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Tips on how to save Money during Christmas

It’s not about being cheap, it’s just the thought counts more.
After this, you should be able to (Hopefully..);
• Have fun without having to sacrifice your
• Feel guilt-free giving gifts around to people
• Be proud you got through the holidays with
(barely?) enough money in your savings.
1. Send Cards Instead of Gifts

A thoughtful Christmas card shows people that

you’re thinking of them and can often mean
more than a commercial gift. Save even more
money by purchasing cards in bulk. Include a
handwritten note that personalizes your card.
2. Make a Shopping List

When you go shopping, make a list of the items

you need to purchase, this will prevent impulse
purchases. Keep track of the amount of money
you can afford to spend and stick to it.
Establish a budget ahead of time to help you
save money this Christmas.
3. Participate in a Secret Santa Gift Exchanges
Instead of buying gifts for all your friends and
family, draw one person’s name and become
that person’s Secret Santa. Place a peso limit
on how much to spend. Instead of buying gifts
for many people, you can focus your giving on
one person.
4. Save on Wrapping Paper

Purchase wrapping paper at discount stores.

Save gift bags throughout the year, then you
won’t need as much wrapping paper. Wrapping
paper goes on clearance just after Christmas,
so stock up a year in advance and you’ll save a
lot of money.
5. Shop Online

Most stores extend their sales and promotions

to their online stores. Compare prices easily
and look for online promotion codes to save
even more money. You’ll save on gas money
when you don’t have to drive to stores, too.
6. Give Homemade Gifts

One of the best ways to save money this Christmas is

by creating homemade gifts. Consider crafting, or
sending baked goods instead of store-bought
presents. Homemade gifts often offer a sentimental
touch that you can’t find in any department store.
Look for homemade gift ideas online and plan ahead
so you have plenty of time to create your gifts.
7. Give Gifts of Service

Create your own redeemable coupons that are

good for services such as cooking dinner, serving
breakfast in bed, a free car wash, a back rub,
mowing the grass, doing the dishes, or running an
errand. The possibilities here are endless and
many people will appreciate your services more
than a store-bought gift.
8. Focus on the Celebration, Not the Gifts

Talk to friends and extended family about

spending time together instead of exchanging
gifts. Sometimes people feel obligated to continue
giving gifts to people year after year. Be willing to
tell people that you’d prefer to have their presence
—and not their presents—at Christmas, and
suggest that you don’t swap gifts this year.
9. Share the Costs of Holiday Meals

If you’re hosting any holiday meals or parties,

don’t be shy about telling people what they can
bring. Allow others to bring food so everyone can
share in the costs of the celebration. Focus on
spending time with your loved ones instead of
making everything perfect and you can make it the
best Christmas ever 
Any other tips you would like to suggest? Let us know!! 

You can send me how you save up during the Yuletide

season (like shopping tips for your favorite go-to store).
I will include them in the email when I share this file
with the group.

If you wish to keep your identity a secret (charot), just

indicate what name I should use after the tip, else I will
just default to using your name.
Thanks and Happy Holidays Everyone!

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