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Patriarchy is from the Greek word patriarkhes which
means “the rule of the father” it is a social system
where men primarily holds power in the political and
the private spheres. This means that in the social
system society is organized and maintained in a way
that men rule over the women and their children.
l views
Women have come a long way since the ancient
times through the feminist movement, however,
patriarchy has taken on subtle forms of oppression
that often go unnoticed such as:

Sexism-prejudice, stereotypes
and discrimination based on
Women have come a long
way since the ancient
times through the feminist
•Gender pay gap
movement, however,
patriarchy has taken on
subtle forms of oppression
men earn more
that often go unnoticed
such as:
than women.
Women have come a long way
since the ancient times through
the feminist movement, however,
patriarchy has taken on subtle
forms of oppression that often go
unnoticed such as: Underrepresentation
in politics, military,
executive positions.
Women have come a long way since the ancient times
through the feminist movement, however, patriarchy
has taken on subtle forms of oppression that often go
unnoticed such as:

Rape on women and the stigma

making women ashamed to
report the crime.
Women have come a long
way since the ancient
Very conservative
times through the feminist
movement, however, expectations on
patriarchy has taken on
subtle forms of oppression women on how
that often go unnoticed
such as: they behave.
Women have come a long
way since the ancient
times through the feminist
depictions of
movement, however,
patriarchy has taken on
subtle forms of oppression
women in
that often go unnoticed
such as:
fiction often
very sexualized.
Women have come a long way
since the ancient times through
the feminist movement, however,
patriarchy has taken on subtle
forms of oppression that often go
unnoticed such as: Women do more
housework and
Women have come a long way
since the ancient times through
the feminist movement, however,
patriarchy has taken on subtle
forms of oppression that often go Boys were trained to
unnoticed such as:
be leaders while
women were trained
to do house chores.

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