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Session 13
Trending World Issues.
• To discuss trending world issues
implementing listening, reading,
Class Objective essay-writing and speaking skills
to describe, narrate, explain and
Fake News
Today with all the technology in the world, the news industry has
become a global affair, and as a result of this, there are many people
who resorting to their devices have decided to become pseudo-
journalists, in other words, YouTubers, or influencers without any
professional training, and in many cases the producers of fake news.
They incur in all the most common mistakes non-professional
communicators could fall into. Fortunately, we have seen how well-
known professional reputable communicators have joined his world
and they give added value to their podcasts with professional contents
and unveiling the existence of fake news which is perhaps the worst
because many naïve or extremely speedy people believe the phony
news report videos posted on YouTube, in social media, and specially
sent to our WhatsApp's.
Creating a News Report
Task 1 Since our aim is to discuss trending world issues, we
have to be able to recognize and implement the main items
used to produce a professional news report. This is one way
to detect fake new and phony journalists. Professionals
follow their training. Fake news-people make spelling
mistakes, do not follow coherence and cohesion, argue
without facts or reasoning.
Please, watch the video “Creating a News Report” learn to
make a written news report and produce a 3-minute video-
report of your News using one of the topics studied in this
Advanced Threshold course before this class. Upload your
file including text and mp3 or mp4 file.
Task 2 Communicative Competences
Passive voice is used to express our ideas without mentioning the person who performed the action, so
what is important is to determine that something was affected, is affected or will be affected.
There are three reasons why we don't mention the person.
1. I don't know who did the action.
John was attacked last night. We don't know who did it
2. I don't want to tell you who did it.
This glass was broken this morning. I know who broke it but I'm not going to tell you.
3. The person responsible for the action is obvious, so we don't mention that person.
English is spoken here. It is obvious that we are the Speakers.
Please watch the video Passive voice take notes, and then record 3 examples of world trending news using
passive voice and if you can include passive voice complex sentences and reported speech you get all the
points, and make a video-report in an mp3 or mp4 audio file, and upload your file including text and mp3 or
mp4 file.
World Trending News
Task 3 Ranking Trending News
There are many types of trending news but to know
what is really trending it's good to be able to
determine which information is trending and today
it's possible to do so working with Google. therefore,
before you choose a global trending article to
present before the class, watch the video “
Find YouTube Trends with Google Trends Search - F
Tube” to get an idea of how to choose trending
information. Take notes, and give a brief explanation
of the process. Record your explanation in an MP3 or
MP4 audio file, and upload your file including text
and MP3 and mp4 file.  
Task 4 World Trending News

Please, go to the Colombian Post, an online

Colombian English news publication, clicking on
the following link
and select a global trending news item, read it
and report it to the class using passive voice
statements in present, past, future. Record your
trending global news report in an MP3 or MP4
audio file, and upload your file including text
and MP3 and mp4 file.
• “Creating a News Report” (n.d.). Retrieved April 10,
2020, from
• “Find YouTube Trends with Google Trends Search -
References FAQ Tube” (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
• “The Colombian Post” (n.d.). April 10, 2020, from
• “Passive voice ” (n.d.). April 10, 2020, from

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