therapist
has the best chance of meeting the specific needs of
the person with PD
• A physical therapist may also suggest strategies for
balance compensation and techniques to stimulate
movement during slowdowns or freezes.
PD treatment - nutrition
• PD patients may lose interest in food, especially if depressed, and may
have nausea from the disease or from medications, especially those known
as dopamine agonists
• Slow movements may make it difficult to eat quickly, and delayed gastric
emptying may lead to a feeling of fullness without having eaten much
• Increasing fiber in the diet can improve constipation, soft foods can reduce
the amount of needed chewing, and a prokinetic drug such as cisapride or
domperidone can increase the movement of food through the digestive
• PD patients may need to limit the amount of protein in their diets – the
main drug used to treat PD, L-dopa, is an amino acid, and is absorbed by the
digestive system by the same transporters that pick up other amino acids
broken down from proteins in the diet. Limiting protein, under the direction
of the physician or a nutritionist, can improve the absorption of L-dopa.
• No evidence indicates that vitamin or mineral supplements can have any
effect on the disease other than in the improvement of the patient's general
• No antioxidants used to date have shown promise as a treatment – a large,
carefully controlled study of vitamin E demonstrated that it could not halt
disease progression
PD treatment - drugs
• The pharmacological treatment of Parkinson disease
is complex
• While there are a large number of drugs that can be
effective, their effectiveness varies with the patient,
disease progression, and the length of time the drug
has been used
• Dose-related side effects may preclude using the most
effective dose, or require the introduction of a new
drug to counteract them
• There are six classes of drugs currently used to treat
Drug classes to treat PD

• 1. MAO inhibitors (rasagiline, selegiline)

• 2. Dopaminergic agonists, non-ergot (ropinirol,
pramipexol, rotigotine) + apomorphine
• 3. Levo-dopa
• 4. Levo-dopa enzymatic degradation inhibitors:
a. dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor (benserazide or
carbidopa) and b. COMT inhibitors (entacapone)
• 5. Anticholinergics
• 6. Amantadine (NMDA inhibitor)

• Is never used nowadays without a dopa-

decarboxylase inhibitors, always in
combination (Sinemet, Madopar, Nakom,
• Triple combination in one tablet: levo-dopa
+ carbidopa + entacapone) - Stalevo
Algorithms and Practice Parameters for Initial
Treatment of PD*
Pharmacologic therapy/
Parkinson’s Disease Nonpharmacologic therapy
functional impairment

No treatment has
been shown to be
neuroprotective22 Education

MAOB Inhibitors
(RAS) have only mild
symptomatic benefit11 Services


Dopamine Levodopa††
Agonists11 (+/- COMT inhibitor)

Comined treatment

Based on: Olanow, CW et al. Neurology 2001; 56 S5, S1-88 and on AAN practice parameters.
† Levodopa provides superior motor benefit but greater risk of dyskinesia; no evidence of a benefit of initiating treatment with
extended release levodopa versus immediate release (1)
1. Miyasaki et al. 2002 Neurology 58, 11-17; 2. Suchowersky et al. 2006 Neurology 66, 976-982. 32
Drugs that replace dopamine
• Levodopa (L-dopa), is the most effective treatment for the
symptoms of PD
• L-dopa is a derivative of dopamine, and is converted into dopamine
by the brain
• It may be started when symptoms begin, or when they become
serious enough to interfere with work or daily living
• L-dopa therapy usually remains effective for all duration of the
• Following this, many patients develop motor fluctuations,
including peak-dose "dyskinesias" (abnormal movements such as
twisting, or restlessness), rapid loss of response after dosing (known
as the "on-off" phenomenon), and unpredictable drug response
• Higher doses are usually tried, but may lead to an increase in
• Side effects of L-dopa include:
– nausea and vomiting
– low blood pressure upon standing (orthostatic hypotension) - causes dizziness
– these effects usually lessen after several weeks of therapy.
Limitations of multiple dosing for
Parkinson’s disease

• Multiple daily doses of a short-acting agent can lead to:

– fluctuations in plasma drug concentration throughout
the day
– decline in plasma drug concentration at night
– wearing off of symptom control during the night
• May contribute to lack of control of nocturnal symptoms
of PD
• Variation of absorption rate with food intake
Limitations of multiple dosing for
Parkinson’s disease

Plasma drug



Dose Dose Dose

Patient’s symptoms well Patient’s symptoms not
controlled well controlled
Duration of L-dopa treatment and
frequency of dyskinesia
Patients with dyskinesia (%)

Duration of L-dopa treatment (years)

Kostic et al. Neurology 1991;41:202–5

Treatment with levodopa has dramatically reduced disability
and mortality associated with Parkinson’s disease

disability and death (%)

Patients with severe

60 Untreated patients

40 treated patients


1–5 6–10 11–15

Years since diagnosis

Figure adapted from Poewe et al. Neurol 1996;47:S146;

Hoehn et al. J Neural Trans 1983;19:253
Levodopa consistently provides better symptom control
compared with dopamine agonists

Levodopa/carbidopa Levodopa/DDCI versus

versus pramipexole1 dopamine agonists –
improvement in UPDRS total
after 4 or 5 years
Change in UPDRS total score

