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Every time we celebrate Earth Day, we are all
reminded by the three “R’s”, Reduce. Reuse,
Recycle. As cosciencious individuals, we can add
a fourth “R” to this list: Resolve. We can resolve
to do just one small thing everyday to help the
earth and in the process we will likely save
money, time and even our lives.
Below are some suggestions worth considering
1. Green resolution for reducing, reusing, and
recycling at home. Start with this simple
resolutions to green your home.
For each new item you bring home, resolve
to give one thing away. Your home will be less
cluttered, and by owning fewer items you will be
reducing the drain on the earth’s resources.
Reduce your use of paper goods. Use glass
or ceramic mugs, cups and plates instead of
paper. Wrap your present in old magazines
instead of wrapping paper. Send your love ones
e-card over the internet instead of paper cards,
or send recycled paper cards.
Composed kitchen scraps and yard waste
and use to fertilizer your lawn, yard or garden.
You will put less garbage into the waste
steam and you will get a free fertilizer that
doesn’t contain harmful chemicals.
Install water saving faucets and
showerheads. They can cut water consumption
in half while providing comparable waste
2. Green resolutions for shopping
You can benefit yourself and the earth by
purchasing earth friendly products.
Buy in Bulk. Purchase staples- beverages,
pasta, body care products and toilet paper- by
the case and box (carton). You will save money,
reduce wasteful packing and have the most
items you use most on hand.
Purchase organic products. Organic products are
widely available from food to clothing and even
home furnishing.
Buy used products. There are many fabulous
products, clothes, appliances, furniture, cars. When
you buy used products, you are not only saving
money, you are saving items from going into a
landfill and eliminating the pollutions and use of
resources involved in creating new products as well.
3. Green Resolutions at work
If you have already taken actions to make your
home more environmental friendly why not
propose this same strategies in your workplace
or home?
Instead of discarding scrap paper, cut them in
half and clip together to make a notebook.
Make double sided copies of documents
whenever possible and set your printer to print
double sided.
Encourage your office mates to switch to
recycled- chlorine free paper products.
4. Green resolutions for your community
If you are already a pro at green resolutions in
your daily life at home and work, then
• you can pick a resolution to benefit your
community. Volunteer at a clean up day at a
local park or beach or join a local
environmental group. Start a neighborhood
garage where neighbors can share large
expensive items that are rarely used for
example ladders.
Questions to ponder: Encode on a clean paper.
1. Do you agree on the urgency of the call to
save the environment? Discuss
2. Analyze the 4 given sufggestions. Do you think
it should start first with simple resolutions at
home? Explain your view.
3. Can you offer other suggestions “green
resolutions”? What are they?

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