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Theory of ethic

Human Thinking process

– Human always choose one of some choices as

what be needed by human for answering the
situation that they involved in.
– There are three choices, right, left or between.
– Binary opposition. One side always
contradiction with the other, such as left –
right, good – bad, black – white, natural world
– supernatural world. The quality of every side
as same as the other.

– If we hear the word of ethics, it means this word

included set of good manner, or a group of good
manners that covered by religious feeling.
– Ethic is a binary opposition in human thinking that
included human value for adapting the environment.
the contents of ethics

– Depend on community and their culture

– Euthanasia will be interpreted as a right way for killing person
who got sick in some countries, but in other hand it could be
called immoral in other countries.
Purpose of Ethics

– A set of rules about good living and decency

– As about decency behavior
The place of ethics

– Deep inside of human knowledge there are

world view and belief
– Both of them called as the core of
community life
– The core of community have to be translated
for expressing onto behavior in the real
– Ethics is the system of translation from way
of life and belief to the action.
The place of ethics
– World view
– Belief
– Ethics (norm, value,
morality, rule)
– Culture
– Behavior
Kinds of culture

– Cultural knowledge (world view, belief, ethics,

norm, morality, value, rules)
– Cultural behavior (action, response)
– Cultural artifact (things those human made)

– Religious meaning, there is called as

constitutive symbol in cultural system.
– We could not explain why we have to be a good
religious person, or why we have to go to
church, go to the mosque, to the temple etc.

– There is an evaluative symbol about good or

bad, light or dark, beautiful or ugly etc.
– Expectancy for living

– There is cognitive symbol connected with

human knowledge and the existence of human
in the universe
– In this symbol human can create something as
innovation, such as discovery and invention.

– There is expression of feeling those are needed

by human for interaction such as language, art,
technology, action
Norm, Moral and Rule conflict

– Old woman steals cacao

– A daughter sends her mother to the police
– a car at a traffic light crossroad
Kasus cacao
–, Purwokerto - Syahdan, di tahun 2009, republik
ini dibuat geram oleh kasus seorang nenek tertuduh pencuri
tiga buah kakao di Darmakradenan, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah.
Orang itu, Mbok Minah  (55), dituduh mencuri tiga buah kakao
di Perkebunan Rumpun Sari Antan (RSA). Ia pun dituntut
dengan Pasal 362 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP)
tentang Pencurian.
– Nurani tercabik-cabik. Tiga buah kakao seberat tiga kilogram
dengan nilai Rp 30 ribu, menurut jaksa, dan hanya Rp 2.000 per
kilogram saat itu di pasaran, menyeret Mbok Minah , si miskin
papa ke meja hijau. Nenek Minah divonis bersalah. Ia dihukum
1 bulan 15 hari dengan masa percobaan 3 bulan.
Pencurian batang kayu
– seorang anak tega melaporkan ibu kandungnya sendiri ke Polisi
dengan tuduhan mencuri sebatang kayu. Kasus ini bermula
ketika nenek Artija (70 tahun) menyuruh anaknya Ismail dan
cucunya Safii menebang pohon Bayur yang tumbuh di halaman
rumah Manisa yang juga anak dari nenek Artija untuk keperluan
pembangunan atau perbaikan rumah mereka. Marah dengan
penebangan pohon miliknya tanpa ijin dan sepengetahuan
darinya, Manisa melaporkan penebangan tersebut ke Polisi
dengan tuduhan pencurian. Sebenarnya pihak kepolisian sudah
berupaya mendamaikan agar masalah tersebut diselesaikan
secara kekeluargaan lagi pula mereka satu keluarga. Entah
karena apa, Manisa tetap kukuh untuk meneruskan kasusnya
hingga ke meja hijau.
– Mau tidak mau Polisi terpaksa meneruskan kasus penyurian
atau penebangan pohon ini dan menetapkan Ibu, kakak dan
keponakan Manisa ini sebagai tersangka. Tapi dengan alasan
kemanusiaan ketiga tersangka yang satu keluarga itu tidak
ditahan, mereka hanya dikenakan tahanan kota. Setelah
dinyatakan lengkap atau P21 ahirnya kasus itu dilimpahkan ke
pengadilan. Entah apa yang ada dibenak Manisa sehingga ia
begitu tega melaporkan Ibunya, kakaknya dan keponakannya ke
Polisi hanya gara -gara menebang pohon yang tumbuh
dihalamannya tanpa ijin. Apakah anak durhaka itu tidak
menyadari siapa yang selama ini mengandungnya,
melahirkannya serta membesarkannya. Hanya masalah sepele
tega-teganya ingin menjebloskan sang ibu kandung ke Penjara.
Sungguh maling kundang abad modern. . . Sumber:
cars at a traffic light crossroad