–14 Treatment Improvement versus

regimen levodopa/DDCI

–8 Pramipexole1 5.9 points on total UPDRS

–6 score (p=0.003) at 4 years
–2 Ropinirole2 4.48 points on UPDRS
0 motor score (p=0.008)
2 at 5 years
Cabergoline3 2.9 points on UPDRS motor
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Time (months) score (p<0.001) at 5 years
Figure adapted from 1Holloway et al. Arch Neurol 2004;61(7):1044;
DDCI-=dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor; 2
Rascol et al. N Engl J Med 2000;342(20):1484;
UPDRS=Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale 3
Bracco et al. CNS Drugs 2004;18(11):733
Most patients eventually require the superior efficacy of
levodopa for symptom control

Need for levodopa in patients Need for levodopa in patients

initiated with a dopamine agonist initiated with a dopamine agonist
(pramipexole)1,2 (ropinirole)3,4
80 80
supplemental levodopa (%)

supplemental levodopa (%)

60 60
Patients requiring

Patients requiring

40 40

20 20

0 0
2 4 0.5 5
Years after randomization Years after randomization
Figure adapted from 1Holloway et al. Arch Neurol 2004;61(7):1044;
Figure adapted from 2PSG. JAMA 2000;284(15):1931;
Figure adapted from 3Rascol et al. NEJM 2000;342:1484;
Figure adapted from 4Rascol et al. Mov Disord 1998;13(1):39
Chronic therapy with conventional levodopa is associated
with the development of wearing-off and dyskinesia

Early disease Mid-stage disease Advanced disease


Clinical effect

Clinical effect
Clinical effect


OFF Wearing-off

2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4 6
Levodopa Levodopa Levodopa
Time (hours) Time (hours) Time (hours)

• Long duration of • Diminished duration of • Clinical response mirrors

clinical benefit clinical benefit leads to levodopa plasma
• Low incidence of wearing-off pharmacokinetic profile
dyskinesias • Increased incidence of • ON-time is associated with
dyskinesias dyskinesias and wearing-off

Dyskinesia threshold
Response threshold Figure adapted from Obeso et al. Neurology 2000;55(4 Suppl):S13
In Parkinson’s disease, conventional levodopa delivery
leads to pulsatile stimulation of the brain

In Parkinson’s disease, the The short half-life

ability to regulate and (60–90 min) of conventional
maintain steady levels of levodopa leads to peaks
dopamine in the brain is and profound troughs in
reduced due to plasma levodopa levels,
progressing which are further worsened
neuronal loss by intermittent dosing

Deep troughs in plasma levodopa levels lead to pulsatile

stimulation of the brain

Olanow et al. Lancet Neurol 2006;5(8):677

In Parkinson’s disease, deep troughs in plasma levodopa
levels lead to pulsatile stimulation of dopamine receptors

Dopamine receptor state



PD (untreated)
Striatum Activated

Substantia nigra Unactivated

Conventional levodopa
Nigrostriatal neurons
degenerate Activated

levodopa Unactivated

*Levodopa dose; PD=Parkinson's disease Adapted from Olanow et al. Lancet Neurol 2006;5(8):677
Motor complications associated with chronic levodopa therapy
may be due to pulsatile stimulation of dopamine receptors

Deep troughs in plasma levodopa levels can lead to pulsatile

stimulation of the dopamine receptors, which, in turn,
may result in…

Wearing-off Dyskinesia

How can we avoid deep troughs in

plasma levodopa?

Obeso et al. Neurology 2000;55(4 Suppl):S13;

Olanow et al. Lancet Neurol 2006;5(8):677
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006 Issue 1
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons,
Anticholinergics for symptomatic management of Parkinson´s disease
Katzenschlager R, Sampaio C, Costa J, Lees A

Anticholinergic drugs can improve movement symptoms of Parkinson's
disease, but with adverse mental effects, and there is not enough evidence to
compare the different drugs.

Anticholinergics were the first drugs available for Parkinson´s disease and they are
still widely used. They are believed to work by counteracting an imbalance which
exists in Parkinson´s disease between two chemicals in the brain which transmit
messages between nerve cells. However, anticholinergic drugs have been
associated with unfavourable side effects. They are used alone, or with other anti-
Parkinson's drugs. The review of trials found that anticholinergics can improve
movement problems in people with Parkinson's disease, but also cause adverse
mental effects (such as confusion, memory problems, restlessness and
hallucinations). There is not enough evidence to compare the different
anticholinergic drugs.
Other drugs
• Amantadine (Symmetrel) is sometimes used as an
early therapy before L-dopa is begun, and as an add-
on later in the disease.
• Has an evidence-based antidiskinetic effect
• Its anti-parkinsonian effects are mild, and are not
seen in all patients
• Multiple mechanisms of action, probably the main
one being the antiglutamatergic effect
• Clozapine (Clozaril) is effective especially against
psychiatric symptoms of late PD, including psychosis
and hallucinations; newer – quetiapine (Seroquel)
• Intestinal gel containing levo-dopa
• Avoids absorbtion problems
• Can be titrated precisesly by the pump
• Usually substitutes all other PD treatments
• High efficacy
• Disadvantage: pateints have to carry the pump with
• Advantage: can be used when DBS is
contraindicated (e.g. cognitive disturbance,
PD prognosis

• Despite medical treatment, the symptoms of

Parkinson disease worsen over time, and
become less responsive to drug therapy
• Late-stage psychiatric symptoms are often the
most troubling, including difficulty sleeping,
nightmares, intellectual impairment
(dementia), hallucinations, and loss of contact
with reality (psychosis).
Prevention of PD

• There is no known way to prevent Parkinson


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