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Basic background in calculus, complex numbers and some exposure to

differential equations

Text books
1. Signals and Systems, by A. Oppenheim, A. Willsky, and H. Nawab, 2nd
edition, 1997, Prentice-Hall,

2. Signals and Systems by A.Anand Kumar

Table of Contents
• Chap 1. Introduction-Signals and Systems
• Chap 2. Behavior of continuous and discrete-
time LTI systems
• Chap 3. Laplace transform and z-transform
• Chap 4. Frequency domain representation of
continuous time signals
• Chap 5. Frequency domain representation of
discrete time signals

Major Application Areas
• Communications
• Audio and Speech processing
• Image, Video Processing
• Acoustics
• Circuit Design
• Seismology
• Biomedical Engineering
• Bioinformatics
• Energy Generation and distribution System
• Chemical Process Control
• Aeronautics

• Signals may describe a wide variety of physical
phenomenon. It can be represented mathematically
as functions of one or more independent variables:
f(..x,y,z..), x(t)
• For example:
• Time: x(t)
• Frequency: X(f)
• Temperature
• Pressure
• And many others…


• Systems store, manipulate, or transmit signals by

physical processes. Examples include electric circuits
and systems, communication systems, control systems,
and signal processors.

Input Output
System Signal

Types of Signals

Elementary Signals

1) Step signal
2) Ramp function
It increases linearly with time
3) Parabolic function
4) Impulse function
5) Sinusoidal signal
6) Exponential signal
7) Complex exponential
8) Signum function
9) Sinc function
Evaluate the following
a) Solution
Basic Operations on Signals

1) Time Shifting
2) Time reversal
2) Time reversal
Sketch the following:
3) Amplitude: Scaling: Signal amplitude is multiplied by a factor
which will amplify or attenuate the signal
4) Time Scaling: signal is compressed or expanded
5) Signal Addition: Signals are added at every instant of time
5) Signal Multiplication: Signal magnitude are multiplied at every
instant of time
Find the following for the given signal x(t)
Sketch the following:
Classification of Signals:
Signals may be broadly classified as a) Continuous-time signal
b) Discrete –time signal
a) Continuous time signal: x(t)
Defined at every instant of time.
Continuous in amplitude as well as in time.

b) Discrete time signal: x(n)

Defined at discrete instant of time.
Continuous in amplitude but discrete in time.
Classification of Signals:
1) Deterministic and Random Signals:

Deterministic Signal : A signal exhibiting no uncertainity of its

magnitude and phase at any give instant of time.
It can be represented by mathematical equation.

RandomSignal : A signal characterized by uncertainity about its

occurrence. Ex: Thermal noise
1) Periodic and Non periodic CT Signals:

Periodic Signal: A CT signal is called periodic if and only

if x(t+T)= x(t) for t=-∞ to +∞
Where T is a constant representing fundamental period

ω =2* ∏ /T
1) Periodic and Non periodic DT Signals:

Periodic Signal: A DT signal is called periodic if and only

if x(n+N)= x(n) for all integer N
Where T is a constant representing fundamental period

ω =2* ∏ /N
N=2* ∏/ ω
Where N is fundamental period
Periodicity of exponential and Periodic CT signals:
Periodicity of sum of signals
Test whether the following signals are periodic or not? If periodic
determine the fundamental period.
Complex exponential sequence is periodic only if ωo/(2∏) is a rational
Condition for DT (Discrete Time) sinusoidal signal to be periodic

1. All CT sinusoidal and complex exponential signals are periodic

2. All DT sinusoidal signals are not periodic
Find whether the following DT signals are periodic or not ? If
periodic , determine the fundamental period.
3) Energy and power signal
3) Energy and power signal
3) Determine whether the following signals are energy signals or
power signals
Sketch the following signals and say whether they are energy
signals or power signals
Find which of the following signals are energy signals , power
signals , neither energy nor power signals

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