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V What is ethics?

Oome Definitions of m 
V Minquiry into the nature and grounds of morality
where the term morality is taken to mean moral
judgements, standards and rules of conducts,dz
errell, raedrich & errell, 2000)
V Well ased standards of right and wrong that
prescrie what human ought to do, usually in
terms of rights.

V is a study of individualǯs personal eliefs aout right
and wrong ehavior.
V Ethical ehavior can vary from one person to another.
V It is relative, not asolute.

V amily influence
V Peer influence
V Life experience
V Personal values & morals
V Oituational factors

V Ôonsequentialist
V Nonconsequentialist

V àssess the moral worth of a ehavior y looking at its
V If it is good, the act is right, vice versa.
Q Ôonsequence for whom?
Only for oneself or for everyone affected?
u Egoism
u Utilitarianism

V Defines right or acceptale ehavior in terms of
the consequences for the individual
V Egoists elieve that they should make decisions
that maximize their own self interest
V In an ethical decisionȂmaking situation, an egoist
will proaly choose the alternative that
contriutes most to his or her self interest.

V àlso concerned with consequences, ut seeks the
greatest for the greatest numer of people.
V Utilitarian elieve they should make decisions that
result in the greatest total utility, i.e, achieve the
greatest enefits for all those affected y a decision.

V In making ethical decisions, utilitarians often conduct
a cost enefit analysis, which considers the costs and
enefits to all affected parties.
V E.g any act that can give the most enefit/happiness
are the right one.

V Ôase involving the explosion of ord Pinto due to
defective fuel system
V gas tank put ehind the rear axle, vulnerale to
puncture in case of collision.
V Initially done to create more trunk space
V ord Motor Ôo. defended itself y using
cost/enefit analysis

V @  to modify the defect cost $11 a unit for
$137million ($11 x 12.5mil autos = $137 mil)
V Modification only prevent loss of 180 urn deaths,
180 serious urn injuries, 2100 urned vehicles.
V Insurance company value human life at $200,000,
urn injury $67,000 and others value as $700 (in
V @ 
 (180 deaths x $200k) + (180 injuries x
$67k) + (2100 vehicles x $700) =$49.15 million.
u üight & wrong is determined not only y the
consequences of the act Ȃ many factors
u Examine every factor relevant to the moral assessment
of an action
u Nonconsequentialist Ȃ Kantǯs Ethics

V ocus on the ’  
 and on the
  associated with a particular ehavior
rather than on its consequences.
V If an act in a particular manner is suitale to ecome a

’   ’    guiding ehavior, then
committing that act is ethical.

V e.g universal accepted principles such as the right of
freedom, a person has the right to choose how to live
V Non consequentialist elieve that conformity to
general moral principles determines ethicalness

V 1st principle     

V E.g Iǯm trying to decide whether to fire an
employee ecause I do not like the employeeǯs
race. I musk ask myself whether I would e
willing to e fired myself should my employer
do not like my race.
V Mdo whatever you want others do unto youdz

V 2nd principle      

V People must have free choice. Oo, an employee
may legitimately e asked to perform the
dangerous task in a jo if he freely consented to
it and know the risk. It would e wrong if it is
without his knowledge

V 1. difficult to determine whether one would Ǯe willing
to have everyone to followǯ a certain policy (under 1st
V 2. some might e ale to agree on the kind of interest
that have the status of moral right, ut there is
sustantial disagreement on the limits of these rights.

uive example of an action which is 

V Legally and ethically right

V Legally right ut ethically wrong
V Legally and ethically wrong
V Legally wrong ut ethically right

V uive examples of ethical & unethical ehaviors that
have een practiced in your organization.

Otate reasons for your answers.

Π   m    
1. Would I want everyone, regardless of the
product eing sold, to e ale to refrain from
disclosing what they know aout a defect in the
2. Does it matter what product is eing sold,
whether it is used car with defective rakes, a
ladder with defective step, or a ookshelf that
lacks support on one of its shelves?


V àm I treating the other people involved (the uyer) as
an end, according them respect, not as a means (to
achieve a sale and profit for me.)


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