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Presented to: Sir Anwer

Presented by: Kinza

Meaning and concept of
The test is a
Tool / instrument with the help of which we can conduct the process
of exam
Series of questions or exercises for measuring the skill,
knowledge, intelligence or capacities of an individual or a group
Tool to identify differences between expected and actual behavior
Traditional paper-and-pencil tests
A procedure designed to get a specific sample of a
person’s ability at a given time
A measurement instrument
In order to find out whether you have achieved your
course objectives, you will have to evaluate the
performance of your students. This can be done through
Purpose of Testing
 Testing is used to cover all assessments used to determine
knowledge, ability, competence and experience in and outside the
formal learning settings.
 Within university circles, testing refers to a broad variety of
assessments. These range from informal questioning of students
during lectures and tutorials to formal assessment such as quizzes,
term papers, mid-term papers, practical work, continuous assessment
tests, project work, terminal examinations and social research items
used to assess skills, knowledge, attitudes and experiences.
 Formal, end-term examinations also fall within the scope of this
broad definition of testing.
Effects of Testing on Students

Test anxiety
Tests categorize and label students.
Tests damage students’ self-concepts. Focus on
effort to
explain failures. Do not over-generalize from
1. To gather information:
Achievement of learners
Selection among competitors
Comparison for levels/ranking
Examination/Evaluation on teaching methods
Identification of problem areas

2. To reinforce learning & to motivate

Quantifies the characteristics (both physical
and mental) of persons
e.g.: weight, height, motivation, aptitude, intelligence
Involves both tests and non-tests: test
scores, ratings
Numbers involved; e.g., scores
Analyze data; e.g., letters of reference
Systematic gathering of information for decision
Determination of adequacy
“a set of processes through which we make judgments
about a learner’s level of skills and knowledge” (Nuna
Whole situation included over time
An on-going process
Includes multiple samples of behavior, not just one
single judgment or test

Measurement Measurement

Evaluation, Measurement &
Not all measures are tests, not all tests
are evaluative, and not all evaluation
involves either measurement or tests.

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