– A tidak mau jalan padahal lampu hijau

– C membunyikan klakson karena sudah hijau
– B maju sedikit sedikit karena macet di depannya
Concept of Ethics

People problems evaluation


– A. cultural objectivity
– B. moral stultification
Cultural Objectivity

A. the objectivity of morals within cultures

(connected with social phenomenon in the same
rules orientation
social institution
personality (person)
the objectivity of morals within cultures

Depend on the community

Connected with people culture
Following the customs
Moral Stultification

– B. the stultifying consequences of a serious

commitment to moral relativism (depend on
what the individual need or individual role)
action orientation
social roles
the stultifying consequences of a serious
commitment to moral relativism

Human characteristic
Individual need
People problems evaluation

– Cultural objectivity --- deontological

– Moral stultification----- teleological

– Utilitarian
Social fact (social phenomenon)

Someone found a wallet on the bus station

The wallet contains some money and cards (ID
card, name cards and Credit Card)
– Following the Culture : the wallet has to
be sent back to the owner
– As a usual : the owner will allow the
money in the wallet but still need and
hope some cards (such as ID, Credit
Card etc) will be back to him/her
– Deontological : sent back the wallet to
the owner through the name address
– Teleological : get the money, throw the
cards into garbage
– Utilitarian : get the money and send
back the cards to the owner by post
– Togob has a company (textile industry) he leads about 30 employees and his
employees already have family. His company can not operate yet.
– His company still has administration problem, such as legal paper from
– Common people said that he has to give some money for solving his problem
(administration paper) to the government officer. If not, he has to collect money
for paying his employees, and he has no money for it.
What Togob does for solving the problem and not breaks business ethic (25 minutes)
Using teleological, and deontological for keeping utilitarian
Status and Identity

– Status – group of duty and responsibility (social)

– Identity – group of attributes (cultural)
Ascribed status

– Taken for granted from the earlier generation

– Taken for granted from the birth (man or woman)
– Could not be changed
– Usually in traditional people (social stratification)
Achieved status

– Gaining for something stratum

such as education, sport champion, leader
– Usually in modern people (social stratification)

– Action of status
– Could be seen as an action
– Implementation of the rules
– There are sanctions if the roles not connected with the rules
Conflict between roles
– Actually between kinship institution and others
such as teacher and student, father and son
hasan is a teacher and also father of husin
husin is a son of hasan and also student of hasan

– From France in middle aged as gendre and Latin – genus :

kind or type
– From modern France genre as sexuel
– First Oxford dictionary (1900) gender as kind.
– Linguistic as grouping of gramatical (masculine and
feminine, and neutral)
Differentiation between sex and Gender

– “Sex” v “Gender”
– “Gender” is NOT a polite word for “sex” - they have
different meanings.
– “Sex” refers to biological differences between male
& female.
– “Gender” refers to social roles and social
characteristics of males & females.
History of gender

– John money (sexology) divided sex (biology) and gender

(roles) (1955 and 1970 used as commonly )
– Sex as biology and gender as social construction
– 2011 Food Drug Administration (FDA) use term gender as
substitute sex; sex for biology and gender for
representative of male and female in a social structure
– Three kinds of gender : feminine, masculine and
Gender in global perspective

– Israeli kibbutzim – equality, men and women sharing in

domestic work and leadership role
– New Guinea (Study from Margareth Mead)
– 1. Arapesh ethnic group sexes cooperative and sensitive each
other called as “Feminine”.
– 2. Mundugumor ethnic group headhunter and cannibal, selfish
and aggressive, trait define as “Masculine”.
– 3. Tchambuli ethnic group, male and female differently. Female
dominant and rational, Male submissive, emotional, and
nurturing toward children
Gender in global perspective

– Pre industrial society (study from George Murdock’s)

1. Hunting and gathering
2. cultivation, marine
– Bugis Ethnic-group (study from Shary Graham 1998)
1. Makunrai (feminine/female)
2. Oroane (masculine/male)
3. Bissu (hermaphrodite) sacral person
4. kalalai (women but has men trait)
5. kalabai (men but has women trait)
Bissu Kalalai

– Being a “man” in Kubu not the same thing as being a

“man” in Dayak;
– Being a “woman” in Saudi Arabia not quite the same
thing as being a “woman” in America.
– Different social roles and different social

Subsystem of personality

– Id : want and expectation of human being that has

to received immediately, there are libido and
aggression . Libido – sexual wanting; aggression
– destroy . Unconsciousness
– Ego : logical explanation, to connect between id
and external environment. Consciousness
– Super ego : moral standard, guidelines for
interacting between human. Unconsciousness
element of personality

– Knowledge
processing of light, ray, acoustic, taste, mechanical, thermo
cal vibrate inside of human brain and expressing about
environment – all the process called as perception.
experience about expressing environment would be re-
expressed become apperception
focus in the apperception called as observation.
from observation become conception and fantacy
need – want – emotion

–Instinct drive
living, sex, eat, interaction, imitate, be loyal, and aesthetic

Cultural System

Social System


Concept and definition of culture

– A set of norm, moral, value and

customs (rules) that belong to
human, that used also for
interpreting the environment and
used to create the behavior
Natural environment

– Things connected as an ecological system

included human.
– All of things those not human treatment
Cultural environment

– All things as the human made

– Such as building, cultivation field, car, bridge,
Social environment

– A set of rules that human made and as the kind

symbol for interpreting that human used for
generating the action
– Such as actions, ride a car, grouping, kinship
3 kinds of culture
– cultural knowledge

– cultural behavior

– cultural artifact
Process of culture
Cultural form
The culture form

– Will be generated through to social institution as

parts of community
– The norm, moral, value and rules are interpreted into
status and roles
– Set of persons, who are living in a group there are connected
by custom as their identity.
– Has a culture as their orientation for creating some
interactions between members of group
– Has some arenas for creating interaction between members
that called social institution

– Is a community
– There is border as the activities arena
– Consisted in institutions
– There are some roles that followed by rules
Corporate culture

– Culture in organization
– Behavior of individual in the organization
– Norm, moral, value and rules conduct the behavior of the
– Giving symbol as the character of the corporate
Corporate as a culture

– There is reference and goal of all members

– A community with some social institutions
– There are interactions between members that
using a reference
– There is (are) product (s) as a result such as
service or goods
The Character of Corporate Culture

The Aspiration of the members of group

Culture be able to save the members necessities
Giving the identity and sustainability
Equilibrium of value
Cybernetic system
Create some Patterns
Culture as a communication system
Influence of power

– Dominant and not dominant : there are power

– Majority and minority : there are amount of people
Relationship in corporate

– Clique : group of persons those are arranged

following the same culture, same interest and
also same goal
– Patron – client : the relation of social power
Interaction between members in a

– Stereotype
– Prejudice
– Stigma
– Labeling
Minority reaction to dominant

– Structuralist, adaptation in function and social structure

– Secessionist, create their own area
– Assimilationist, melt create a new group
– Radical, keep distance and treat
conflict, and

– Struggling process for gaining limited prestigious things

that commit by two persons or groups.
– There are rules/or ethics for getting the things, not destroy
each others.

– Direct competition (sport)

same level, if not there is domination, discrimination
boxing is like conflict, but still competition. There are rules in the games
– Indirect competition (business, education, office)
get the result through giving somethings to the leader, teacher, lecturer.
Serve the leader, dominan person in the office etc. Follow the moral that is
control the games

– Hostility action between sides (individuals or groups) as

destroy each others for gaining a goal
– The goal usually resources and fortune, identity honor
– Forgot the main goal

– Physical
Destroy each other (kill or injure)
Destroy the other’s attribute
– Symbolic
The result from last physical conflict
As the result is stereotype and prejudice, social border,

– Functional
– Organic solidarity

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